the disciple

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The class had extra time for lunch due to the exercise as it took most of their time. They all had passed but that was one hell of a scary experience. 


It was finally time to go. All the students packed their bags and opened the door. But there was one hell of a crowd in front of the class. 


"Oh ! Nothing much, just watching the class that fought the villains." Said a purple haired boy. 

*With Izuku*

He was sitting on a tree branch outside the class seeing everybody leave. He saw that a purple boy  came out of the crowd and started talking to Katsuki. he became curious and decided to check what was going on. 

*With Katsuki* 


"Are all the students in this class are like you ?"

"WHAT DID YOU SAYYY ???!!!!" came a shout from a certain green hair inside the class. 

"I guess i will take that as a yes." said the purple haired," Anyway you might have heard about the sports festival. And also how one person from the lower classes can join the hero course and one person from the hero course  goes below. So, I declare a war on you guys." 

As he finished his sentence there was a laughter heard inside the class. They all looked inside and saw that Izuku was laughing hard (he was in his hero costume or tobi's akatsuki clothes ). 

"Declaring war ? Oh you got to be kidding ! You guy s have no idea of what a true war looks like do you ?" said Izuku between laughs as the memories of the 4th great war he got from Obito flashed in his mind. 

"Let me show you what a war looks like. Just look in my visible eyes ok ?" said Izuku as the students nooded. 

They all looked into his eyes as the sharingan started spinning. After a few seconds they all were in a large ground which was pilled with dead bodies and blood. There was a person standing on a huge beat while talking to a blonde who was holding the dead body of a comrade. 

"NARUTOO!" Shouted the man standing on the beast.


The students took a second look and some ended up puking than everyone was back to the real world."

"So, did  you like the war ?" asked Izuku. Nobody replied. 

"I will take that as a no and you the purple hair you will be comming with me." Said Izuku as he walked up to Shinso. "And Katsuki you need to learn to behave. 


"Oh really ? Than meet me at the beach at  5"

"I am going to beat your ass there."

"Yah yah whatever." He than turned to shinso," Come with me i would like to have a little chat with you."

They both walked together to Shinsho's class. 

"So, what is you name ?"

"Hitoshi Shinso, sir."

"Quirk ?"

"Brain wash."

"Quite a useful quirk for hostage situations. And you will be my personal student I will teach  you how to fight along with a technique  that will make you faster than  a speed quirk user and stronger than a strength enhancer."

"Nice joke sir ." 

"Do I look like i m joking ?"

"No, but you are joking right ? I mean that is impossible."

"Shinso ma boy you have no idea what is possible."

Once they reached Shinso's class Shinso went and grabbed his things and started walking out of the school with Izuku. 

"So, Shinso do you accept being my student ?"

"Yes, I accept sensei."

"What made you want to except ?"

"Well whatever you said sounded like a fantasy but it is worth a shot right ?"

"Yes it is."

"So, when are we going to begin to train ?"

"Tomorrow we will begin to train. Today we will ask your parents permission so that you could stay with me for these 2 weeks."

"Ok sensei."

They began walking to wards Shinso's house Shinso's parents had given him permission to stay with Izuku for the week. 

"So, sensei where do you live ?" asked Shinso.

"In a cave."

"Nice joke sensei."

"It is not a joke Shinso.'

"Ok ?" replied shinso still unsure if it was a joke or not. 

They than reached a cave deep in the forest outside the city. To tell that shinso was amazed was an understatement. His sensei really did live in a cave but the cave. 

"Wow you really weren't joking ."

"I wasn't. Anyway keep your things over there," Izuku said as he pointed an empty corner in the cave," and come with me. It is 4 right now so we can visit sensei and a friend of mine before we go to the beach to meet them.'

'Sensei's sensei ?'Shinso though. 

Once he had kept all his things they headed out of the cave. They walked until they reached a small grave in the middle of the forest. Shinso was confused, than Izuku said.

"Look Shinso this is Obito-sensei or my grandpa figure." Izuku said as he pointed at the grave."And Obito-sensei this is shinso my student I am going to teach him the 8 gates techniques." Than Izuku started talking to the grave about his first day as a teacher and the test he gave to class A. while Shinso stood where he was quitely. 

"So now I have to go sensei I have to visit NIshimiya too."  

So they started walking out of the forest and entered the city. Izuku than walked towards the graveyard followed by Shinso. Once he reached the grave yard he went to a certain grave and started talking to it. After 10 minutes he went back to Shinso and started walking towards the beach. 

"So she was a good friend of yours sensei ?"

"The only one."

"What do you mean ?"

"Well I am quirkless so I didn't have any friends. She was quirkless too so we were friends. But she couldn't speak." He said as he remembered her smiling 

"Quirkless ?"

"Yah you will know later on. "

"So how did she die."

 "She was held hostage by a villain. The hero was collecting the information on the villain along with the hostage. They found out that she was quirkless so the hero didn't care for her safety and barged into the bank. The villain shot her and killed her. Her mother killed herself shortly after."

"I am sorry."

"No need to be."

"So who was the hero ?"




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