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So after an hour of begging and ringing the bell we finally got o enter the house. 

"So what is the quirk you were talking about ?" I asked.

"You were not kidding when you said you didn't know about it ?" asked the woman.

"Why would a 70 year old man who just snapped his back would be joking ?"

"Just tell him dear." said the octopus.

"Fine. Quirks are the abilities which most of the humans are born with. It can be from manipulating elements to shapeshifting." said the lady.

"So the octopus there has a shapeshifting quirk ?" i ask a bit amused. 

"I have a name and it is Koro. And I have a mutant type quirk sir." replied Koro. That is a nice name but let's mess with him a bit. 

"Ok I get it Zoro. Now it is my turn to explain. And also you can you call one of your children please."

"Ok firstly my name is not Zoro."

"Shut up Zoro !"

"I said my name-" Zoro shouted as he was cut off by the lady hitting his head. Man women are scary. I wonder what would have happened if Kushina-san was brought back during the war.1

"And why is that sir ?' asked the lady giving away a fearsome aura, but my was much more fearsome so it didn't affect me.

"Well what I am going to be talking about is not suitable for children," I said while pointing at Zetsu," so i was going to ask your children to play with zetsu."

"Ok. NAGISAA!!!" Zoro called out. And soon a boy with blue hair entered the room.

"Did you call me dad ?" he asked. 

"Yes can you please take Zetsu to the others and play with him ?" asked Zoro.

"Ok dad." said the kid as he walked towards Zetsu. 

"Hello my name is Zetsu and yours." asked my son. 

"Mine is Nagisa. Lets go." The boy said as he began to walk out of the room and Zetsu followed behind.

"So now tell me everything about history you know." I told  them as this was an important question. The couple was confused but co-operated.

 "Wow they totally erased us from existence." I said. 

"What do you mean ?" asked Zoro.

"You see shinobi's took job from people doesn't matter if they were from the village or not."

"What types of job ?"

"Every type of job from babysitting to assassination."

"What even babysitting ? How did they make Ninjas do that. ?" asked Zoro while the lady was just listening.

"They were given according to the ranks a ninja had. I fyou were a genin than you would get D rank and god how much i hated it."

"Wait you did missions does that mean you are a ninja ?" Zoro said in a tone that said i am not buying this bullshit.


"Yup you are insane." Just as Zoro finished the sentenced i threw a kunai which went right beside his face making a small cut on his cheek. 

"Are you sure about that ?" I reply and this time the lady spoke.

"So you are like the only Ninja alive or something ." said Zoro's wife.

"Yup you can say that."  

"So what are the events that took place in the past." She asked kind of excited.

"There were 4 great Ninja wars one was 400 years ago. Another was some years after the first which my sensei won single handedly for our nation. The 3rd happened soon after second when our village was attacked by the 9 tails.. And the 4th was started by me which was three 300 years ago."

"What do you mean by you started it and I am also curious about the 9 tails and are you immortal ?" She asked me with stars in her eyes.

"No I am not immortal. And i was brainwashed into starting the war and as for the nine tails it is a huge ass fox with nine tails capable of destroying mountains."

"If you are not immortal than how are you living ? What is the origin of the fox ? And who brainwashed you ?"

"I am sorry i cannot tell you about the fox's origin and who brainwashed me until i trust you totally however i will tell you about how i am living." I remove the hair covering my right eye ( like madara ) and show thems the tomoe-rinnegan ( like sasuke )," This eye is the strongest dojutsu in the world. It has many abilities one of them is travelling through dimensions."

"Lie." Zoro said without missing a beat while the lady seemed to be listening. 

"If you think it is a lie go and pack food for a day cause we are going to another dimension."

"Oh this seems interesting." came a voice behind me. I turned to see a mouse. A fuclmog walking talking MOUSEEEE!!! 

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I let out a scream while the mouse just seems to chuckle.

"So what was the other dimension talk you were doing ?" said the mouse looking interested. 

"Oh Nezu long time no see." Says Zoro waving at the mouse. 

"So he has a mutant quirk too ?" I ask the lady while pointing at the mouse. 

"No I am a really rare type and I am an animal with a quirk which I got due to human experiments." Says the mouse. While i just stare at him. "So are we going to another dimension or not ?" asks the mouse. 

"OK FOOD IS PACKED TIME TO GOOOO!!!!!" came a voice which belongs to the Lady cause i forgot her name. 

"Ok but first what is the time ?" I ask.

"It is 3:15 pm why ?" asks Zoro

"When we return it is going to be 3:25 pm" now lets go. With that I open a purple and Zoro and Nezu looked interested while the lady was fangirling over the portal. "Lets go" with that we enter the portal. 


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