Bonus Chapter- 1

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Note: The scenes in these chapters comes up after the end of Book 3: A Journey To Trust and Heal (Sia's story).

(Next Bonus chapter would be coming soon 😉. It will be the continuation of this chapter) Enjoy!!

The doorbell rang, causing Tanya to stand up with a tired sigh. Doing anything these days was exhausting for her.

"Ragha–Rishi? Why the hell are you wearing Raghav's clothes?" She bursted out, before allowing him to come inside.

Rishi sheepishly scratched the back of his head before replying, " see...I thought that if I act like Raghav and apologize to you and then your fight may end".

"What?!" Rishi spluttered, seeing Tanya's unamused stare.

"It's been Two weeks, Two weeks. I love my twin but seriously, I can't handle his moping face anymore. Please end your fight and call him back", Rishi pleaded.

"I didn't ask him to leave the house. He left with his choice. And he can come back anytime he wishes to", Tanya said, rolling her eyes, before going to kitchen to bring water for Rishi.

"Gosh! You both are so stubborn. That's the reason, I got this stupid idea of getting dressed as Raghav", Rishi grumbled as he followed her to the kitchen.

"Do you want my clothes too? You might become Tanya as well and apologize to Raghav", Tanya mocked.

Rishi fake smiled, "I would have done that, if only I was your identical twin".

Tanya shook her head at her brother-in-law.

"Here", she said forwarding the glass of water. But the glass fell, splattering the water and broken pieces of glass everywhere.

"TANYA!" Rishi shouted and hurriedly caught her, before she fell on the broken glass.

Forgetting about the mess, Rishi guided her towards the living room.

"What happened?" He asked in a concerned voice after making her sit down on the couch.

"It's nothing, just dizziness", Tanya tried to wave off his concern.

"Feeling dizzy is not nothing, Tanya".

"That idiot. Why the hell is he isn't here when his wife is ill? Does he even know that you haven't been feeling well?" Rishi vented out in frustration.

"No, he doesn't and don't even tell him. I don't want to use my sickness as an excuse to end the fight", Tanya spoke, irritating the hell out of Rishi.

"Who says that you can't take care of your partner while being angry? Fight all you want but I am informing him", Rishi declared.

He was just about to call Raghav, when he saw Tanya running towards the bathroom, covering her mouth.

"Shit!!" Rishi too ran after her.

He managed her hair and rubbed her back while she vomited her guts out.

"Tanya? Tanya, Are you okay?" Her mother asked.

She had entered the house as the door was left open and followed the noise.

"She is not feeling well", Rishi answered while still helping Tanya.

"She was even complaining about uneasiness, yesterday", Tanya's mother mumbled to herself.

"It's a good thing that you are here Raghav. I am glad that your fight ended. Please help her, till then I will make some lemon juice for her".

"I am not––", Rishi tried to explain that he wasn't her son-in-law but Tanya's mother already left for kitchen.

Rishi helped Tanya to settle down in her room and went away to inform Raghav.

Meanwhile, her mother came to her room, smiling brightly.

"Why are you smiling so much? It's irritating me", Tanya grumbled.

"You are pregnant, aren't you?" Her mother spoke giddily, while sitting on Tanya's bed.

"You are pregnant?!" Rishi asked with wide eyes, entering the room.

"No, I am not", Tanya denied and turned towards her mother.

"Vomiting does not equal to pregnancy. It can be food poisoning as well", Tanya deadpanned.

"Don't teach me. I know the signs very well. Dizziness, vomiting, mood swings and every other thing you have been going through these days. I am 100% sure that you are going to become a mother", Tanya's mother asserted.

Before this fight between the mother daughter duo could extend, Rishi spoke up, "Whether it is food poisoning or pregnancy, we need to consult the doctor for both of them".

Agreeing to his suggestion, her mother took Tanya to a hospital while Rishi informed others about the situation.

Everyone in the family was waiting for Tanya and her mother to come back. They all were waiting in the living room. Raghav wanted to go to the hospital to be there with Tanya but Tanya refused saying that they were almost done and to wait at home itself.

Every second felt like an hour to Raghav as he kept looking at the door for Tanya's arrival. To divert Raghav's mind, Trisha handed him, her two year old daughter, Kaira. Playing with her, helped him ease his mind.

Meanwhile in hospital, Tanya's mother ran towards the hospital room, her daughter was resting at, with the report in her hand.

"See, I told you that you are pregnant. Thank goodness!! The way you two were fighting, I thought it was a straight road for divorce. Now, with the child being born, Raghav won't separate from you and the money won't stop coming either", Her mother said, clasping her hands.

All the efforts spent to mend their relationship were destroyed within seconds.

"First- Don't ever think of using my child as a bait.
Second- Raghav isn't a money making machine".

"Please don't worry, even if we do get separated, I earn enough from my dance classes to support you so I beg you, please do not think of using my child, not now not in future". Tanya joined her hands, looking defeated.

"You are telling me now but the way you and Raghav clash, you, yourself would need your child as an excuse to save your marriage", her mother replied.

"Mark my words, Tanya. This is the future".

"I would never let this happen", Tanya declared in a low voice, causing her mother to snort, knowing they were just empty words but Tanya's next sentence shocked the hell out of her.

"I will abort this baby".

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