48- Something is going on with Sia

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Tanya's POV:

Our whole ride to port Blair was filled with laughter. Rishi kept cracking jokes one after the another. Plus the combination of two brothers versus two sisters. There were two possible outcomes: a deadly fight or incontrollable laughter at each other's expense. Thankfully ours was the latter one.

Although the car ride was fun, it couldn't compare to the ferry ride. We were all tired from the long car ride but the scenery took away all the tiredness. The view was so breathtaking.

Surrounded by the clear blue water felt like a dream. To be honest, I never thought I would ever see any aquatic body so clean in our country. But there it was, looking like a piece of heaven. And the sky wasn't behind, looking so serene, so beautiful.

We finally reached the island and then moved towards our hotel. Everyone was quick to reach their rooms as they all wanted to rest before the dance function tonight.

I was tired too but I really wanted to roam around the beach.

"I understand but we are going there later, so what's the hurry. Let's rest for now or else you won't be able to enjoy the function fully", Raghav denied my request, making me pout.

"Afterwards it would be chaotic because of wedding preparations. We won't be able to get the peacefulness that will be available now", I tried, even going as far to make puppy eyes.

Raghav chuckled, shaking his head at my antics but nonetheless agreed to come with me. "Only for sometime, okay? We really need to sleep or else our eyes would keep drooping while everyone else will be enjoying to their fullest".

"Fifteen minutes and not a second more", I vowed.

"Let's just put the luggage in the room first", he stated and moved forward after receiving a nod from me.

As expected the beach was refreshing. Walking through the cool sand spread a different kind of happiness inside me. The colour of water was shade between blue and green, different from the clear blue water we saw before. But it was still so clean and breathtakingly beautiful.

As promised we moved back to our room in few minutes. I had just sat on the hotel bed when a thought crossed my mind.

"Raghav", I called out hesitantly.

"Hmm?" He hummed while his focus was on removing his watch.

"My parents didn't come. Because of which, Sia has been left alone in a huge room. I don't really feel comfortable with that. Plus this is a new place and I just...", I fumbled, but still hoped that he understood my turmoil.

My hopes depleted when he closed his eyes with a groan. But as usual, I had misunderstood his actions. After all, he was Raghav, the best of all. His next words calmed my worried mind. The groan wasn't due to him feeling annoyed. It was beause he felt guilty

"How could I forget? I should have thought about this before. I must have seriously lost my mind", Raghav cursed himself.

Before I could deny and let him know that it wasn't his fault, Raghav already found a solution.

"Let's do one thing; Call Sia here. You two share this room while I will take the room assigned to her. The room is nearby only, so don't hesitate to call me if you need something", saying this Raghav left the room, taking his bags with him.

"THANK YOU", I yelled as he had already left the room.

I was really lucky to find an understanding partner.

Sia soon came to my room and plopped down on the bed. She seemed too tired as she fell asleep within a second. Removing a strand of hair from her forehead lovingly, I too laid down beside her. It had been too long since I shared a room with my sister.

There was slight noise that kept pricking my ears. Groaning, I turned to see what it was when the noise didn't quiet down even after few minutes.

I sat up with alarm as I saw Sia was murmuring in her sleep. Her forehead was coated with sweat.

"Sia, Sia, are you okay?" I shook her awake.

"Huh?" She woke up with a start, her alarmed eyes looking around the room for any danger.

"Sia, you are safe. It was a nightmare", I spoke in a soft voice, not wanting to scare her.

She took a few deep breathes, before looking at me guiltily.

"Sorry", she whispered in a scratchy voice.

"There's nothing to be sorry about", I said while handling her a glass of water.

"Are you okay?" I asked again after a few seconds.

"Yeah. Don't worry, it was just a scary scene from a horror movie I saw yesterday", she assured me but it seemed like a lie. Plus this wasn't the first time she was putting the blame on T.V or movies.

I smiled slightly at her, not wanting to bombard her with questions when she was visibly shaken up.

"Even though my nightmare scared you, the timing was right", Sia spoke cheekily.

"Huh?" I asked unintelligently.

"See the time, we need to get ready for the function", saying this she got down from the bed and rushed to the bathroom.

Did she rush to the bathroom to get ready? Or was she trying to avoid me? I wasn't so sure about it.

Sighing, I too got up to get ready. Trisha too came here so we girls could help each other dress up.

Sia and I smiled and laughed, not wanting to ruin the happiness of Rishi's wedding. No matter how important it seemed, I had to push Sia's uneasiness to the back of my mind. But that didn't mean I would forget it. We needed to have a talk and that too soon.

"It is so nice to have a whole room to ourselves. Getting ready in my room was chaotic plus Samar is of no help. Instead of clipping the safety pins on the dress, he kept bruising my skin by mistake", Trisha blabbered as I clipped the pins of her dress.

"Gosh! Cut him some slack. At least he tried", I responded.

"Haha, of course I know that and I am thankful too. It just feels nice to rant", Trisha chuckled, making us laugh with her too.

"Should I join you here after the function? We can have a girls night", Trisha suggested.

"That would be awesome", I agreed, clasping my hands with joy.

At the same time, Sia muttered, "There goes my sleep", making us narrow our eyes at her.

"Just kidding", she raised her hands in surrender and backed off.

Trisha and I bursted out laughing at her scared reaction and took her in for a hug.

"Goodness, how can someone be so cute?" Trisha asked while squeezing Sia's cheeks.

"Seriously guys, I am not a kid", Sia groaned, as she shrugged off our hands.

We laughed but placed our hands on her again, this time on her shoulders, sandwiching her in between us as we went downstairs.

Today's function was going to happen in the party hall of resort itself, while the main wedding was going to happen on the beach tomorrow.


Early update!!!

An early update as I won't be able to publish the chapter tomorrow. Enjoy!!!

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