49- Sangeet Function

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Tanya's POV:

The hall was simplistically decorated. It went well with our heavy dresses. The silver lighting plus the baby pink and white flowers looked so pretty as well as gave out the peaceful vibes, creating a serene atmosphere.

The event planner met us at the entrance, looking at us nervously.

"Is everything to your liking?" She asked, looking hopeful.

The event planner we booked had just started out her career. Her experience only limited to two-three small parties yet her work was praiseworthy. It was Mom's idea to give her a chance.

Arpita, the event planner was the mother of her student. She was starting something new and this wedding acted as a boost to her career. As far as we knew, her work was good. Plus there were no relatives or friends to get disappointed if the work wasn't up to the mark. Rishi readily agreed in an instant, confident at his mother's choice and here we are.

"It is beautiful", I praised.

The smile that came on Arpita's face seemed brighter than the lights.

"Thank you. All the preparations for food is also done. Cooking will start as soon as the first performance is done, so that a hot meal is served", she informed.

"All that is okay, but what the hell is happening over there?" Trisha asked, looking over at the stage.

I too turned my gaze there and saw Rishi and Samar moving in a slow motion like a couple.

"Is Rishi trying to steal your husband Trisha Di?" Sia asked, tongue in cheek.

"Looks like it. Poor me", Trisha responded while making a fake sad face, before bursting out in laughter.

Bidding bye to Arpita, we moved to see what was actually happening.

Rishi stopped seeing us and jumped off the stage.

"Thank God, you are here Trisha. Samar was little nervous so we were going over the steps. Go and practice with him a little", Rishi said, wiping the non-existent sweat from his eyebrow.

"Was the calculation not proper? Is something amiss?" I asked worried that Samar wasn't able to get accustomed to the stage.

When Raghav and I had come here few weeks ago to look over the preparations, I had calculated each and every step of the stage before choreographing the dance for Trisha and Samar. Even though I took atmost care, it was possible to make a mistake if Samar took longer or shorter steps than I did.

"Oh no! You calculated everything properly. I just wanted to practice on the actual stage to avoid any possible mishaps", Samar was quick to reassure me.

"That's a relief", I said and left with Rishi and Sia, leaving the couple to practice.

Tonight many performances were going to happen. Group dance, duet performances, romantic couple dance of Rishi and Nikhil and at the last the dance which just happened (everyone dancing without any proper steps).

Soon the time to start the performances came. We had hired a host who welcomed and announced the performances in a quirky way.

The event started off with the group dance of our parents, followed by the youngsters.

While we rocked with energy in those two dances, everyone's heart was filled with awe while watching the soft dance of Rishi and Nikhil. They were so lost in love, looking at each other like they had found a priceless treasure. Although they forgot most of the steps and just went with the flow, their dance looked so beautiful.

Soon it was time for duet performances. Sia was going to be left out on this as we all were dancing with our partners.

"Tanya let's not leave Sia alone like this. Think of a small piece, I will dance with her", Rishi said.

"NO", Sia shouted, startling everyone.

"I mean, my legs are already hurting from the group dance. How about you all perform and I will give you scores? I can be a judge", Sia suggested trying to cover up.

Everyone readily agreed but Sia's panicked 'No' sent alarms to my mind.


Before I could ask her, Nikhil and Rishi dragged me away towards the stage.

"Before any other dance, we want to see your solo", Nikhil spoke.

I went to protest but Rishi started chanting, "We want Tanya's Dance", everyone followed his example and they too started to chant, "We want Tanya's Dance".

Rolling my eyes, I agreed at my crazy family and came up with something spontaneously.

Couple dances finally started after my solo performance, which was fabulous. No, I was not bragging, it was seriously awesome🤭🤭.

Trisha and Samar went first and danced gracefully. Samar looked hesitant for the first few seconds, but then he too moved freely, enjoying every bit of the dance.

Next was our turn. Raghav surprisingly was really good today. He must have surely practised much more than he let on.

We moved as if we were on the air. A different sensation ran through my body when I was this close to him.

'Tanya get a grip. Don't make Raghav uncomfortable with your lovey dovey expression', I scolded myself yet couldn't bring myself to stop. This was the only chance I would get to be this close to my love.

I internally frowned as I realized that song was about to end, bringing an end to our moment. Not wanting to ruin the dance with my sadness, I still smiled on outside.

There a few seconds left and we were at our last pose when Raghav slipped and fell down, taking me with him.

Everyone erupted in a huge laughter seeing us fall.

"Oops, you would have got the highest scores if not for this fall", Sia commented.

Raghav didn't say a word as everyone kept laughing. He quietly helped me stand up properly but then...then he ran away from the hall.

I knew that he was disturbed by the laughter and had already assumed that either he would shout or run away. But what I hadn't presumed was that he would wait until I was okay.

It didn't take a second for everyone to shut up after he left.

"We shouldn't have laughed. We all know that Raghav is little sensitive", Trisha spoke, feeling guilty.

"I will go and bring him back", Rishi announced, standing up from his seat.

"Rishi wait", I interjected, stopping him on his tracks.

"It's your function. Don't leave it in between. At least think about Nikhil's feelings", I whispered after going near him.

"But...but Raghav", Rishi stammered as his voice broke.

No matter how much fun they made of each other, the twins couldn't handle even a scratch on each other.

"I will go, okay? I promise that he will be fine. So go and continue the function", I vowed.

Assuring Rishi once again, I too left the hall. Not out of embarrassment but to bring my embarrassed husband back.

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