38- Losing balance once again

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Tanya's POV:

'You can do it'.

'You can do it, Tanya'.

'Yes, just a few steps more'.

'When did the distance between the bed and the wardrobe increase so much?'

It was rightly said that in pain, even a normal task seemed like climbing Mount Everest. I was experiencing the exact feelings as I tried to hop and reach the wardrobe.

A relieved smile escaped my lips as I needed to take only one more step to reach my destination. But me being me, lost my balance😑. I guess I celebrated too early.

"Oww", I cried as I fell down on my ass, hitting my head on the wardrobe and hurting my injured ankle simultaneously.

"Hey, it will take more time for the ice pack to freeze, so I brought ice cubes inste—"

"What the hell?" Raghav shouted, throwing the cloth that was holding ice cubes away, before rushing towards my sprawled form.

"Does it hurt?" He asked gently, while rubbing the area of my head that was hurt, softly.

"A little but it will go away soon", I replied with a short laugh, trying to hide my embarrassment.

"What about your ankle?" He inquired in a worried tone.

I bit my lips sheepishly, wondering whether I should tell the truth about the massive pain or lie to comfort him.

Looks like I didn't need to answer as he heaved a sigh with a shake of his head, like there was no use in talking with me.

"Aaaa...wha...", I screamed as he hoisted me up without any warning.

He put me down on the bed gently. And that was the end of his gentleness.

"Are you crazy?" He shouted, startling me.

"Like seriously, are you out of your mind? Why would you stand when your ankle is swollen? I guess, your ankle wasn't the only thing you hurt when you fell down". He looked at me pointedly as he poked my forehead.

"Who the hell stands up when they have injured their leg?" He asked to no one in particular.

"I just wanted to take out my night clothes", I muttered with a sad pout.

'This man surely has a double personality. He is always gentle with his actions but his words...can't even measure the loudness. He always gets angry with me. But! But he is also the very person who gets worried the most for my well being'.

"Tanya, Tanya".

I came out of my thoughts as I heard Raghav calling my name frantically.

"What's wrong? You weren't responding at all. Is it hurting too much?" He asked, looking at me worriedly.

"We should have directly gone to the doctor's clinic, instead of waiting until morning", he mumbled to himself, while running his hand through his hair in tension.

"Raghav. Raghav, relax. I am fine", I assured him and was just going to go near him when he shouted, "STOP".

"What's wrong with you?" I asked, placing hand on my frantically beating heart, because of his suddenness.

"How many times do you need to fall before you understand not to get up?" Raghav asked in a tired tone.

Seeing my saddened face, he sighed, before calmly speaking, "Tanya, I understand that it is not easy to sit still, but please try. The more you put pressure on your ankle, the more its condition would worsen. In the end, you will have to be on a bedrest for more days. So please".

"Okay, I will not get up afterwards. Let me just take out my night clothes", I promised and moved to stand up.

I wasn't even halfway through standing when two strong hands got placed on my shoulders and forced me to sit down again.

"There's no use in talking with you". At first, he just seemed tired but now it felt like he had totally given up on me.

"I will take out your clothes for you, okay? Don't you dare stand up. I will leave the room after giving you the clothes. So change comfortably while sitting on the bed. I repeat while sitting on the bed", he stretched his words like I didn't have the mental capacity to understand him if he spoke normally.

I knew that he was already irritated by me and my other question was going to frustrate him more. But I didn't have any choice. It was non-negotiable.

"Thanks for the offer but in any case, I will have to stand up to close the door", I spoke, wincing internally as I imagined his anger but to my surprise he was calm about it.

"I will stand outside the door in Rishi's room. Neither would I come in, nor will I let anyone else come inside. I will only open it when you holler my name twice".

I smiled gratefully at him, not having enough words to show my gratitude.

"Raghav", I called him just before he was going to open the wardrobe.

"Just shut up. I am tired now. So please don't speak", he requested in an annoyed tone.

"Well your loss", I muttered with a shrug.

At the very same moment, Raghav opened the wardrobe and all the clothes in the upper compartment came spiraling down on him. Oops.

If that wasn't enough, Raghav lost his balance and fell down on the floor. That sight was truly hilarious. Half of the clothes surrounded him and the other half were upon him.

I bursted out laughing at his condition while sighing in relief internally as none of my inners were on the upper compartment. Or else I would have died of embarrassment.

Removing my jeans from his face, he growled at me angrily. "What's wrong with you?" He groaned.

"Sorry", I apologized, but I couldn't stop my laughter.

He struggled but finally managed to come out of the mess. "You change first. I will put all this back afterwards", he said after finding me a pair of night suit.

"Sorry for troubling you", I meekly apologized, genuinely feeling bad for him.

He shook his head at me with a small smile and left the room, closing the door behind him.

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