59- Lucky🤗

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Tanya's POV:

This was the best sleep I had gotten in this week. I woke up refreshed but then realization came spiraling down on me.

'What did I do?' I groaned, covering my face with my palms.

'Like an idiot, I blurted out every single thing to Raghav. Yeah, he was persuasive, but still how can I just blindly get manipulated to speak out all my secrets.

'Raghav surely has hypnotizing powers. Or else, there was no way I would tell him everything. For God's sake, I was successfully hiding it for a week. How could he just come and dig up all the secrets?

'And if that wasn't enough, I slept while hugging him. How can someone fall asleep while crying? What was I thinking? Oh yeah! I wasn't thinking at all. I was just being hypnotized.

'It is going to be so awkward to face him. Like seriously, how can I fall asleep while hugging him? What if he thinks that I took advantage of the situation? I do love him, but I won't pretend to get close to him. But what if he gets wrong idea? How will I explain that it wasn't in my control?

'Wait a minute, why should I explain? It wasn't my fault. He was the one who pestered me to let out my bottled up feelings. So the fault of whatever happened because of that, does not fall on me but him.

'Yes, he is the one at fault. If anyone should feel awkward or embarrassed, then it should be him'.

My long monologue ended with an illogical conclusion. It didn't matter how illogical it was, as long as it didn't send my heart into frenzy.

After calming down, I turned to see Sia sleeping soundly beside me. It was quite unusual for her to be sleeping till now. Unlike me, she was an early riser. 'Well, who cares. Sleeping till late is far better than the other problems teenagers nowadays create', I shrugged.

Caressing her hair and adjusting her duvet, I got up from the bed.

Although I was sure that I looked horrible while crying my eyes out, it still felt good. Venting out all my worries yesterday, did help a lot. It was like suddenly a huge weight was lifted from my shoulders.

After a whole week, it didn't seem like I was carrying the problems of whole world myself. Yes, nothing was solved but still it felt better to know that someone shared that problems with me.

'Knowing that you are not alone, gives you a different kind of strength. The strength that pulls you up everytime you decide to give up'.

Thanking Raghav a lot of times in my mind, I moved out of the room to join others fast. I was already late because of sleeping in and my never ending thoughts just added on to the time.

"Good morning", I greeted everyone as I came near the dining table.

"Gooood Morningggg", they all chorused back, like school students.

I chuckled loudly at their act. Looking at them acting like small kids, really made my day.

"See I told you; this will make her laugh", Dad boasted, while giving a hi-five to mom.

I smiled warmly, witnessing their cuteness.

"Where is Sia?" Mom asked, after I took my seat near Raghav.

"She is sleeping", I replied.

"What?! Look at the time. Go and wake her up. Or else she will miss the breakfast", Mom exclaimed.

I nodded affirmatively and was just about to get up when Dad waved his hand, gesturing me to keep seated.

"Stop acting like an old lady", Dad teased Mom. "Because of your sternness, we are looking like oldies instead of the stunning young couple we are", Dad completed with a pout.

Raghav and I muffled our laughs after hearing him, while Mom looked at him with annoyance.

"Stop your nonsense. We can play around your dramatics later. Your fun shouldn't come in between the discipline", Mom scolded Dad, before turning towards me, "Tanya, go and wake her up before the food goes cold".

"Tanya sit down", Dad ordered as soon as I moved to get up again.

"Let the girl sleep. Her vacations are going on. These are the days for the kids to live peacefully. It's not like kitchen is running away. She can have food whenever she wakes up", Dad asserted.

"Go on, spoil the kid. Just make sure to not come crying towards me, when she won't be able to wake up early for important events", Mom huffed.

"Aww, did I make my wife angry? Sorry", Dad apologized cutely, holding his ears like a small child.

"Let her sleep in. Come on, future is filled with responsibilities. Let the child enjoy few years", Dad requested.

"But—", Mom tried to protest but sighed as she lost against Dad's cute frown and puppy eyes.

"Alright. But this allowance is only for today", Mom bargained and Dad happily agreed, winking at us in the end.

Raghav and I smiled looking at their cute antics.

"Actually Dad saw Sia awake at 4 o'clock, when he woke up to have some water", Raghav informed me in a low voice.

No wonder, Dad was adamant on letting her sleep in. He knew that Sia didn't get much sleep and did his best so she could rest now without letting her secret out.

I started eating my breakfast, all the while tearing up inside with happiness.

I was really lucky to get married in this family. Not only me but they also accepted Sia as their own. There wasn't a single moment where we felt like outsiders in this family.

It shouldn't have been a surprise after they had accepted Trisha so easily 13 years ago. From an estranged niece, she became a daughter to Mom and Dad. And not to mention the bond she shared with Raghav and Rishi. She was more of a younger sibling than a cousin to them.

While Trisha lost her parents in a fire, Sia and I lost our parents even when they are alive.

Raghav's family accepted all of us with open arms, like we were daughters of this family from the very beginning. Never once they let us feel like we weren't their own kids.

Raghav and Rishi were lucky to have such loving, caring and understanding parents. Although not from the very start, we girls were also lucky to have found a family in them.

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