32-Taunts and fights

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Tanya's POV:

We were finally on our way back to home. Although we were supposed to leave in the early morning, our journey got delayed to the afternoon because of our constant bickering.

From packing of the luggage, to eating at a slow pace. And even about not shutting the main door properly. That man had a problem with my every single task.

I was angry and annoyed with him since morning. But now when we were sitting in the car, remembering the same incidents made me laugh. The fact that it made Raghav more irritated, was the icing on the cake.

"What will it take for you to shut up?" He asked in frustration.

"Wellll....", I trailed off, faking a thoughtful pose.

"You can always apologize and accept that you were wrong and I was right in our argument", I suggested, biting my lips to muffle my laugh.

He looked at me with disbelief, before turning his face back towards the road. After few seconds, his irritated face turned into a smirk.

"I can say that––"

He started, causing a triumph smile to come up on my face but it soon vanished as he completed his sentence.

"––But that would be a lie".

Now, it was his time to smirk in victory. 'It is fine, I should let him win once in a while', I consoled myself bitterly.

"Whatever", I shrugged. "Now, I won't stop irritating you", I spoke, frowning like a kid.

"When have you ever stopped?" He retorted with a snort.

I looked at him with an open mouth. Damn, he was winning at all arguments today. I had to up my game. Narrowing my eyes at him, I huffed internally, while he smiled like a buffoon.


Raghav's parents and Rishi were all present in the living room to greet us.

"What's wrong? Did something happen?" I asked worriedly as I saw Raghav's mom crying as she hugged Raghav.

"Oh, no no. Don't get worried. This is usual for Mom. She always gets emotional if we are away from home for more days", Rishi explained with a chuckle.

I too chuckled at my misunderstanding. But it wasn't my fault. The way she was crying, I thought something grave must have happened.

Raghav's Mom looked at us with narrowed eyes as she saw us chuckling at her.

"So what🤷🏻", she frowned.

"Ah! It must be my fault to miss my children so much when they don't even bother to stay more than two days at home".

The way sarcasm dripped from her words was hilarious and the most fun part was when Raghav winced, knowing fully well that he was the one being taunted, even if she was speaking to me.

"I know Mom that I have been away for lot of days. But, I promised you, right? I won't be going away for a long time", Raghav reassured her, while giving her a side hug.

Thankfully, a smile finally appeared on her lips. I was surprised when she hugged me too, after breaking the hug with Raghav.

"I missed you too", she spoke, giving me a warm smile.

"Now enough of all this chit chat. Let them go to their rooms. They must be tired from the journey. We will talk afterwards", Uncle instructed.

"Okay Uncle", I said.

"Tanya, if you want then you can call us Mom and Dad. After all, you are our daughter now", Raghav's Mom, I mean Mom said.

I nodded silently with grateful eyes, before we all left for our respective rooms.


I plopped down on the bed as soon as I entered the room and closed my eyes peacefully. However, my peace didn't last long as Raghav's painful yell, echoed in the room.

I sprang up and saw him holding his leg, bouncing in pain as he glared at my now sprawled suitcase.

"Seriously, what's wrong with you?" He asked furiously.

"How can you keep the suitcase in the middle of the path?" He had finally let go of his leg but looking at his face, it was clear that he was still in pain.

"Sorry that you got hurt, but you were the one who didn't watch your step and kicked the luggage. I can swear that it wasn't lying on the floor like this before you came".

If looks could kill then I would have been dead long ago.

"I know it wasn't sprawled. I understand that being tired, you must not have wanted to put away the luggage right away. But you could have at least kept the bag in the corner", he spoke, looking like he was done with me.

Not having anything to retort, I stood up quietly and place my luggage at the corner of the room.

Huffing at me, he walked past me and to my horror, started unpacking his luggage right away. I didn't even know why was I surprised at this point. Keeping the things at the perfect place was like a second nature to him.

"You can do that later. It was long journey, just rest for now", I spoke, while getting back on the bed to rest my back.

"It's better if I complete my unpacking, before you start yours", he muttered, indirectly taunting me.

"You really like taunting me, don't you? It's like, you are just waiting for a chance to pick up a fight with me", I complained, while making a face at his back.

"Oh yes! Taunting you is like oxygen for me", he chuckled. "And stop making faces at me".

Did he have eyes behind his head? How did he know that when he was fully engrossed in tossing his clothes inside the wardrobe.

"Whatever", I muttered.

"Whatever", he mimicked, now looking at me.

"Just focus on your unpacking and let me sleep", I muttered, letting out a tired yawn.

"Okay, okay, go to sleep". He raised his hands in surrender.

I closed my eyes, but woke up again to warn him.

"Don't you dare touch my things, while unpacking yours", I warned.

"When did I ever touch your things?" He asked, looking genuinely lost.

"Few days ago, I had to search for my mobile charger for an hour because of a certain someone".

He had an audacity to look like he was being falsely accused.

"For your kind information, the charger was lying around in the kitchen. I just put it back in its right place. Who told you to search everywhere else other than the original place of the charger?" He argued.

"Where else would I search for it? I knew for sure that I kept it in kitchen, then why would I go and search for the charger at its original place?"

I always remembered the places where I put my things, knowing that I would need them again. But...but this man had the habit of picking everything up without my knowledge and putting it back where it belonged.

"I seriously cannot understand how you work", he muttered in an exhausted tone.

"Same pinch", I retorted.

Making a bad face at him, I turned away and finally slept off.

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