55- Protecting Sia is the Priority

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Raghav's POV:

I informed Dad that we would be late and turned to face the now slightly calmed sisters.

"I am sorry if this hurts you, but what your father did...what I mean is...he needs to be punished for his crime", I fumbled, knowing that words weren't comforting at all and I was probably causing more pain to them.

Hearing my words, Tanya's body immediately went stiff. I stood up from the bed and knelt before the sisters, to gently explain them. I understood that it was painful to even think about it, but we couldn't let him roam freely on the roads, giving him a chance to create yet another victim.

Before I could speak, Tanya spoke up, while looking at me with determination. "You are right. We should put him behind the bars. What he did, wasn't a mistake but a crime".

Although she tried to look strong, I knew she was breaking apart while saying those words. After all, Tanya was his daughter. Just thinking about this must have been killing her from inside.

"There's nothing we can do. Both the parties have agreed to settle. It is a legal contract. Unless and until Dad fails to pay the settlement money, this case wouldn't reopen", Sia informed, feeling pathetic because of the situation they were in.

I ran my hand through my hair, trying to think of a solution when Tanya declared.

"Let's stop the joint account. This year's settlement money has been paid but without your money, Dad won't be able to pay the full amount next year, ultimately breaking the contract".

I slowly nodded, thinking over the solution she had given.

"That's a nice idea but we cannot apply that right now", I said, causing Tanya to furrow her eyebrows in confusion.

"If we stop giving him the money right now, he will understand what we are trying to do. What if he uses Sia out of desperation? Sia is still a minor and under his guardianship. So let's not do anything until she turns eighteen", I explained further.

Tanya grabbed Sia's hand as soon as the words 'he might use Sia' left my mouth.

"It is more problematic after eighteen. He might marry her off for money like he did to me", Tanya said worriedly, while simultaneously whispering to Sia that she won't let anything bad happen to her.

"Do you really think he would care about this law? If he wants money, I don't think he wait till I get eighteen", Sia muttered, exhaling loudly out of frustration.

"Exactly!!" I agreed with Sia.

"He won't wait so we can't take a chance when Sia is still a minor living with her parents. As soon as she becomes an adult, I will get her out of that house.

"Although we stay with our parents even after becoming adults, out of respect and care for them, it isn't legally mandatory. Sia would be out of your father's clutches. And I will make sure to protect her at every cost", I vowed.

Whatever was going to happen from now on, would happen, but protecting Sia was our first priority. She was the one who was at the high risk of getting affected while we tried to get justice. I wouldn't let any harm come to her even if that meant failing in our mission.

"So we would wait for two months and then stop the momey flow on Sia's birthday", Tanya summarized.

I nodded affirmatively.

"But what will happen to that girl. She is receiving treatment through the settlement money. What would happen if the contract dissolves?" Sia questioned, looking scared for the girl, she hadn't ever met.

I always knew Sia had a pure soul and she kept proving it every single time.

"We can finance her treatment", I suggested.

Hearing my suggestion, heads of both the sisters snapped up in alarm.

"That's great. Thank you, thank you. thank you". Sia cheered happily.

"Sia wait", Tanya stopped her from getting to happy and then turned towards me.

"Raghav that's a noble thought but where would you get the money. You already gave up your savings for my academy. And taking the family money for something my Dad...", Tanya left the sentence hanging, but I understood what she meant.

I mulled over what she said and after a few minutes, I spoke up, "Whatever money Rishi and Nikhil used for this destination wedding and their house, we would get the same amount to use for ourselves.

"At first, I was going to buy you something of our choice but if it's okay with you then we can use this money for the victim's treatment".

I bit my lips, waiting for Tanya's reaction.

"That's a great idea. It would be much more heartwarming to use the money like this instead of some gift. And I promise to work twice as hard at the academy to provide for the future treatments, after this amount gets used up".

Getting a positive response from Tanya meant so much. Slowly and steadily, we would try to right the wrong. Of course, money could never compensate what had happened to the girl but we would try hard so that she would get a future.

"I will also try to find a job again and get some money", Sia added.

"No you won't", I denied sternly.

Her mouth was left hanging open, probably because of my audacity to tell her what to do and what not to do.

I spoke again but this a little gently. "Focus on studying hard. You don't have to worry about money. Just do your part, that is studying and creating a future".

"But what if the amount falls short? What if we need more money?" Sia queried, adamant on her stance to earn money.

"We have the money, Sia. No one in the family is going to stop me from using our money if they come to know about the cause. I have lots of properties which I can sell. So just let us worry about this", I informed her.

"It's not your age to worry about money matters. You are already dealing with so much that I don't want any kid to worry about. So just let this one go", I requested.

"Okay". She agreed but not before rolling her eyes at me and commenting, "So stubborn".

Here it was, Sia's usual attitude. Although it was at my expense, I was still glad at seeing some of her old self return.

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