3- Sacrifice

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Tanya's POV

A fairytale wedding!! What a load of bullshit!

The dream wedding, dance, decorations, designer clothes, tons of friends, a place full of enjoyment- All this was something, I had wanted since childhood. But now, I didn't care for any of these. Forget the glamour, forget the preparations, if only I could get to marry someone I loved; it would have been fine. Alas! That too wasn't possible.

I was marrying for money. Something, I wouldn't have even dreamt of doing. Yes, this wasn't ideal, nor was I claiming it to be. If marrying a stranger was going to provide food to my family, if this was going to pay my mother's medical bills then I didn't care about what would happen to me.

So, here I was waiting with my family to meet the future groom in an expensive hotel that he had selected for the meeting.

"There he is", Dad said, pointing towards a man of his age, who was seating alone, despite the massive size of the table.

"Why is he alone? Where's his son?" Sia asked the question that was bubbling in my mind.

"He is the future groom", Dad answered, making me stumble in disbelief.

Mom steadied me by holding my hand tightly.

"Behave yourself. We don't have any choice. Even if we get pass by the fact that your father was falsely accused of rape, no young man would want to marry a person with so much debt. Tanya, we don't have a choice. Make sure that this person likes you".

Even though Mom's words were harsh, I knew she was doing this for our family. My Dad must have surely tried to find a proper groom numerous times, before giving up and choosing this option. My parents wouldn't have just thrown me into a dark place if they had any choice.

"Don't worry, Mom. I will try my best to make him like me", I promised.

"Are you crazy?" Sia whisper-shouted.

"Please don't do this. Don't destroy your life like this", she pleaded while clutching my hands but I shrugged it off, hoping that she wouldn't hate me too much for this.

"Mom, Dad, please stop all this. He is of your age, Dad. Come on, don't be so foolish. We can come up with something. I am sure our situation will get better. Please don't destroy her life".

"Stop it, Sia. Don't make a scene here. Tanya, you go and meet him. We shouldn't keep him waiting for long", Dad instructed.

I nodded and went towards my doom after strengthening my heart.

Five minutes into the meeting and I was already dreading my future. His lustful gaze made me feel sick of my own body.

Even though, I was disgusted through the core, I somehow managed to keep a smile on my face.

"I am much more experienced than you, my dear, in both life and marriage. So, just follow what I say and everything would be good", he spoke, slying touching my thighs.

His unsaid threat was clear. As the grip of his hand tightened, the glass of water in my hand dropped in fear.

The waiters immediately came to pick up the shredded pieces of glass, because of which, that man had to take away his hand, giving me a temporary relief.

"Sorry about causing a mess", he apologized to the waiters sweetly. So sweetly that one could get diabetes. Looking at him, no one could even think that the person who was such a gentleman outside was actually a creep.

As soon as we were alone, he was back to his own self.

"Don't try to use your mind. Just do as I say and your family would keep receiving the money".

"Will you? Will you keep providing for my family?" I asked in a dead voice, everything already broken inside me.

"They all will live a luxurious life. That's my promise. As long as you behave, your family will enjoy", he said.

Putting the hard cash on the table, he stood up, gesturing me to do the same. We walked towards my family who was anxiously waiting for us.

Sia immediately looked away as soon as we came in close proximity.

"Your daughter is a gem. I don't think, I can stay away from her for so long. I would like to marry her tomorrow itself. Till then, you can rest at my guest house".

Even though he spoke with a smile, everyone knew that it wasn't a suggestion. It was what he had decided and we had to comply.

Dad nodded and we all quietly went and sat in the car, provided by him while he left in another.

So this was seriously happening. I was seriously marrying an unknown 55 year old widower. I had no idea about his background or from where Dad had found him. All that mattered was that he was going to take care of my family's expenses.

Aware of all the hurt and abuse that would be in my way, I just hoped that the person would keep his promise to help my family.

If my sacrifice could save the rest of my family, then so be it. I was ready to be sacrificed.

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