16- Fear

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Tanya's POV:

I was surprised when Raghav stopped the car near my parent's house. Well, it should have been normal as Raghav was well-known for being responsible and considerate person. Still his gesture surprised me.

This behaviour of his was also something that made me dislike him. Yeah, you heard right. I disliked him for his considerate ways. He was perfect, too perfect to be called a human being. In all these years, I hadn't seen a single flaw in him except for his inability to make friends.

Anyways, as soon as we entered inside the home, I went to hug Mom and Dad. Things might have been rocky but they were still my parents, whom I missed so much. Although, we lived nearby, I couldn't help missing them. 'Don't know what will happen when I will be away in some another town that too for a month'. These panicked thoughts ran through my mind.

After talking for a while, we were just about to leave, when Sia took me inside.

"Have you lost your mind? Don't go with him", Sia whisper yelled, making sure that her voice didn't go outside.


She didn't let me speak and continued ranting her worries.

"What if takes advantage of you two being alone? Who will come to save you there?"

"Sia, where are these worries coming from? Did Raghav say or do something? Something that made you feel like he would...."

I needed to know the reason. I didn't understand why was Sia against Raghav so much when he had been one of her favourite person at one point of time.

"No, he hasn't said or done anything. But you need to understand Tanya, no one can really tell what is going on inside a man's mind", She answered, making me more worried if it was possible.

"Did something happen, Sia? What is this actually about? Please tell me the truth, you are scaring the hell out of me", I pleaded as mind had made thousands of assumptions about the reasons due to which she was acting this way.

She shook her head and immediately smiled to show me that everything was okay.

"Nothing has happened. It's just that I have watched too many crime shows. So, these throughts keep coming to my mind. Don't worry, okay. Be careful and keep calling me".

I nodded at her, even though it felt like she was lying to me. Not knowing, how to extract the truth, I let it be, hoping that she would tell me herself one day.

"Are you sure?" I asked her once again, before we left the room in hopes that she would tell me.

"100% sure. I promise you that you will be the first person to know if something good or bad happens to me", she assured, giving me a wide smile.

Praying that she was alright, I left my home with Raghav.


If you would remember, I once said that Raghav was considerate. Please take it back. Seriously, that man was the most infuriating person on the earth.

Who in the world fought so much for the car seat? What was wrong with him? It wasn't like they were made of gold.

I liked to live my life comfortably, so what if it was a little messy. And the comment about the room looking like a garbage dump; it was a total exaggeration on his point. I admit it was a little disheveled but not to the point that he could call it trash.

Fortunately, after a long banter, we came to a decision to let me drive. My legs couldn't sit still and because of that I had to try and be comfortable. But with driving, I was focused on the road and that helped me ignore them.

Unfortunately, I got tired as it was a long ride for me. I hadn't drove more than an hour in my life so this came out as a stretch. So, Raghav had to take back the driving and of course, I sat with my legs up again. Poor him, but this was non-negotiable.

We finally entered the town. All the childhood memories flashed into my mind. Making me smile at their remembrance and also making me sad at the fact that it would just remain as my past.

At first, I had thought that we would be staying at a hotel. So, I wasn't too worried as there would be many people nearby to ask for help if something happened.

I got too nervous when we were alone inside closed doors. I didn't want to fear him as hadn't given me any indication until now about being monstrous. However, fear never listened to the logical reasoning. My subconscious plus Sia's warnings worked as a fuel to the fire.

I was scared that Raghav would change his attitude once he got the opportunity. Becoming an obedient puppet wasn't something I wanted to do again. Those few days where I complied to everything, accepted everything that was done to me, shutting my own brain down; creeped out the every living cell of mine.

I just hoped that these fear of mine would turn out as stupid as my fear of ghosts. Against all odds, I wanted to hope that this fear would never come true.

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