62- Patching up

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Raghav's POV:

Tanya sat back on the chair with a sigh. The commotion had startled every one of us. I did stop the fight, but I had no idea on how to deal with the aftereffects.

Even if we all had different opinions about the situation, no one claimed the either sister wrong. Sia wanting to go, and Tanya getting worried for her; both the sisters were right on their places. And now both of them were upset.

'Go and comfort Tanya, you idiot. Look at her, how exhausted she is looking', My subconscious directed.

However before me, Trisha moved ahead and took charge. She gently made Tanya face her, before speaking to her.

"Tanya, please don't get hurt with Sia's words. You know how teenagers are. I am sure she didn't mean it, and just cursed you in the feat of anger", Trisha tried to subsidized the effect of the yelling match.

"Her cursing me is not a problem. This things happen between siblings. Well, I would have liked if she didn't do this in front of Mom and Dad...", Tanya responded.

"True. Even Raghav and I curse at each other so much", Rishi joined the conversation, trying to lighten the mood.

'Everyone will go and pacify your wife but you keep standing aside like a statue', My subconscious slow clapped at my inability.

"Raghav", Tanya called out, making it easier for me to approach her.

"Yes!" The speed which I moved towards her, must have looked too funny, but this was my chance. I was trying since long to go near her, but my utterly caring family members had her surrounded.

Trisha and Mom by her side, caressing her head and comforting her; while Rishi, Nikhil and Dad were standing in a semicircle, trying to lighten the situation.

"Raghav, Sia must be sad too because of the situation and she is alone too. Please go and talk to her", Tanya requested, breaking my hopes.

"Why don't you go, if you are that concerned?" I grumbled.

She just gave me a look and that was enough for me to leave.

These sisters!! Will fight with each other and then get worried for each other.

'In all this, the only person who gets sacrificed is my poor Raghav'.

Shaking my head at my own idiotic thoughts, I ran up to Sia's room.

The door was open, yet I knocked to let her know about my presence as she had her head rested on her knees, which were pulled up. She looked up, upon hearing the sound and changed her sitting position. Sitting now in the Indian position of crossing the knees, she properly looked at me.

Sia had a sheepish expression, already aware of the blunder she had created.

"I didn't mean to let this conversation go out of hand", she spoke in a low guilty tone.

"I am not here to scold you", I informed her, before going inside the room; keeping the door open.

Sia looked confused at my words. "Why not? After what I did...", she trailed off confused.

"It happens. Even Tanya understands this. She is not angry with you, just worried". I cleared her confusion.

Sia sighed, looking at her hands. "I understand her worries, but I really need to go. And this decision isn't taken on whim. I have thought about it really hard".

"Hmm. Whatever the reason is, we can't really stop you from going", I said with a shrug.

It was true. We weren't her guardians and had no right to stop her. Being said that, it didn't mean we didn't want to protect her.

"Your solution...about finding a college near the branch of your restaurant. If I follow that, then Tanya would less worried, right?" Sia asked hopefully.

"I guess so. She will still worry. But at least we would know that you will get immediate help, until we can reach to you", I answered honestly.

Sia nodded with understanding.

"Will you help me find a college and a career option?" Sia requested.

Right now, she looked like a small scared child, who wanted to do her best, without disappointing anyone.

I agreed to help her and thus began our search. I first noted down the towns and cities where our branches were and Sia started searching the career options which might interest her.

It was about an hour or so, when Tanya came up to the room. Sia stilled, noticing her presence. Tanya looked fairly calm than before. She quietly came and sat beside Sia and started helping us to search, without uttering anything.

A few seconds passed by and Sia's face broke out into a wide smile. She giddily turned towards Tanya and gave her a huge hug, thus ending their fight in a single moment.

"Let's continue this tomorrow", I suggested as it was getting late.

Tanya agreed to my suggestion, while Sia requested for few more minutes.

"Just bookmark the links you have searched till now and we can continue this tomorrow, exactly from where we have left", Tanya adviced.

When Sia didn't agree in an instant, Tanya snatched her mobile while gesturing me to pick up the diaries we had used for noting down everything.

"Okay then, Good night", I wished before going to my room.

"Take her with you", saying this Sia pushed Tanya towards me.

Tanya and I chuckled at Sia's antics.

"Are you sure?" Tanya inquired worriedly as she spent all the nights with Sia from the day she came here.

"Yes sure, now go". She shooed us away.

Laughing we bid her bye and entered our room.

"It's been so many days", Tanya commented while looking at the room.

"Not really. It was just two days ago when you fell asleep here on my arms", I reminded her cheekily and received a playful hit on my shoulder.

"I thought it was an unsaid rule that we weren't going to speak about that", Tanya grumbled under her breath, making me laugh.

"Alright, my grumpy lady. I won't make fun of you anymore", I promised when she didn't change her expression even after few minutes.

"You promised okay, don't break it", Tanya ordered, pointing a finger at me.

I nodded with an exaggerated force, making her throw a pillow at my place.

"You are lucky that I am too tired to have a pillow fight with you right now", I commented before taking the same pillow, she had hit me with, to the bed.

We laid down beside each other and just talked about random things. I really missed this chatter when she was away.

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