30- Twin to the rescue

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Tanya's POV:

There were no pleasantries or greetings today. No hi, no hello, nothing at all. The moment, Rishi entered the house, his first words were, "Did he eat something?"

"He didn't", he himself stated in a low but aggravated voice.

He didn't need me to speak. My face was a clear indication of my failure.

"Sorry. I tried my best but it clearly wasn't enough", I spoke apologetically.

Rishi forced himself to give me a small assuring smile.

"Don't be sorry. It's not your fault. You did what you could do", he said, patting my shoulders reassuringly.

Rishi then moved towards the room where Raghav was hibernating.
"Tanya", Rishi called out stopping midway on the staircase.


"Don't inform other family members, right now. Let's try ourselves to bring him back, okay?" He requested earnestly and I nodded affirmatively in response.

I left them alone for a while, not wanting to disturb them. Meanwhile, Ganga Tai too came to clean the house.

"Don't clean the bedroom today", I told her.

While Ganga Tai worked, I conversed about random things with her to divert my mind. Unfortunately, it didn't work at all.

"Looks like the newly wed couples had a fight", Ganga Tai commented with a small laugh.


"Come on, I have seen this kind of expressions a lot. The way you keep looking upstairs at the closed door. It is clear that you are trying to find a way to pacify him", she giggled like a school going girl.

"It's nothing like that", I denied awkwardly.

"If you say so", she spoke, clearly not buying my words.

Although awkward, talking with her kept me from going and disturbing the brothers. But now that she was gone, I couldn't control myself.

Tiptoeing, I went upstairs and slowly opened the door to peep inside to check whether there was any positive change in Raghav.

I saw both of them hugging each other tightly. Smiling slightly at the scene., I moved to leave. But the door chose the exact moment to creak, giving away my presence.

The twins broke the hug and raised their eyebrows at me in amusement, looking creepy as hell with their identical faces. I laughed awkwardly, cursing myself internally.

"Come inside". Rishi spoke along with moving his hand in a 'come here' gesture.

"I was just––"

Raghav interrupted, completing my sentence.

"Just spying on us".

"What? No!" I yelled in disbelief, making the twins laugh at me.

A smile crept upon my face seeing Raghav laugh, even though it was at my expense.

"Alright, we will make fun of Tanya later. Let's eat first", Rishi announced, standing up from the bed.

"I am not hungry", Raghav spoke, making my smile disappear. We were back to square one.

"But...but", Rishi pouted like a small child.

"I am hungry and you know that just like you, I don't like eating alone. Tanya already ate. So come and join me. Pleaseeee". Continuing to behave like a stubborn kid, Rishi took Raghav's hand and kept swinging it until the latter one agreed.

Shaking his head at his twin's antics, Raghav nodded, giving a defeated look.

"Yippeee", Rishi yelled, pumping his hands up in the air and dancing around in joy.

Raghav moved out of the room first and we followed. Rishi stopped me near the door by my elbow.

"Did you actually eat? Sorry, I just blurted out whatever came to my mind to make Raghav agree", Rishi apologized looking at me sheepishly.

"You did the right thing. Don't worry about me, I will eat after sometime. He won't get to know", I blinked my eyes reassuringly at him.

Rishi smiled gratefully and then muttered, "Let's hurry before he changes his mind".

Serving both the twins, I stood back looking at them arguing and fighting  with each other.

Raghav wasn't totally fine but he did look a lot better than before. I patted myself in the back mentally for having the intelligence to call Rishi.

Rishi stayed with us for few hours, but went back after lots of prodding from Raghav. We would have loved to have him here more, but Rishi had came here leaving everything behind as soon as he got my call. So, it was necessary for him to leave. Even then it took lots of assurance from Raghav that he was actually okay, for Rishi to finally agree to leave.

Before leaving, Rishi called me aside. "Tanya, Raghav doesn't need your words of comfort to get better. A hug is enough. And if you are not comfortable with that, then just sit beside him to show him that he's not alone. Raghav prefers silent support".

I was thankful for Rishi's guidance as I knew next to nothing about Raghav. Hopefully, there would be one day where I would be able to handle Raghav at his worst phase, without the help of the family.

"Aaaaaa", a shout escaped my lips as I saw Raghav standing behind me quietly.

I had just turned back after closing the door and he was there, standing like a silent ghost, looking at me with his observant eyes.

"Him getting a telepathic connection and knowing I was upset was obviously a lie, wasn't it? Did you inform him about the events?" Raghav asked, looking at me sternly.

Give it up to Rishi to make such an unbelievable lie. It was just seconds ago when I was praising that idiot.

I nodded sheepishly, hoping he wasn't too angry for telling Rishi about his personal problem without his permission.

"Thank you. I really needed him", he said with gratitude.

I stumbled in shock. Did he really thanked me instead of getting furious? Today must be a lucky day for me.

"And sorry for troubling you since yesterday", Raghav apologized in a small voice, looking uncomfortable.

"Don't. There's no need to say sorry for having emotions. I only called Rishi because I was worried about you and not because I was annoyed by your behaviour", I explained, not wanting him to feel guilty about something he didn't do purposefully.

"Are you okay now?" I asked gently.

"Almost. Just give me some time to get back to normal", he requested, "And don't worry, I won't stay aloof like yesterday", he promised.

"Take your time", I assured, smiling softly.

He could take as much time as he needed. I knew and understood that it wasn't easy. Meeting with Naina after so many years must have caused an emotional turmoil inside him. As long as he didn't get sick, I was fine with waiting for him, even if took years.

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