11- Dread

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Tanya's POV:

Raghav's parents, Rishi and Nikhil left earlier in another car. Trisha was going to drive us home. Trisha, Samar and Raghav waited near the car, while I finished bidding bye to my family.

I hugged Mom and Dad, hoping that at least now they would speak some comforting words. "Be good", was the only thing I got to hear while hugging them.

Sia took me in a tight embrace. "I am one call away. If something happens, call me and I will do anything to get you out of there", she assured in a cracked voice as she controlled her tears.

"I am also there for you. No matter how bad things are, your sister is here for you", I said, hoping that she would let me in and tell me her problems.

"Later", she promised and we finally let each other go.

I went near the car, looking at Sia for the last time. Trisha squeezed my hand, silently comforting me before getting inside the car.

Samar got in the passenger seat while Raghav and I took the backseat. We all were silent for a while but then Trisha and Samar started talking about random things just to remove the awkwardness.

We soon reached their house. The living room was decorated simplistically and I received a warm welcome. This was a surprise as I hadn't expected anything seeing that this marriage wasn't supposed to happen at all.

"Would you like to eat something?" Raghav's mother asked in a caring voice.

I just shook my head in response. Trisha took me upstairs towards the joint rooms. We got into Rishi's room and then entered Raghav's, through the connecting door. I was already familiar with the room as Raghav had given up his room in his teenage days to Trisha.

"We had so many memories here, didn't we?" Trisha asked looking fondly at the room.

After Trisha's marriage, this room became Raghav's again. At first, they were going to keep it empty for Trisha's sake but then Trisha said that it made no sense for Raghav and Rishi to share the room when another room was empty.

Trisha sat with me for sometime but then she had to leave.

"Will you be okay?" She asked, looking worried.

I blinked my reassuringly and faked a smile to ease her mind. There was no way I was going to ruin Trisha's relationships because of my bad fate.

She soon left and I sat there alone with my thoughts. I was dreading the moment when Raghav would come into the room, afraid of what might happen tonight. Even though, I had prepared my mind for all possibilities, I was still not ready.

As far as I knew, Raghav was a gentleman but Sia said that men are different behind the four walls. I would be doomed if he turned out different than what he portrayed. I had the strength to fight him but that was of no use as Mom had clearly stated that I couldn't say no to him. I had to follow his every word as he was the sole feeder of our family.

The sound of door opening caused my heart to flip and not in a good way. My nightmares were about to come true. I closed my eyes, not having the courage to look up at him. There was no noise from him. Why couldn't he just get it done and over with? This wait was killing me from inside. The more he prolonged, the more scared I got.

Unable to take the silence anymore, I finally looked up to see him getting his clothes out from the wardrobe. After taking his night clothes, he went outside, without sparing me a glance. I released the breath, I didn't know I was hoping after he left the room.

Alas! Good things don't last long. He came back after getting changed. I leapt out of the bed in fear as soon as he took a seat on the corner of the bed.

A second passed and I felt like hitting myself. 'I am so dead. He is going to get angry', numerous thoughts like these ran through my mind as he looked at me with wide eyes.

He finally looked away with a sigh. Running his hand, through his hairs, he stood up. I stepped back a little in fear but he wasn't headed towards me. He took his blanket and pillow and moved towards the couch at the far end of the room. Raghav laid down on the couch with his back facing me, not bothering to utter a single word.

I took a deep breath and sat down on the bed again. While he slept peacefully, I kept staring at his back, not knowing what to do. It would have been better if he had lashed out at me. At least I would know what to expect. Now, I am unaware on how things would span out, with having absolutely no idea on what he was thinking. And what hell would tomorrow bring out for me.

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