Chapter 3

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The alpha slammed his door as he dropped his bag. ''What a...'' he cut his sentence off and took off his tie completely followed on by his blazer and changed into his basketball shorts followed on by a black baggy t-shirt.

He left his room after just cooling himself down, he walked into the storage closet they had and he took his basketball out. ''Oi hag i'm going to the park'' he said as he held the basketball in his hand and closed the door.

''Okay take care, you didn't eat lunch'' she replied back as she paused the Tv. ''i'll eat it later'' he said walking over to the front house to the exit as he slipped his shoes on.

''uhmm...'' a fragile voice interuppted, Katsuki turned to see the greenette once again, he felt like getting mad but he held it in. ''What do you want?'' he said in a gentle tone. ''Can...i uhmm..come too?...'' he said afraid as he looked away. ''Sure whatever'' is all Katsuki said as he stood up taking his keys that rested on a necklace and placed it around his neck.




As Izuku sat on the floor that seemed to have a foamy feeling he sat on the side as he watched the blond bounce the ball from one hand to another, it looked so interesting. He had around six bottles sat next to him as he took care of them, it was quiet chilly and sometimes the wind blew colder than ever, but it was okay.

As Katsuki dunked the ball into the hoop he dropped down bending his knees as he panted, it felt so long but Izuku was too busy analysing him and his movements he hadn't noticed the blond standing in front of him.

''Finally, pass me a bottle'' he panted as Izuku nodded and reached for a bottle handing it to him. The blond collapsed beside him as he opened the bottle and gulped it down as he panted after and rested his elbows on his knees and his back on the fence.

It was an awkward silence until the blond spoke. ''know your family?'' he asked as he looked at Izuku, Izuku looked at him and looked away as he looked at the floor. ''No..they are dead though'' he admitted. ''oh.'' With that awkward silence followed on.

''Tch you're so fucking annoying'' the blond said as he stood up taking the basketball into his hand and begins running again and dunking into the hoop...Of course Izuku wasn't wanted...why did he suggest to even come to the park was clear the blond didn't want him there or in his house.

''Do you mind if i go on the swing?'' Izuku asked as the blond looked at him. ''The fuck are you asking, go, i don't give a shit'' Is all the blond says as he continued running with the ball and ignored whatever the greenette said, he couldn't care less.


Izuku was sat on the's been so long since he'd been in the park and felt the breeze and seen the sun slowly set. Izuku had his eyes closed as he swung peacefully and he felt like a kid again.

''Oi Omega'' A voice said.

Izuku opened his eyes to be met by...a group of males and he slowly panicked and got nervous.


Katsuki sighed as he panted drinking his water.. he knew he had to get used to now the omega that was going to be sheltered but the thing was..he had never had an omega close to him or in his house... so of course it would be weird and the old hag would one hundred percent tell him to watch over him..he wasn't ready.

He sighed and decided to see what the omega was up to and saw around five males surrounding the swings and the omega, he sighed as he got up. ''Oh for fucks sakes'' he muttered under his breath. 

Sprinting he did he got there in a matter of seconds.

''Oi he's with me'' Katsuki said as the alpha's turned. They were all alphas and they all used their pheromones to trap Izuku and make him feel overwhelmed with their scents.

''Oh...i thought he was lying..'' One of them says. 

''He's mine'' another alpha says as they walked towards Izuku and Izuku stood up out of panic stumbling over as the alpha grabbed Izuku. The omega was weak to his knees and no longer had control over his body.

''Hand him over, i don't want to cause trouble'' the alpha simply says as he glares at the alpha opposite him.

The alpha disobeyed as he held Izuku and smirked. ''He's mine unfortunetly'' The alpha says.

Katsuki sighs. 

''Come Omega'' Katsuki uses his alpha voice as Izuku trembles to his knees as he slowly obeyed Katsuki. Katsuki himself approached Izuku to get a quicker hold of Izuku and as he did Izuku fell against him as the alpha lifted him. ''sorry'' is all the blond says as soon the Omega passes out.

''Tch'' the male that had just held Izuku was mad but he didn't bother as he had sensed Katsuki was indeed stronger than him. 


Izuku's eyes opened as he was met with darkness, he moved feeling a soft surface against his back and he sat up slowly.

''Tch finally awake'' The blond said as he was sat at the edge if the bed.

''I-I'm sorry!'' Izuku exclaimed, Katsuki rolled his eyes. ''Doesn't matter, eat'' The alpha says as he urges a bowl towards Izuku...However Izuku couldn't trust him.. what if he had put something inside it. He shook his head.

''I didn't poison it, my mum made it'' 

of course he lied, he made it as his mum was asleep but he hoped it worked but to his disappointment it failed.

''Fine will seeing me eat it make you trust me more?'' the alpha asked, Izuku only nodded his head.

Katsuki took the spoon as he blew on it and took the spoon into his mouth swallowing it as confirmation.

''It's medicine, it'll help your wounds and calm you down from the overtake of so much pheromones'' Katsuki spoke as he pushed the bowl towards Izuku, trustingly Izuku took it and he knew it was safe and began eating.

And that's for chapter three, hope this one was okay, let me know what you think. <3 BakuDekuSIMPPP OUT!

•My pet• BakuDeku; OmegaVerseWhere stories live. Discover now