Chapter 36

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Thursday 15th December 20XX

The month of Family, Christmas, holidays, love and gifts. Nothing better than to end of a year with love and a new fresh start.

Izuku was nodding off, his head falling constantly but he continuesly shook his head attempting to awaken himself. Darkness surrounded him, a warm, comforting darkness, along with a bright TV that lit up half of the dark living room.

A loud yelling sound escaped the sound of the TV causing Izuku to jump up in surprise as his head collided with the wall behind him, he frowned as a chuckle beside him escaped along with a comforting hand massaging the back of his head.

"You okay?" The blond asked as his attention was entirely on the Omega, Izuku could only smile and nods, comforting the alpha even the slight bit.

A soft kiss was placed on the grenettes forehead as his cheeks warmed up and he cuddled further into his alpha. The Omegas that were set free were having a good life now. Izuku was glad he could help.

Even though at first the alpha didn't appreciate Izuku being there and he was rough, he had slowly warmed up to the male and with that it all began. His heats along with being kidnapped, it all strengthened their bond.

Chuckling filled the dark space and it was Masaru and Mitsuki cuddled onto the opposite couch of Izuku and Katduki, the two glanced before they smiled.


"How are you feeling?" The black haired male asked as he was sat, his right left leg over his left, a notepad in his hand and pen in grasp.

Katsuki was sat this time instead of laying on the couch he found so much comfort in a long time ago, it had been a while since he visited the alpha he always did when he was having it tough.

Aizawa. His therapist.

"Better" Katsuki answered, the alpha didn't have much to write down.

"I saw you on the news, was that with your Omega?" Katsuki noticed the male's wording, before it would freak him out and he'd refuse to admit Izuku was HIS but now he wasn't afraid to admit.

"Yeah" He admitted, a smirk reaching his lips, he covered it with his index finger. The alpha wrote down what he had experienced.

"You've changed, how do you feel, better than before?" The male continued as he asked questions straight after asking.

"Surprisingly yeah, I used to feel gloomy and all, unsatisfied but..I feel different, like I finally have someone, it's an odd feeling but it's nice" He explained as he looked at his palms. Once again the curly haired male only wrote down what came out of the blonds mouth.

"How about the Omega?" Aizawa questioned, Katsuki glanced his eyes disproving his use of words as a frown created itself, however, that soon faded, he changed the wording himself as he answered.

"My Omega, he's...amazing and a complete opposite" He complemented as he stared down attempting to put what he thought into words. The alpha only smiled as he wrote down again.


"So how is he?" The male questioned, wanting to find more secret information about the blond that he may have not know.

"H-he's fine" Izuku answered a little take aback by the male's sudden enthusiasm, he smiled a little awkwardly, he really hoped Katsuki would be out soon.

"C'mon give me more...Bakubro is really cold towards me and I would love to know how different he is to his lover" Kirishima asked with a pout as he drank his cup of hot chocolate.

"Well he's more caring..." Izuku answered with a blush as he recalled all the moments Katsuki had been caring, Kirishima smirked as he watched the Omega blush unknowingly.

"Well I can see that with the blush on your face" The red haired alpha teased, the Omega could only cover his face in embarassement as then the bell to the Cafe rung. It always did as a sign that someone is entering or leaving.

The two looked to see the blond approaching their table, Izuku couldn't help but feel more relieved. He felt as if he was being interrogated by the police back in the police station, he stood.

The two shared a quick peck on the lips and Izuku cuddled the alpha on his side. The blond had his arm wrapped around Izukus waist as he stared at the red haired alpha.

"Had a good conversation?" The blond asked as he gained a pout from his red haired alpha. He chuckled as he ruffled Izuku on the head.

"No" the male pouted. Izuku smiled. And Kirishima took out a paper handing it to Izuku. "Gimme a call so we can speak, I'm lonely" He smiled, Izuku took it and smiled nodding.

Katsuki also smiled.

"Okay" Izuku answered. With that The red haired male left the cafe thanking the blond for the coffee, he had plans with Kaminari today and he decided to accompany Izuku as he was too early.

Izuku sat with Katsuki at their table and with that the two ordered some dessert to snack on as they spoke for a little, while they watched snow beginning to fall.

Katsuki offered a picture with Izuku and Izuku didn't hesitate to take with the alpha. It was the two of them, in their seats smiling as the view of the snow was outside and visible.

Mitsukis phone buzzed and she hurried to it, opening it and she smiled at the photo, she was on her Christmas break.

This was the most adoring photo she had seen and the happiest her son has been.

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