Chapter 30

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Tuesday 1st November 20XX

"So you're what now?" The red haired alpha asked. Katsuki was relaxed back on his best friends couch in his home,he was explaining the situation and why he was gone for about a week.

He had also told him that he found his Omega.
Izuku. The sharp toothed friend couldn't even believe it. His hot headed friend and a lover? But he could slightly see the blond like that, loving for his partner.

He simped over the thought.

"I'm dating" Katsuki repeated. The male only sighed and sat back, letting himself relax. "Well final fucking ly" the male spoke, as if he was carrying his friends baggage on him.

The blond glanced over. "What do you mean finally?" He asked as the red haired male turned his head to the right, making eye contact with him.

"You finally have a lover which means there's no complaining on every omega not being good for you and wanting you for your status or whatever" he answered.
Katsuki was an alpha as you already knew, but he always thought omegas were just there because he was an alpha and it was always like that, Omegas attracted to alpha's because they're alpha's and can satisfy their needs.

However, ever since Izuku appeared in his life he had been able to see Izuku's struggles of an Omega and the way the male didn't take advantage of Katsuki and didn't cling onto him, apart from a few times of fear and partly lust.

He could also control himself for this omega, for instance the time he bit his own arm and into his flesh, just not to mark the omega before him, it proved to him that he did care.

When Kirishima had heard this, he knew that this was the Omega too, the way the blond spoke about him, just said it all and he couldn't help but show off his goofy and proud smile.
The blond was finally happy. And he looked and seemed to be in a lighter air, it was...odd but nice seeing the blond change for once.

"Well then why are you here, did you leave your omega for me? Oh I feel honoured" Katsuki scoffed before he stood up, allowing his pride to stick through his chest as he stood proud and tall.

He was finally a fulfilled alpha.


Izuku was sat having breakfast as his eyes were glued to the TV with Mitsuki and Masaru sitting beside him and showering him with love, he was upset Katsuki had left without his notice but the two quickly came to his aid. They hadn't been informed on his leave either so they were not happy.

Now that the two knew they were dating they had every right to treat the male like their own family and their top priority, this was an Omega and he was vulnerable and got upset easily, ehich Katsuki would have to slowly get used to and not angry or annoyed at.

The TV was loud as it boomed through the living room, Izuku was distracted enough where he could forget about the alpha and focus on the show. Which he seemingly liked due to his concentration.

The two parents glanced a few times, seeing Izuku had remembered only for a second of his alpha's disappearance but soon it was forgotten as action took place and made him lose himself in the pixels of the TV.

The sound of a key insertion and a door opening had brought the attention of all six eyes that sat in the living room, Katsuki entered and Izuku swallowed, and smiled, finally breathing a breath of relief before standing and walking to the front.

His bowl of fruits which he was eating for breakfast was all forgotten about as the alpha had now fogged his mind.
"Hey" Katsuki greeted the Omega, and with that the Omega embraced the blond.

They shared an embrace that warmed the parents hearts and with that they smiled knowing that Izuku's worries had flushed away.

"You didn't say you were leaving.." Izuku began and the alpha backed away and smiled gently, he had spoken to Kirishima to get an insight of what he should watch out for when being with an Omega and he was planning to attempt to follow it and refuse his anger if it came bubbling up.

But he felt warm when he had someone worry about him, usually when he left his parents wouldn't worry about him, as he was an alpha but now, having a mate he knew he would have to be expecting question and worry.

"I'm sorry I left early" The blond replied as he ruffled the thick, soft curly hair his omega held, he loved burying his fingers in its thickness.

Izuku could only share a smile that made Katsukis heart warm and adore who he was with.

At the beginning the alpha wasn't sure about Izuku, only seeing him as an obstacle that would get in the way.

But Izuku was opposite that, getting to know Izuku he knew Izuku was only trying to stay out of the way and he really did try and he managed but then it only ended up with him getting hurt.

Katsuki took off his shoes and with that, held Izuku's fave in between the both of his palms before kissing his forhead. Knowing his parents were watching. And himself knowing he had alot to improve on he knew he would have to do things he wanted to and needed to.

He wanted to be closer to Izuku, and knowing Izuku was Omega he would be shy, so he would take those baby steps and improve their relationship until he would no longer be shy.

He was prepared for those moments where Izuku would have a break down, or get mad, or be in his heat, or felt upset, he was ready.

"I'm home" Katsuki spoke, Izuku only blushed getting the kiss on his head, following on with a smile and his eyes averting from contact to the side his parents were watching.

"Welcome home" Izuku greeted.

The parents wanted to awe at the sight.
And Katsuki couldn't help but think how lucky of an Omega he had, he would make sure to cherish him and treat him well, to the best of his ability.

(Not proofread)

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