Chapter 14

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The door of the home brought the Betas attention as he stared, seeing Katsuki he sighed of relief, but the blond seemed to be earlier than usual meaning he left school early and went for his therapy session. It was one in the afternoon. The blue haired male stood up as the blond walked over, waiting to be updated.

''The omega is in your room, he's in heat because of the shot I gave him, as you know, he's very sensitive, and needs an alpha beside him'' Iida spoke, the blond nodded. ''You can go'' Katsuki finally spoke, the male opposite him nodded with a bow. ''Do not take advantage, and comfort him, make him food too, I'm sure he'll eat from you'' those were the last words of the Beta before he left through the front door.

Katsuki' phone buzzed as he took out revealing his mothers name on the front screen.

Mitsuki: no worries, please make Izuku eat something, he threw up his food from the morning, I'm sure he'll take food from you, don't take advantage, Love you, take care!

The blond was slightly offended he couldn't deny. His mother really thought he would take advantage of an omega, what kind of alpha did she think she raised?
Clenching his phone, his sighed and shook his head, he should focus on Izuku first, the faster the omega could recover, the faster he could also leave their home, it's not like Izuku would be staying there for a long period of time, he had to leave eventually right?

Walking into the kitchen he decided to make soup, something the omega could easily digest, he began.

On the other side, Izuku stirred in the alpha's bed, feeling hot, he left the bed, stumbling over his own feet, making it to the bathroom, opening the door and turning on the water to cold, it was too hot and he wanted to cool himself down, the cold water felt warm to his disliking, it was probably incredibly ice cold and here he felt as if warm water was sprinkling on him. It did help slightly.

Izuku had never felt like this, and he knew it was the cause of the shot the beta had given him...and it was the moment where the alpha instinctively kissed Izuku to calm him down and take the shot. But it's not like it meant anything, and because of his sensitive hurt Izuku deeply.

It took around half an hour to around two before the blond made his way to his room, opening it to be met with intense pheromones, they smelt so delicious, and his alpha the scent, after a mere second of spacing out he came back to his senses, Izuku wasn't in bed, the blond placed the bowl down, hearing the shower running.
Hurriedly he opened the door to reveal the omega, eyes closed, sat in the open shower, the blond mentally slapped himself.

The water stopped sprinkling causing Izuku to shudder, looking and seeing the alpha, immediately he whimpered hearing the male's dominant voice.
''Stupid'' is all the alpha said before a large towel was wrapped around the Omega's frail body.

The alpha's touch was gentle as he picked up the freezing omega into his arms, into his warm radiating body. He felt the omega shudder and he placed Izuku down. ''You're not meant to go into the shower when you're in heat'' the alpha spoke, Izuku looked helped, slightly. Katsuki shook his head, there was no use in explaining.

''I made soup, you need to eat I heard'' Katsuki said, Izuku didn't say anything, the towel covered his legs, leaving his torso exposed, bruises accompanied that were healing slowly. The alpha retrieved the bowl from the desk as he kneels infront of the omega and motions the spoon towards Izuku. The omega takes it, his stomach finally being able to digest the food. Happily Izuku was fed by the alpha before being tucked under the sheets.

''My scent is there so you'll be fine'' Katsuki, he stood to only be stopped with a weak grip on his wrist. ''Don't....go'' Izuku mumbled, fear and upset lacing his voice, Katsuki let out a small chuckle before moving the hair that fell into Izuku's eye, tucking it behind his ear before speaking, ''i'm only jumping into the shower, relax, I'm in the room, I'm not going anywhere'' he reassured as Izuku let go, letting his eyes take over.

The alpha smiled seeing the omega in peace, his scent was really getting to the alpha, as much as he didn't want it to, it was slowly getting to him, and the more it did, the more he loved every bit that escaped Izuku's neck, he had to go before he ended up sniffing Izuku's neck out of instincts, before he got overprotective, before he clutched onto the smaller body.

Not like it's what he wanted, it was simply the heat of the moment...get it?...heat of the moment...okay yeah no *-*

Katsuki decided to get into the shower, refresh himself, he recalled the long session he had with Aizawa...he knew the alpha was right, maybe Izuku did mean something to the blond, but he wanted to deny it, but then it wouldn't make sense to why he felt everything he did despite being with other omegas in their heats, he sighed, he only knew Izuku for only a few days, so why, just why did he feel the way he did?...

To be continued...

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