Chapter 17

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Sunday 3rd October 20XX

Awakening, Izuku's tired eyes opened, feeling incredible warmth envelope his whole body, it was October, nearly winter but he felt so warm. Opening his eyes he realised he was no longer in the living room but in a familiar furnished room.

Familiar warmth, he had felt this before. Turning his body, he dreaded to reveal the alpha that had ignored him for a whole week until now, the male was now sharing his warmth with the Omega, but why the sudden change? Struggling out of his hold, the alpha let go, feeling the struggle against his hold as he rubbed his eyes yawning as Izuku frowned.

''Uhm..i'm sorry'' Izuku apologised, unsure of what for, the alpha sits up, before speaking. ''What are you apologising for?'' His voice was deep and it rasped as every word was spoken from his lips. Izuku just glanced down, confused why the alpha wasn't mad, usually alphas hated when Omegas slept with them, so Izuku would sleep on the floor or couch, depending the alpha.

Even if Izuku was in heqat, and the alpha had embraced him, he hadn't quite remembered too well, Heats made his mind and memories foggy, and the one he had was much intense as he actually wnet through the week in heat and didn't inject himself with suppressants.

''You-...i just slept in your bed...''Izuku confronted, the alpha sat confused. ''So what?'' He replied back...Katsuki stared at the Omega, and his petite figure, that was now gaining healthy weight, he eyed him visibly causing Izuku to blush and become self concious of the alpha, waas he purposefully eyeing Izuku?

''I carried you here'' He spoke ruffling his own hair, once again yawning of exhaustion. Izuku blushed, thinking of how the alpha held him without him knowing. ''oh...i'm sorry'' Izuku again apologised as the blond scoffed. ''Stop apologising damn'' he muttered, standing from the bed and walking towards Izuku who stood, staring at the floor below him.

Inching his face to Izuku's ear as he smirked, his breath fanned against the omegas ear and he smiled watching his body shiver, he grabbed Izuku's wrists pulling them towards his chest. ''feel much better when you're in my arms'' he spoke, letting Izuku go, watching his blushing face become a mess in no time. 

He left the omega there, in his room as he made his way down the stairs, maybe it was okay to let him in? maybe it was okay to fall for the omega? would it be any harm to the apha, it couldn't be so he would allow it just this once.

''Good morning'' Masaru greeted his son, as the blond sat down, his mother plated down, fluffy pancakes down. Katsuki took no syrup to his pancakes as he hated the sickening sweetness. The square pieced butter that sat on top melted as it dripped from the pancake layers, a wipped cream can sat on the table, freshly out the fridge, blueberries that littered the plate along with freshly picked strawberries that they recieved from their neighbour daily.

''Where's Izuku?'' Mitsuki asked confused. ''Left him a blushing mess, don't make any for him, we'll eat together'' Katsuki spoke as the blonde woman smiled as she sat down, she nodded as Masaru stared in confusion of his sons actions. One week of ignoring the omega he was back to acknowledging the omega, his son was surely odd.

Steps on the staircase alerted the adults as Izuku peaked out walking over as Katsuki pulled Izuku to a seat beside him. 'We'll eat together'' Katsuki spoke as izuku only nodded, if this was the only opportunity he would get to have the alphas attention, he was going to use it well.

The two began eating, the sounding of the wipped cream can filled the living room, and soon the two were finished, Izuku taking the last bite of the strawberry, loving but hating the sour taste. Katsuki stood from his seat as Izuku looked confused as the alpha stretched before making his way up, Izuku didn't know if to follow or not so he sat. 

''How are you Izuku?'' Mitsuki asked as Izuku nodded. ''Better..than yesterday'' He admitted before the three of them heard a ''follow me'' come from the stairs and with that Izuku took his que leaving the teo parents on the table, taking the plate to the sink and making his way to the alphas room.

Entering the room he was enveloped in a hug that he wasn't expecting, his eyes widened as he hugged the alpha back, enjying his musculine scent. ''Alpha'' Izuku muttered out accidentally, Katsuki backed away his eyes wide before he smiled. The blond had never been called alpha to the point he...liked it, yet again he hated admitting that as soon as he came to terms with it.

''we're gonna go out'' The alpha spoke, Izuku blushed, he'd love to go out...but what if...alpha's approach him again...what if people recognise him as he's been on the news as a 'missing person' He was scared, Katsuki noticed this immediately as he grabbed Izuku's face, holding it in his palms as he looked into his eyes, intense eye contact was shared.

''you're safe with me'' The alpha comforted, Izuku only blushed, attempting to look away but was unable to. Izuku it was okay?... 

The two males doubted eachother, yet they gave eachother a chance...

To be continued...

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