Chapter 28

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Luckily he was still sane.
He would follow his father's words. Stay sane.

He applied so much pressure on his arm he felt cannibalistic, biting into his own arm, it hurt, it pained like hell and Izuku held onto the Alpha for dear life, shaking as he felt a liquid trickled down from his shoulder. Knowing it wasn't his, he still felt queezy. He hated blood.

The slight smell or glance of it sent shivers and made Izuku feel like he could pass out, even though he had to deal with it, he handled blood really well, but his own he could not do, he knew he would faint, and he felt like that, but this wasn't his, he knew, he didn't feel sharp intense pain...he felt  okay, he felt protected.

The alpha didn't emit anything threating, more like overprotective, as if someone was there, attempting to steal Izuku from him, even though it was nothing, they were alone together. He didn't want to scare Izuku, especially after everything Izuku had shared with him, even though he knows nothing completely of Izuku's past, he knew he would have to wait, and he would.

Other than that, the two were a troubling sitation.


Masaru rushed his way up the stairs, he didn't bother taking the elvator, it would take him longer than the stairs, he was an alpha, he had more stamina. He skipped steps as he hoped to himself nothing bad had happened. He hoped his son was capable of containing himself.

As he made it to the ninth floor he panted as he made his way to the fourty-eighth door and with that he fumbled for the keys in his pocket before taking it out and inserting the key before turning it, and with that he entered flinching, closing the door and with that he closed the door.

He followed the scent of the Omega and his son and with that he entered a room, viewng Izuku underneath the blond. He approached slowly, not wanting to cause problems for the alpha, but immediately, his scent had caused a growl to escape his sons throat.

''Calm down son, it's just me'' Masaru spoke, as calmingly as he could. Katsuki stopped growling, hearing his fathers voice and with that, his fangs had slowly minaturised and with that the blood had slowly began escaping his wound. His father had approached, but the alpha hugged Izuku tightly growling, his fangs once again cleanly expanding and the male frowned.

''I'm not going to hurt your  Omega so trust me and let him go'' The man spoke as he stopped two metres apart from the two. Izuku was slightly more sane now, after the alpha had just sunk his fangs into his own arm, it had brought him out of his trance and into reality, only slightly. Izuku whimpered.

Katsuki's grasp eased as he wanted to let go, but parts of him he still held on. Izuku stared at what was going on, confused, and embarassed as Masaru another alpha was in the room as he was naked.

However, soon, the blond let go, the man finally was able to approach his son and with that take a look at his arm.

''You really held out huh?'' the man spoke, he shook his head, smiling before playfully ruffling his own son's hair, he chuckled and with that he told the blond to sit down, heading straight for the first aid.

Katsuki and Izuku sat, Izuku covering his body, looking down.


The older man returned and sighed, able to tell that it was awkward.

''I'm sorry'' Izuku apologised, feeling fear, an alpha had never restricted themselves from marking him, it was always a somethng the alpha would not hesitate to do when it came to...that. he didn't want to be specific, he didn't want to remember the horrible nightmares that tied him to that place.

''Why are you apologising?'' Masaru asked as he kneeled down on his knee, leveling himself with his sons torso, he opened the medical box and with that took out things that he needed. Izuku frowned. 

''I...he...''Izuku didn't finish what he had to say as Katsuki growled. ''I done it to protect you, and i promised my dad i would't hurt you, you're not ready'' Katsuki spoke, a hiss followed on after as the brown haired alpha cleaned out his wound. He sure had to explain alot to his wife, he had quite literally left her in the house, no explenation.


''You two have to sort yourselves out, everything is a mess between you two, you either have a relationship or not'' Masaru spoke, he could't take it. Katsuki knew he was right.


Sighing the male felt relieved sitting on the comfort of his couch, the wound his son had given was deep indeed, but he would heal, rapidly fast, so there was nothing to get stressed about. He sipped on his coffee, he said his part and that's all there was to it.

Mitsuki sat down beside her husband before she placed a hand on his leg. ''Relax, they're okay'' She comforted, he only nodded as response as she smiled. ''I know..'' He replied.

The TV played in the background and with that the two watched whatever was on the TV, allowing the warmth of the coffee burn and warm their throats as it made it's way down to their stomachs.

It was going to be okay. That's all they needed to know, but then there was the slight feeling that this wasn't over. At least not yet and not now.


The men sat in the car, unhappy with the day's ending results. Izuku was gone from their grasp. H e was nowhere and they knew the omega couldn't go far, especially with everything he's been through. He couldn't and the men knew he couldn't. he had to be somewhere and they had to find him. No matter what.

''keep an eye on each road, he can't have gone far, we need this omega back, am i clear?'' the alpha spoke, the beta only nodded approvingly.

''Yes Alpha''

To be continued...

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