Chapter 15

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The blond had exited the bathroom with ease, feeling refreshed and warm from the warm water that sprinkled on his body, having a towel draped over his V line and another that he ruffled his hair into, preventing water droplets to fall into the carpet of his room.

He listened to the background noise which was the TV as the Omega slept peacefully, he was surprised the Omega actually listened and was able to keep away from the Alpha.

Usually, it's difficult to keep away from an Alpha during an Omegas heat, no matter if it was someone they knew or not. But Izuku was different, maybe it was because of the things he's experienced.

Katsuki finally got his things and dressed, putting on his boxers, and baggy trousers with black ankle-length socks, he got into bed, his back against the dashboard, and with that began searching through YouTube and was watching people play horror games.

There was nothing much for him to do, he did instinctively glance over to the Omega from time to time, to see if he were okay.
There was a moment where he just stared, admiring his features again.

The freckles, his light snores, his intoxicating scent, his messy curls, his button-like nose, his small figure, his eyelashes that were long and gorgeous. He admired it all.

He shook his head as he did, thinking of what he was doing, and why he was, then recalled back to him and his therapist's session. He's never felt to an Omega before. Maybe it's because Izuku was different, and not an Omega that clung onto him, or didn't ask or beg for attention.

Maybe the blond needed to sleep, and that's exactly what he was going to do...sleep.

Switching off the TV he turned towards the Omega, inching closer. He buried his nose into the Omegas neck, being able to this time vividly smell the male.
He smelt of mint, fresh mint, lust and want, mixing with it as if fruits in a blender, and it aroused the blond.

It only took two sniffs before the blond protectively wrapped his arm around Izuku's waist and pulled the male's back into his chest, having the Omega's size fit his as he hugged him like a missing piece in a puzzle.

His nose was located by Izuku's neck once again, as his curls tingled his face but he didn't care, having his omega in his arms was what was important. He felt his body relax, not having noticed he was so tense all along. His eyes grew tired, he felt like a sloth, tired and ready to sleep.

Sleep had won over the blond and with that he fell asleep in the comfort of his Omega...

Around twelve at night, Mitsuki and Masaru had returned from their day out, exhausted as the both of then held shopping bags and laughed as they entered the warmth of their home.
Turning on the living room light they set the heavy bags on the smooth wooden surface of the shiny table.

The two had died down from the laughter as they immediately met the warmth, taking off their jackets and shoes and began unpacking the bags, placing whatever had to go into the freezer there and whatever belonged into the fridge there.

Snack and treats were brought as extra.

"It's awefully silent" Mitsuki commented as her husband hummed in response, taking the milk from her possession.  "I'm assuming the two are asleep" she spoke once again. She made her way up the stairs but was stopped by the husband as he shook his head and the two returned back to the living room.


The blond awoken to movement, or constant shaking that his alpha nature couldn't bypass, he sat up on his elbow, glancing at the omega, seeing the male frown, he sighed shaking the smaller awake.

Izuku's eyes fluttered open, his frowning had ceased once he had taken to account where he was, who he was with and that his dream was just a figurative imagination. He sighed of relief.

However, Izuku blushed, despite the darkness the alpha could see it clear as daylight, he smiled and pulled the omega to his chest, causing a Izuku to only move a little before speaking.

"A-are you sure..?-" Glancing down nervously, his blush had only darkened as he felt the alpha's arms hug his body and his musky scent fill his nostrils as the two were inseparably close.

"Knock yourself out" Katsuki replied a tired yawn escaping him, he was too tired to fight or get angry, and he highly doubted his neighbours would be happy to hear yelling at around one or two in the morning.

Taking the offer, the freckle faced male nodded and buried his nose further into the alpha's shirt, internally he wanted to lose control and he knew he was bound to from being so close to an alpha but at the same time, he felt safe. He felt wanted. He felt loved. But that was only because of the heat...maybe when he got off it..the two would be back to the first time they met.

Izuku's scent leaked of distress and nervousness, unable to contain his emotions due to his state.
Suddenly he felt circles being placed on his back, his eyes closing as he focused on the hand movement than more of his problems.
He was going to take advantage of this.

This was the first time an alpha had truly cared...

To be continued...

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