Chapter 37

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Izuku awakens panting feeling hot. He was definitely not on his was fat too early. However he looked beside him to see the blond alpha that he had just dreamt of.

They had never really gotten intimate apart from when Izuku was in his heat, and he had never gotten dreams like that...apart from the one he had in the beginning of Katsuki practically raping him which awoke him immediately and he ran for escape and fear.

It was different now. He felt flustered and hot instead of fear. He uncovered himself feeling the coolness he hadn't felt when he was under the blanket with the alpha.

He stood. Stretching his limbs, hearing them click and feeling warm blood circulate through where his bones had popped allowing his blood to pass through.

The blond had also slightly stirred as he felt the bed beside him get empty and cold, like the times when his Omega wasn't there. He allowed his eyes to crack open.

"Zuku?" The blond mumbled as he sat up glancing at his mate as he rubbed his right eye.

The omega only glanced over before he felt his face flush and his dreams flood back into his thoughts like a tsunami. He looked away.

Katsuki could only stare confused, why was his Omega up so early, and he slightly shook as he had removed himself from the bed. He smiled faintly, whatever it was didn't matter.

Shuffling closer to where his Omega stood, he grabbed the duvet before wrapping it around the Omegas hips, pulling him down and covering him while resting his head on the male's shoulders.

"You okay? You stood up so abruptly " The alpha questioned as his breathing fanned against the males neck which the omega shivered in reaction to. Katsuki smiled as he felt goosebumps rund down Izuku's arms. It was cute.

"Dream..." Izuku mumbled unable to form a clear sentence, the alpha smiled.

The room was dark, but it was just that faint moonlight that peaked through the males curtains allowing them to see eachother in the dark.

The night was silent, yet pleasant, the night was the best part, the world was silent at this time apart from a few cars that drove by to get to work so early or return from work.

But it was the most silent part of the day. The only thing the two could hear were eachothers breathing, feel eachothers heartbeat.

"About?" The alpha asked filling thr silence with his gruff voice, which Izuku looked down to wanting to fiddle with his fingers, and he did, but was stopped as he felt skin contact with his alpha.

"J-just...nothing" Izuku lied, a wave of heat rushing over his body that he closed his eyes to. The alpha smiled. "About me perhaps?" He took a guess. Little did he know it was the right guess.

He chuckled as he heard the Omegas breath hitch and he kissed the back of the male's neck, feeling and smelling the sweetness of his skin and feeling the smoothness of it.

"So it was?" He teased, hinting it as a question but at the same time he hunted he knew from his teasing tone.

Izuku returned back to his position which was laying in bed, and the male could only hope that he would fall asleep. The alpha followed on after Izuku, he laid himself behind Izuku, he was propped on his elbow.

He leaned over to Izuku's body, before leaning in on Izuku's cheek, he smiled leaving a small kiss and with that he leaned back onto the matress.


"Can't believe it's going to be Christmas soon" Mitsuki spoke as she plated down food for the family. Izuku nodded.

He had never celebrated Christmas, so this was going to be a first time. He wondered how it would be, especially now that he had people to call family and a loving alpha.

"Thank you for the food" Izuku thanked as he dug in. Mitsuki smiled.

So much had happened bad and good and they were going to leave the year behind on a good note. She was glad she could be of help before the year ended, along with finding her son someone he could love, to her that was a massive achievement.

Snow littered the world, all around, the streets were filled with a white ice cold blanket that would disappear as soon as Christmas was over.

However on the interior people were warm, happy enjoying their warm food, that filled their stomachs, they shared laughter, they shared a loving bond they couldn't throughout the year.

It was a one in a year time bond.

And surely they weren't gonna waste it.

At least Katsuki wasn't going to let his plans go to waste.

Christmas was near.

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