Chapter 27

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Humming a tune that was stuck in the blonde woman's head she swayed her hips as she stirred the soup.

She had to be honest it was slightly odd without her son around, without his explosive behaviour, and she missed it. But it was nice as it was quiet and she didn't have to deal with it.

Suddenly her husband appeared. "They're here" are the words he spoke and the woman's eyes widened before she smiled and nodded.

Masaru approached the entrance before he opened the door.

"Hi...can I help?" Masaru asked as two men stood outside his door.

"We're looking for our missing omega, he had ran away from home just recently, we came here days ago but we're assuming you weren't home?" The male alpha spoke. Masaru nodded looking apologetic.

"Yes sorry, me and my wife have been working alot lately" Masaru spoke the truth.

"We need to check the interior of every home, make sure no one is covering up, if not we will be calling the police and confirming that we have the permission" Masaru stared, hating the way they called the omega their omega as if they owned Izuku,however, he masked his true feelings, nodding.

"Not at all go ahead gentlemen." He allowed the men in, they stepped in, taking a sniff before looking at eachother and shaking their heads

" Let's take a look" the other said to the what he assumed was the older one. They both dispersed, looking around. One had walked in the kitchen to expose a Mitsuki at the stove.

"Oh...hello there" she greeted, the male bowed, mitsuki had a much more dominant aura than him, and so he bowed.

"Hunny what are they doing here?" Mitsuki questioned her husband, he walked over, wrapping his arm around her waist before speaking, comforting her.

"They're here to look for the missing omega" Masaru told her, she only nodded before unleashing the steam from the pot as she removed the lid.

Footsteps were heard ascending up the stairs. The two weren't nervous, they had everything planned out, and they knew what was planned goes.

"Have you two seen an Omega around lately? Heard anything?" A male asked as he glanced at some of the old antique plates that was carried and locked away in a wooden cupboard.

"Not at all, we've been working in and out.." Mitsuki spoke, crossing her arms looking down, worried.

The male hummed, he knew this wasn't the house. Footsteps were heard descending the stairs, and the male sighed.

"Whose room is upstairs empty?" The alpha asked. "That's our sons room, he's currently out at school" Mitsuki spoke, she made sure to make eye contact so nothing was suspicious about the couple. She turned focusing her attention on the soup.

"Seems like there's nothing here once again" The alpha spoke.
"We should have not bothered the first time" the other male spoke, the two sighed.
The alpha looking at the time and shaking his head.

"We had to make sure. Thank you for your time" The alpha spoke before making eye contact with Masaru.
The alpha nodded before taking the men out and with that it took seconds to have the front door closed.

Mitsuki sighed before the sound of her phone verbrated through the house and Masaru had went ahead and picked it for her, handing it to her, Mitsuki looked before answering and asking Masaru to take over the cooking, he only nodded and done just that.

"Katsuki what's the-" her sentence was interuppted with a groan and her eyes widened.

"Fuck, hag I'm in trouble" Katsuki groaned and she could tell he was in pain.

She sat on the chair that sat on her garden and she listened in, intently attempting not to panic.

"What's the matter?" She asked, calming herself and breathing slowly. Katsuki continued to pant slowly over the line.

"I'm in my rut...I can't.. " Katsuki muttered as his sentence was cut off.
"What about Izuku?" Mitsuki asked.

"He's in his heat" The alpha replied, it was the last thing she had wanted to hear. When an Alpha and Omega were both struggling and An alpha went into Rut and Omega was in heat, it meant the two were ready to mate, but in reality these two weren't.

Mitsuki struggled to form words. She was unsure of how to help her son. She was Alpha too but she had never went into rut, Masaru had but he was never around her when that was the case.

"I'll get your father on the line" Mitsuki replied before she headed inside and handed the phone, speaking words that weren't really spoken and with that Masaru was in possession of her phone.

"Son, are you away from Izuku?" Masaru asked, immediately as he had possession. A hum was heard over the line, and the alpha sighed. "I hope you're able to control yourself even when you're in your rut" The alpha spoke.

The two were apart which was good, but Izuku was much more vulnerable being an Omega that was unmated, and out of his mind. The omega would mostly likely go for the alpha without thinking.

"I need you to stay sane no matter what, you hear me" Masaru spoke, a demanding tone leaving his throat. " do not hurt that Omega, or do anything unthinkable"

Katsuki only complied, there was still that bit of sanity that sat with him, and he had no intention of doing anything or going near that Omega, even if the omega asked him to, he wouldn't. Or at least he hoped he wouldn't.

Before Masaru could say anything a "shit" was muttered over the line before it was cut.
Masaru panicked. He called his son again. But no answer he was sent straight to voice mail.

Meanwhile on the otherside Izuku entered another room, where Katsuki was sat. His pheromones wafting through the air like perfume. It was sweet and addicting.

The alpha stood before shaking his head, Izuku whimpered getting closer and closer until the alpha pounced on Izuku, knocking him over, and the alpha hovered over Izuku's neck before his fangs had expanded.

A yelp had escaped the omegas lips but it took a drop of blood on Izuku's neck to realise the alpha had bitten into his own arm. Causing it to bleed.
The alpha couldn't risk marking Izuku.

Meanwhile, Masaru was on his way.
He couldn't bear leaving the two knowing they were in the same house.

To be continued....

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