Chapter 13

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Bakugo's POV:

I'm two lessons into the day, and there's nothing more i feel than dreariness. I'm sat in maths, the class at the back sending whispers to their mates however it's not whispering seemingly as it's reaching to the front of the class. 

The teacher sighs visibly more than aggravated, he turned his attention to the class and dead silence followed on. It's always like that, the teacher turns their back and the chatter starts again, it gets quite irritating after a while. I yawn out of tiredness and feel my phone buzz in the pocket of my uniform and take it out seeing a text from the hag.

Mitsuki: Goodmorning, My doctor Iida is at the house taking care of Izuku :)

That's all it said and i groaned gaining attention as i fished my phone back into my pocket, duplicating what the teacher has wrote on the large screen sitting ahead of me i can't help but now think about the omega...

Why am I so...fetched with with the Omega? It's just a stupid Omega and here I am caring for the thing, it makes no sense, i shake my head what is seemingly the thousandth time, before i know it the bell rings, causing me to jump out my seat and dash outside my classroom. Finally having a ten minute break before three more excessive periods of boring lessons.

I ditch Kirishima as i climb up to the rooftop, sitting on the cold flooring and take out my phone...sadly i don't have the omega's number...wait why am i worried about that?! There's something wrong with me. The words of my therapist fills my mind, there's no way i'm really warming up to an omega, i've been with a few but...why is he different?

Everything has been messed up ever since the damn Omega came. I gotta go...texting the old hag I send her a simple message.

Katsuki: I'm going therapy.

That was all I sent before I made my way down, bumping into red head.

3rd Person:

The two Alphas bumped into eachother, the other laughed.
"Geee I was looking for you" The male spoke as he sighed of relief. "I'm leaving"the blond simply announced as the male opposite him, eyes widened.

"Did something happen?" Kirishima asked, worried for his friend. He wasn't wrong, something did happen but it wasn't serious. "No" He spoke. The alpha followed the blond off to the receptionist,he told the woman he was leaving and she asked why ect.

He gave her a note that allowed him to leave the schools premises and with that he waved his alpha friend off as he left.
Boy was he glad his grades were good, if they weren't he'd be stuck in school longer than his liking.

Walking his way to therapy, the alpha preferred walking than taking public transport, it was a good way to take his mind..for at least a bit. But before he knew it he arrived faster than anticipated.

Entering the building for therapy, it felt more like a clinic, but when walking into a room to start the session, it was more homey, it was filled with documents and books that filled the empty space of the wall.

As if on que, Aizawa, Katsuki's therapist walked out of the break room, the two made eye contact. "Aren't you supposed to be in school?" The man spoke walking to his room with a coffee in hand. "Need to talk" the blond spoke, the older man smiled.  "Come in" He welcomed, holding the door for the alpha.

The blond walked in seating himself onto the couch, making himself comfortable as he laid down, finally happy letting his eyes fall, the room brought tremendous amounts of memories, he there.

The whole reason the blond was in therapy was because of the old hag, he couldn't say he regretted it though, he actually enjoyed it, having someone to talk to instead of being judged and criticised on his problems.

Aizawa took a seat on his chair as he opened up a black notebook with a shiny K at the front. It's where he took notes of the Blonds feelings, problems and improvements, happy moments ect. The room belonged to Aizawa, no one used it, every therapist had their own room, you wouldn't want others snooping around.

Sipping his coffee, the male held his pen as he wrote down the date as always, it was good to have a date on each session, so you knew when it took place.

"Want a snack?" the alpha asked. The blond looked. "What do you have?" He asked back. The alpha smiled before pointing to a large drawer, allowing the blond to approach and search.

Katsuki ended up taking a bag of crisps, spicy, because he loved spice. Whoever didn't were just sensative to the burning feeling whenever it got too hot on their tongues, Katsuki deeply loved it though, he never got a runny nose like others did, I know right.

The alpha, that was sat on the brown, four legged chair glanced at the time, writing it down.
"Session thirty" He spoke out loud, and from there the blond knew their session had began.

He leaned back, relaxing his shoulders, letting the heat of the crisps ease him and relax him further. The alpha opposite him sipped his coffee, sensing the alpha's comfort and beginning his questioning.

"How are you today?" The alpha asked. It was one Aizawa seemed to always ask..

To be continued....

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