Chapter 35

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"Today we are back with some shocking news" The TV passes from the news reporter to the background being the police arresting an alpha and Izuku and Katduki at the background as the scene unfolds.

"An alpha and Omega having been kidnapped by an alpha omega trafficker was caught in the action of it, the Omega being held in a traumatic situation of being forced into heat" The reporter voices over, once again the scene pans to another scene of a lot of Omegas being taken out of a large factory designed building.

Towels were draped over the Omegas as they were being comforted out. Lastly it pans back to the news reporter.

"The alpha had been taken down and had been proved guilty against the actions of those trafficked Omegas and had found himself a life sentence in prison due to how long of a time this had been going on for, and the Omegas have finally found themselves justice, being provided with health care-" Mitsuki smiles as she hears footsteps descending the stairs of her home.

It's the best news she had watched and she kept the TV on as Katsuki was stood behing his Omega resting as Izuku had continuesly rubbed his eyes more than tired but not minding the Alphas comfort.

" good news boys" Mitsuki announced as she turned her attention. Katsuki was resting his eyes, however, she knew he was listening.

"The man had just been put behind bars for life and all the trafficked Omegas are free now, getting all the care they need" She happily announced, Izuku couldn't help but blush, his eyes opening much more lively.

"Really?!" Izuku exclaimed, the blond only pouted before he wrapped his arms around Izuku's stomach holding him tightly making sure the male didn't escape. His mother read right through it.

"Calm yourself down Alpha, he won't run away" She chuckled before Katsuki growled. "Shut up" Hos voice gravelled as Izuku shivered slightly, goosebumps travelling his body.

Masaru finally escaped the kitchen as he greeted the two goodmorning before trodding over to the couches and taking a seat with his coffee.

The alpha took Izuku's hand before he sat him down and pulled Izuku into his lap, feeling nothing more but ease and comfort.

"That's amazing" Izuku smiled, he was more than happy, he was able to escape hell and moreover he was able to help other Omega escape the hell they had also been living similarly to him.

"Isn't it?" Mitsuki agreed. She turned her attention to the TV and Izuku rested against the alpha as he took advantage of the moment.

It was Closer to Christmas. And Katsuki had plans but he couldn't lie he was far more than nervous. He was unsure if he could actually do it. Take Izuku there and have him enjoy it.

He really hoped Izuku would love it. All he had to do was hope.

It was the first thing he'd do for someone he truly cared about. (Listen parents aren't on the list)

He smiled to himself before hiding himself in his clothing that Izuku wore, even if Izuku had his own he preferred the Alphas.


Izuku and Katduki had escaped their prison of a home, they found themselves going out more often together. Izuku feeling safe he found himself offering to go out with Katsuki. And Katsuki. Was now on his holiday. Apparently they had sent students home.

Due to the news there were being more reporting for trafficked Omegas withing their areas so school had finished much earlier.

As the two walked hand in had across shops, inspecting but mostly enjoying the outdoor weather, even though it was cold. Spending time together was what mattered.

Ther finally came to a stop by a coffee shop and with that Katsuki looked at his Omega. "Are you sure you're ready to meet my friend?" The alpha asked to double check, Izuku nodded. He couldn't lie, he was nervous.

He nodded. Katsuki only smiled and opened the door.

There he was. Kirishima. Katsuki waved the male over and with that the red haired male waved over as he stood over.

The blond approached with Izuku.

"Hey!" He exclaimed, Izuku only waved. "I'm Kirishima, your Alphas best mate! Its so good to finally meet the Omega that has kept him on hook" Kirishima teased, the blind punched the male before he allowed Izuku beside the window and sat beside him.

They were sat at a booth that had a window, the atmosphere was aesthetic and it was quiet. They were surrounded by chatter and workers.

"Izuku" The omega introduced, as he fumbled with the Alphas hoodie he wore. Katsuki placed his left arm on the Omegas thigh, comforting him as he used his thumb to massage it.

Izuku blushed moving his leg away, the alpha disapproved as he pulled Izukus thigh, squeezing.

The Omega cleared his throat with a blush that painted his face. "You really are cute and pretty" the red haired alpha complimented. Katsuki only kidder the male under the table disapproving his comment.

He didn't like someone complimenting his Omega, even if it was the alpha he was so familiar and comfortable with.

Kirishima laughed as a woman approached the table. She asked what they wanted and they all told her. They were left to eachother once again.

"Don't flirt with my Omega" Katsuki spoke protectively, The other alpha only smiled. "Sorry" He teased as he shared eye contact with Izuku.

Izuku could only chuckle. Katsuki really was protective.

"It's fine" Izuku mumbled, he glanced around before he pecked his alpha on the cheek. He didn't want the blond to be jealous. He wanted the male to trust him.

The Alphas received their drinks and with that they were having a conversation together, getting to know eachother.

It was really a cold day, but they had a cozy warm atmosphere. They all enjoyed it.


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