Chapter 31

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Wednesday 2nd November 20XX

The male tapped his foot as he sat in the heat of her car. He was sitting as he waited and watched the people that came in and left but none were Izuku, he was put on the responsibility of finding Izuku and he had a hunch feeling the omega would be here. So there he was camping at the comfort of his car.

He was unsure though, he had been waiting and sitting for a while but there was no news...from any of his alpha male friends. And their master was getting upset gradually, day by day. Which upset and scared the alpha's themselves, they never saw their boss so upset over an omega before and they knew they had to do something about it.

Suddenly the alpha saw something. Green. He shot up sitting in his car seat as he used his binoculars and looked into the lens. There he was he thought.

Bingo, he smirked.


Izuku left the home with the blond, the blond had suggested  they go out as they were now..official and he wanted them to go out and bond, see what similarities and differences they had. He was happy and fufilled to call Izuku his Omega and his mate.

''So where are we going?'' Izuku asked timidly, the blond smiled before taking Izuku's hand, and the Omega took his, holding it as a blush sat on his face. This was new. And he liked the change.

The two made their way down the road, it was chilly and Izuku wore Katsuki's coat that was scented with his smell and he adored it, he was warm and Katsuki wore a coat also but not a puffy as Izuku's as he already produced enough body heat than normal.

But that was the good thing, producing an excessive amount of heat to the point you didn't have to worry about getting cold. The two made their way to the end of the road and were greeted with cars that drove by and people that walked by with friends, alone or with shopping bags.

The pair walk towards a bus stop and they wait. Little do they know...they weren't alone.


''Yeah i found him for sure, and it was that house that you searched but their son was at school'' The alpha spoke, he kept his eye on the bus that the pair had just entered and immediately his boss had ordered him to turn his location and follow them.

The plan was going to commence.

He followed the large vehicle, keeping an eye on the green hair the Omega kept and he couldn't help but smirk. He knew this was it, his omega would be back and he just couldn't wait.


''So, about your past? are you sure you're up for speaking about it?' katsuki asked. Izuku said he was ready, knowing he would have to come out eventually and speak of what had taken place, he thought he was ready, and he wanted the blond alpha to know about his past, so he wouldn't have to hide it, he didn't want to.

''I want to tell you...i'm done hiding'' Izuku mumbled looking down, he was really warm, sitting nect to the blond and having their knees touch as they sat, it made him feel all tingly, but he didn't mind it. He liked it and it was something he had never felt before, it was nice in his opinion.

All he hoped was that he wasn't being taken advantage of...but he had to keep in mind that this wasn't the place he was trapped in and used because of his gender.

''Well whenever you're ready, love'' He spoke, Izuku's body blushed visibly, his face, ears and neck going red at the nickname...secretly he loved it and he felt even more comforted in his alpha's prescence, now confident enough to call him his alpha.

''well...i was used..for many..alphas'' Izuku started, his words fumbling over eachother, he could no longer look at his alpha, not wanting to see his anger or the frown he would show on his face, he wouldn't be able to speak if he did see. So he didn't look.

''they wanted to insert a tracker...but were stopped by someone else and i was lucky enough not to have one under my skin...some Omegas do'' Izuku spoke, in a hushed tone to assure no one else heard. He was..scared to speak aboout it but he managed to share the infrmation, he knew but alos hoped he wuldn't be made fun of for it.

''There are more?'' Katsuki asked to only see his omega nod, his hair fell by his eyes by covering them. He felt the sudden urge to comfort the Omega and his insticts had did just that as he placed an arm over the smallers as his had fit just nicely in his own. Izuku was gorgeous and he couldn't bare seeing the male so upset.

''Yes...alot'' Izuku frowned, he didn't like the thought, that he wasn't the only one, and the one that had escaped, luckily because of his tracker, that had only saved him by the slight bit. and now he was all better and recovering.

He had more weight on him even when it wasn't easy and he was no longer severely bruised like the beginning and how he would constantly be held with such a rugged grip it left bruises, he was now held with such embrace and a soft grip by the blond that he felt special.

Izuku felt much better opening up, he finally felt relieved, having someone to talk to about his experience instead of bottling it up till he couldn't take it and till he broke down. He was finally at the best part of life, where he could enjoy himself and finally explore.

''It'll be over, they'll be fine too, i promise you'' Katsuki spoke. Izuku could only smile and believe him. He did since the start.

''Right then let's enjoy the day'' The blond smiled as he pressed a red button which caused a ding to sound through the bus and with that the two got off.

''They got off'' The alpha spoke as he exited the car.

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