Chapter 39

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It was Christmas!

Izuku hadn't slept, he had been so excited, the day before Mitsuki and Masaru were busy cooking and baking and him and his alpha were in the room watching Christmas movies as they drank hot chocolate occasionally.

But now it was seven in the morning. Katsuki awoke as he felt his Omega stir he let out a yawn before hugging the male. "Mm why are you up?" The alpha asked.

Izuku turned to his alpha with a large grin on his face. "It's christmas" He spoke in joy which the blond couldn't help but chuckle to before he pressed his lips softly to Izuku's.

Their lips molded together, creating a warm friction as they deepened it, Izuku flushed but the blond more than excited and willing to partake in the activity.

Soon enough it broke as the two gazed into eachothers eyes as if they were staring at gorgeous stars and Katsuki sat up allowing his Omega to rest.

His torso held no fabric, he was bare once again, as always Katsuki produced a sweet sweat and had to wear no shirt in order not to oversweat although Izuku hadn't really minded, he smelt really nice.

The blond stretched his arms allowing himself to flex his muscles before he got up from the bed. "Let's have breakfast" Katsuki smiled as he spoke. Izuku only nodded.

The Omega got up and slipped on his slippers and Katsuki awaited for the male to make his way down first. And so they both made their way down.


Izuku was getting ready to go out, well he was ready but Katsuki hadn't come out yet. He awaited for his alpha, sitting by the desk and watching the outside, the snow was beginning to fall. It was really pretty and the first time he had seen snow.

"Alright I'm ready" Katsuki announced as he left the bathroom closing the door, after just having his teeth brushed, he saw Izuku sat by his desk and he smiled.

Walking over, and aizuku managed to catch his footsteps he turned and the alpha stopped, he glanced down to see his Omega ready with the collar.


Izuku and Katsuki were now out and the closer they were getting the more impatient katsuki was. He was excited to have Izuku see something he's never seen before.

Moreover his eyes kept travelling to Izuku wearing a collar that told other Alphas he was taken and make them look away.

But that wasn't the reason he only wore the collar. It was because Izuku was an unmarked Omega. Katsuki wouldn't mark Izuku in his heat, he would much prefer his Omega to being fully sane.

So he could really rationalise with what he really wanted, and not be effected by the haze and daze of his heat. But it did keep Alphas away.


"Okay we're heading out Hag" Katsuki announced, it was dark by now, they had dinner early, because Katsuki had to take his Omega to the location he wanted to.

It wasn't far but close either. The snowy night was approaching but homes were filled of decorations by the front, complementing the snow.

Izuku admired all the houses he passed despite seeing them even when he was out with his alpha this morning. Katsuki hekd Izuku's hand as they walked passed the snow filled streets.

The sky was a navy blue, stars that filled it's dark cover, some were large but some were far too tiny. The moon shone bright than it ever had before, it lit the couples path as they walked down in ease and peace.


"We have to walk up?" Izuku asked as his alpha opened a gate letting Izuku in and exposing a path right before him. They were going to walk up a mountain, but there was a path up it.

"Don't worry, and yes we're walking up, we still have time but better early then late" katsuki answered and with that, Izuku walked first, following the path up the mountain, it wasn't the massive mountains you're thinking about, but it was one where when you had gotten on top you could view the whole city.

And as the two got on top of it some minutes later, Izuku couldn't help but stop in his tracks. The view was phenomenal. He couldn't help but have the support of his alpha to help him move and as he did the alpha offered to sit. The two sat.

"So I just want to clear up more with your collar" Katsuki started as Izuku looked at the male, he smiled and blushed seeing the moonlight hitting the Alphas face, highlighting his features, his red gorgeous eyes, his blind hair, his sharp jaw

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"So I just want to clear up more with your collar" Katsuki started as Izuku looked at the male, he smiled and blushed seeing the moonlight hitting the Alphas face, highlighting his features, his red gorgeous eyes, his blind hair, his sharp jaw.

"I haven't marked you, which is also why you're wearing it." Katsuki spoke in all honesty. He was rather honest and bold.

The omega nodded in understanding. "Would you mark me today?" Izuku asked, the Alphas eyes widened before he saw lights being portrayed at his Omegas skin, blue, purple. The male looked gorgeous.

He shuffled closer before he stared at the gorgeous fireworks with his Omega, smiling as he heard the amazement in his voice.

His eyes were glossed over with the gorgeous fireworks that were being set around the city, the colours.

Movement was heard before Izuku looked beside him to see Katsuki a boy in his hands and his eyes widened as he took it and opened it to reveal two bracelets, he looked before taking the smaller one and katsuki to his.

It was a couple bracelet that had a heart, and when it was joined it said Complete.

The omega embraced the alpha, hearing the sounds of the fireworks in the background before they both collapsed in the snow, chuckling.

"I won't mark you until you're ready" Katsuki comforted after their chuckling died down, Izuku blushed before pressing his lips to the blonds.

They were happy. Complete.

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