Chapter 13: Tara (Part 2)

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Matt coughed, but he didn't need to do much for attention

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Matt coughed, but he didn't need to do much for attention. People stopped the moment they saw a good looking guy walking with a giant camera in tow. Curiosity would be the death of human kind before anything else with how they flocked to danger in hopes to grab a video with their phone or a glimpse of what was going on.

"This is Matt Astra with Levi Valley News coming to you live from the mage complex in downtown Levisca," Matt announced with his best deep reporter voice.

People leaned in from the other side of the sidewalk as they chatted about knowing him. Matt was the biggest news face they had in the town, so a few girls giggled and tried to get closer. The mages on the door, not so much. The blond man on the left, leaned to the door and a woman scurried in.

"Today I'm here to tell you about the truth going on inside of the mysterious building cordoned off only to private visits and scheduled interviews. Just what are they hiding inside? What is it the mages don't want us normal humans to see?"

The man on the door cursed and leaned in the front entrance again as Matt attracted people like ants to a melting sugar cube. If nothing else, Matt could gather a crowd and entertain, even if he was a waste of a human being.

"Levi Valley News was given exclusive access to the mage complex, and we've got a juicy scoop on the latest cover up." Matt turned to a man who was lingering on the sidewalk behind him and lowered a microphone. "Tell me sir, what do you think they do inside these sinister walls?"

The pedestrian opened his mouth to speak, but didn't quite make it before two men came out of the complex building, grabbed them both by their shoulders and tugged them in the doors. Tara was thrown so off balance she dropped the camera, but Matt dipped and caught it to set it down on the floor before standing up and crossing his arms. Tara took the hint and shrunk back into the shadows as he took center stage.

"Got your attention, did I?" Matt near growled, and Tara wasn't sure she'd ever heard him use an aggressive tone with anyone except her. The man was greased in people-pleasing sauce when he worked for the station. One could even say he was smearing his name putting bad attention on the station like this.

It seemed uncanny to do for someone like her.

"Matt Astra," the angry blond from the door spat his name, regarding Matt much like she did. "We have an agreement with Levi Valley News to be transparent with the station granted you report the truth."

"Transparent?" Matt smirked as he walked up to the main desk and slammed his palms down.

With Tara hiding in the corner with her head down, the remaining mages headed behind the desk or behind him. That was the benefit of the news world, she guessed. No one ever saw or cared much for the cameraman, especially while the camera was down.

"We have hidden nothing from you?" the man insisted.

"Nothing?" Matt yelled, drawing every eye in the room, and Tara slipped along the wall as they redirected their attention. "I have several good sources saying you silenced–"

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