A week to go...

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Troy's POV

I made it the Earnie's and saw the others sat 'round a table chatting. They had left a seat for me between Emma and Noah with Jake next to him who was obviously next the Gia who was next to Emma for relief from Jake when he got on her nerves too much. This was our usual seating arrangement since Orion had left for his home planet with few alterations whenever possible. We were happy this way and so I calmly took my seat with Emma immediately greeting me as usual.

"Hay Troy, we already ordered your usual for you." They all knew what I liked so I wasn't surprised by this at all but Emma seemed a little more bubbly than usual today. Probably due to the obvious romance in the air. In fact, it was so massive that you could honestly have cut it up and served it to the whole city and still had enough to feed the world for a week and then some so it was no surprise that Emma, being the most optimistic of us all, was especially effected by it.

"Thanks" I stated a little too abruptly as I sat down trying not to make eye contact with the brunette. Although I try to hide it, I have a crush on Emma and I know that if I look into her eyes now when she is so hyped about Valentine's Day I will loose it and pull a Jake getting lost in her eyes and fumbling over my words which is not in my nature nor my reputation. So for now I just have to wait and distract myself from making a fool of myself until I can regain my composure which I am now used to having served on the same ranger team with her for what feels like years.

We chatted for a while and I was able to look at Emma casually whilst she went on about what everyone had planned for Valentine's Day when Ernie came over with our orders. Ernie decided to also go all in on the Valentine's theme and decided to not only plaster his restaurant with red and pink hearts and flower, but he also coloured most of his orders either red or pink and as well as serve everything with a heart shaped cookie. I dread to think how much more he will charge everyone for them despite them not having a choice to have one or not. As we ate I noticed how Noah was also getting into the Valentine's spirit which was very unusual of him...

Noah's POV

Emma was talking about how much she loved Valentine's Day and how this year would be extra special despite her not having a boyfriend. This combined with a conversation I had with Mr. Burley a few days ago got me thinking of a new experiment that I could try on my friends. Is love a science?

We all knew that Jake had a huge crush on Gia and I had my suspicions that she liked him too as she often rejected him hard whereas everyone else she puts down gently. To me they were the perfect test subjects for my theory and I'm sure that Jake being my best friend won't mind if I help him get his girl, I am his wingman after all. However, if this was going to be a valid experiment, it needed to have the important ability to be replicated so a second pair of lab rats were required. Thankfully, I knew exactly who to chose. Emma was also one of the most popular and sought after girls in the school, though Gia is good at diverting them away without Emma even knowing. However, there was one person even the astute Gia didn't know about and that was none other than our fearless leader, Troy Burrows. At least, that was my hypothesis.

I first realised that there might be something between them when we found out about Emma's singing ability. It was Troy who brought her to the battle and was the only one who even knew that she could sing let alone that her song made flower bloom. Why would she tell Troy and not us or even Gia about her talent...? I also saw Troy look over at Emma before activating his twist tornado as well as constantly looking at her checking if she was ok as she sang which seemed a little weird to me but I was preoccupied dealing with dizchord and all. I will admit that when Orion came I thought he and Emma would get together especially when they went undercover as a bride and groom. But once Orion left I could see that both Emma and Troy were slowly getting closer. They were hanging out more and even little things like always together. It was subtle but it was definitely new, on going thing.

All this evidence combined I decided that I had my two sets of test subjects. I know it's a bit mean to think of my friends as test subjects but I am not just doing this for science, they'll be so much happier when they all finally admit their feelings.
Am I the only one who now sees the irony in the two land powers hero's and the two wind powered hero's being romantically involved...? Maybe that's why I haven't got a girlfriend?...

So with my new plan to play the cupid ranger, I joined in the conversation and attempted to subtly get my friends together starting with the most difficult.

Hey guys so I'm really enjoying making this and I should have another chapter to you by tomorrow but I can't guarantee it with work, college and life in general. Let me know of your thoughts.

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