Tremma at last

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Troy's POV

Emma and I pulled apart lost in each other's eyes and worlds. It was bliss and perfect. We were a couple and loved it.

Then the spell was broken...

We both turned bright red.

I knew we would have to talk about this so with my heart running at the speed of light and my brain frozen in time. Next thing I knew I had grabbed Emma's hand and was running away from Jake and Gia and everyone else in the park as they also began to snap out of their love sickness.

We ran for quite a while letting our feet take us wherever they wanted. Emma began to giggle at the joy of our spontaneousness. Her joy was infectious and I couldn't help but break my stern, focused facial expression as I joined her laughter as we no longer ran away from the park, but ran together. Heading nowhere.

We ran through the forest and through the field where I first saw Emma singing to the trees. My heart swelled at the thought. I look over at Emma and noticed just how pretty she looked. Her deep brown hair flew perfectly behind her as it bounced with each step off of her signature denim jacket. Her lip were a perfect shade of pink like her ranger colour. I realised that pink was the perfect colour for her; and its similar to red despite the fact that we are so different.

In that moment, I knew exactly where we had to go. I lead Emma away from the field and towards HQ.

We kept going until we reached the cliff above HQ. When we reached the grassy cliff, still laughing, we slowed to an exhausted stop stop falling to the ground together still hand in hand. In that beautiful moment; nothing else mattered. We were together and we were happy. And that's all that mattered.

Soon enough our energy was drained and the laughter subsided as we replenished our energy and came back to the real world. We sat up side by side and looked each other in the eye. A gently breeze swept past and blow some of Emma's hair into her face. I instinctively reached over with my free hand gently moving it behind her ear. Our eyes lock and all barriers fell off the cliff as it felt like this was the only thing mattered. We lent in...

Emma's POV

We pulled apart after a gentle yet passionate kiss. I smiled at Troy and understood why we were the sky powered rangers as it felt like we were floating on a cloud together.

I then couldn't help but giggle and look down as we both broke eye contact and processed our whole situation. We both looked at our hands which were still intertwined. We blushed.

We quickly snapped our hands apart as embarrassment set in. We couldn't look at each other without remembering everything we went through and getting massively embarrassed. I then thought of the team and realised that this can't go on. If we are going to continue to be an effective ranger team, then we need to be able to look each other in the eye. I decided to take the initiative.

"Troy. What are we?" I asked with my eyes fixed or a random piece of grass. His head snapped up upon hearing him name. I think I took him a bit by surprise.

"I don't know..." he trailed off into thought. I had hoped he would ask me to be his girlfriend or say 'teammate' or 'just friends' or something but if he didn't know then how could I know. My face dropped.

Troy's POV

What were we? I knew what I wanted us to be but did Emma feel the same? I mean we did just kiss without Hearttreds spell so maybe...

Emma checked her phone.

"The others are at the brain freeze. They think that monsters blast effected us differently. They said our helmets protected us and we just had our emotions enhanced. " She recited bluntly. I've never heard her so disheartened. It broke my heart. I knew what I had to do.

"Emma." I declared as I stood up. I hadn't really paid any attention to what she said. I just saw her facial expression and acted on pure emotion.

"Yeah Troy," she said as I spent a few seconds deciding on the exact wording I was about to use.

"Emma, I like you. A lot. And I don't care if you say no but will you be my girlfriend." I declared. I thought it would be best to just tell her exactly what I felt in my usual commander bluntness.

She stared at me blankly.

A few moments of this pasted and I began to rapidly loose faith. I was just about to say that 'if you don't feel the same then we can go back to being friends and teammates and never discuss this again,' when she suddenly sprung up and threw herself at me causing me to take a few small steps back to regain my balance due to her shocking force.

"Of course I will!" She all but yelled as she squeezed my torso. I hugged her back and we both started laughing and spinning. We pulled apart and I planted a quick kiss on her lips. We laughed again pulled apart keeping our hands together.

"Should we go meet up with the others and tell them the good news?" I suggested to which she nodded and we began to stroll back to the brain freeze all the while I had my armed wrapped around her shoulder and she was hugging me slightly. We passed many couples on the way and we couldn't help but smile at every single one.

Emma's POV

When we reached the brain freeze we immediately saw the others huddled on a table with Jake and Gia holding hands as well as our usual seats being left free between Noah and Gia. They all but squealed as we walked in together.

"Well if it isn't the other happy couple." Noah said as soon as he saw us. I could see Troy drop his head as he smiled slightly hiding his embarrassment but he quickly brought it back up almost as if to confirm Noah's statement.

We sat down and got some ice cream, talked and had a wonderful time. We all really enjoyed spending time together as a group and as couples.

Now all we needed to do is find Noah a partner 😈 but that's a story for another day...

Finally its finished!! I Won't be doing a sequel so please don't ask. I hoped you enjoyed and I personally learned a lot about writing through this story so I hope you enjoyed. Bye 😘

*update* just a few quick spelling corrections- I may or may not go back thought this story and make a few corrections, I was still a young teenage when I first wrote this so hopefully I'll be able to fix a few more mistakes over the holidays. Have a great morning/afternoon/evening/day/night 🥰

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