Confronting Tremma

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Noah's POV

Targets: Troy Burrows, Emma Goodall

Objective: gather intel

Regarding: are they in a relationship

If not: get them together

This was my plan. And I would completely it no matter what.

Troy's POV

Emma and I had been texting for a while now and acting as team 'make shore Jake and Gia get each other the right Valentine's gift'. It was Emma that suggested the necklace for Gia and I suggested that the football get signed for Jake. The boys were still picking out a box when Emma text saying that she would sort out the picnic spot and decorations for Jake and Gia's date on Valentine's Day whilst I sorted out getting the football signed like I had promised.

Emma sent through a pic of the ball they had chosen and I sent one of the necklace Jake had bought. Emma was asking if they should wrap the ball or put it in a box when Noah suddenly stated talking to me.

"What do you think Troy?" I had no idea what he was talking about and I was honestly caught a bit of guard so I could only respond with a "hum?"

"The box," he asked "which one do you think Gia would prefer?" He pointed to a red heart shaped on in the centre of the display.

"Not shore." I said as I secretly took a picture to send to Emma, "Give me a second" I needed to buy time until Emma could reply. "Not the heart one though, it's stupid and Gia will laugh at it." Noah nodded in reply and Jake looked a little hurt. Thankfully, Emma replied telling me that the small black one with the single gold leaf heart on it would be the best. I looked at said box in the bottom right of the display slightly tucked away from the others. It was simple but elegant and very Gia's stile. It looked like it had been designed in 5 minutes as an extra but it was still beautiful. I pointed it out to the guys and they both thought it was the right choice. We grabbed it and went to the counter where the shop attendant was waiting and whilst the boys payed, I went back to texting with Emma not even noticing the smile that was creeping onto my face.

Noah's POV

Troy thinks he's being sneaky but he's not. I saw him take the picture of  the boxes and it was only after he got a text that he suddenly saw the ideal box for Gia. Not the mention the fact that he knew the Perfect gift for Jakes new girlfriend. Troy knows us well but he doesn't know Gia that well. Then, whilst we are getting the box, I looked over to see Troy smiling as he's texting someone and it hits me. The Troy knows what to get Gia is because there not his ideas, there Emma's. A smug grin was slapped onto my face as I realised that they were planning this who thing which left me free to plan something for the two of them. 😈

As we left the jewellery shop Troy suddenly had to run off and headed towards the sports shop. With me and Jake now alone I decided to tell him my theory and why Troy knew exactly what to should get Gia. I didn't want Jake to miss understand what I was saying so I said it a bit to abruptly.

"I think Troy and Emma are a couple." Jake whipped his head round and just looked at me like I was an alien.

"What!?" He asked still in shock. He was still staring at me like I had two heads.

"I think Troy and Emma are a couple." I said slower. He looked to where our leader had headed for and took a moment to let it sink in, I don't think he believed me.

"Where on earth did you get that idea from?" He asked still in shock of my revelation.

"Well I've had my suspicions but they both got hit with that weird blast from Hearttred same as you and Gia. His blast makes the victims fall in love; I mean look at you and Gia, she was rejecting you all the time but suddenly your a dream couple. The same must be for Troy and Emma."

Jake just stared at me. His face dropped.

"Words hurt dude. Maybe you need to be hit by that monster." He spat and marched away from me. I called out to him to come back and to apologise, clearly I'd hurt his feelings and I desperately wanted to take back what I had said. He had been in love with Gia for years and I'd just said that the only reason she liked him back was because they had been hit by that monsters blast.

In my despair, I hatched a plan. I would destroy Hearttred and prove that my friends make perfect couples without any monster magic. I would get my friend back, keep them all happy, prove my theory and rid the world of it's most evil match maker all at the same time. It was bold and more of an idea than a solid plan, but it was what I would do. No matter what.

But first I had to go and see how my sky powered friends where doing and help with any Valentine's gifts to ensure that they get together.

Hey guys I'm sorry that I said I'd update but I've been enjoying my holiday so much that I haven't had much time to write. Please be patient and I will update ASAP. Thanks and see you soon

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