The story thus far

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3rd POV

Troy had never payed much attention to Valentine's Day before and he thought that this year would be the same; however, fate had other plans...

It had been about six months since the earth had been saved from invasion and Orion had left to rebuild his home planet and the earth had been doing the same. There was a lot of damage done during the battle but with the help of the legendary rangers and the people, the city and everywhere else was all but finished being rebuilt. Although the invasion had been complete chaos and the cost of rebuilding was high, it allowed some areas that were in need of an upgrade to be done much easier which no one was complaining about. The super megaforce rangers had been sad to see Orion go but they were happy that he was going to fix his home and they had piece of mind that he would return if he needed them or they him.

Troy was walking to Earnie's to meet the others for drinks when he noticed that people were getting heavily into Valentine's Day this year even though it wasn't for at lease a week! There were red and pink hearts as far as the eye could see and he wasn't even inside the mall yet! Although Troy had never been very into Valentine's Day he could appreciate why everyone was taking the opportunity to show there loved ones how much they care considering how the nearly lost them a few short months ago during the invasion. Almost on cue as he though back to the invasion he saw him and his team leading the legendary rangers into battle as he had dreamt about so meany times before. It was the proudest moment of Troy's life and he couldn't help but smile at both his precious memory and the love that was obviously in the air.

As Troy arrived at Earnie's, which was also drowning in Valentine's decorations, he saw his friends all sat around a table chatting waiting for their orders to arrive. He took the only empty seat between Emma and Noah.

"Hay Troy," Emma greeted him happily as he sat down next to her. She seemed to be even bubblier than usual today probably due to all of the love everywhere. "We already ordered your usual for you"

"Thanks," Troy stated as he sat down next to her scarcely making eye contact for fear of pulling a Jake and getting lost in her eyes. He wouldn't admit it but Troy had had a crush on Emma since he first saw her at school when he was late and when she had first appeared in the base that same day. But he took his role as team leader too seriously to tell his fellow air power ranger how he felt both out of fear of rejection and of fear of messing up the team dynamic no matter her response. If she felt the same he didn't want to be accused of giving her some sort of special treatment but if she rejected him he didn't want the team to be awkward and then be out of sync if they had to fight a battle which was unlikely due to the aliens being destroyed after their battle a few months ago. But Troy was stubborn and overly cautious with these things so despite his hearts desires, he refused to confess his feelings to Emma.

Jake however was a different story all together. He often made his feeling towards their other female member loudly know. Everyone on the team knew that Jake had the ultimate crush on Gia and often spoke his feelings to her but was always shut down immediately by the yellow ranger. Similarly to Troy however, Jake was annoyingly persistent and stubborn so despite being publicly rejected multiple times, he still wouldn't give up truly believing that someday, somehow, Gia will fall in love with him and agree to be his girlfriend.

And he wasn't far off. Although she found him infuriating at times, Gia had to admit that Jake was an attractive guy and she had slowly and silently fallen for him. This was a problem for her though as she was one of the most popular and sought after girls in the school. If people knew that she liked Jake there would be carnage! Jake would get bullied to death (not that he couldn't handle it, he was a power ranger after all) and Gia would break so meany hearts as well as put their whole ranger team in jeopardy and she had watched one too meany films with Emma to know who relationships can ruin teams. So until it was safe to do so, she would just have to keep denying Jake and try not to look in his heartbroken eyes every time.

Emma was in a similar position to her bestie. She had liked Troy from day one when he said that 'humans can overcome anything if we work together,' and with that one sentence, Emma was developing a crush on her team leader and it didn't help that they were both the sky rangers of the team meaning that they used to work together a lot. Thankfully though Orion came and she was able to at least try and shift her crush and it did sort of work... Kind of... Not really. She liked Orion shore but her feelings for Troy were still there and seeing him struggle and overcome his problems was somehow super attractive to her. Unfortunately she knew that Troy would alway put being a ranger above everything else and one of those drawbacks were inter-team relationships. But she would hold out hope with the aliens gone she could see no major reasons that they couldn't be together. For now though she would wait as she still missed Orion and secretly wanted Troy to try and make the first move.

Noah was the only member of the remaining team who didn't have a crush on anyone at the moment. Unless you count his love for science and computers in which case they were all but married. Noah might not have experience with romance but he was also smart and the only member of the team who can see apparently. He can see the his teammates liked each other, Jake and Gia were the obvious one but then there were Troy and Emma. It had occurred to him that Emma and Orion may be a better match considering the whole fake wedding thing at which Troy suggested and laughed at the suggestion of Orion kissing Emma which did admittingly seemed a little odd to the scientist; but he soon realised that to Troy if Emma was with Orion then he could burry his feelings for her as she would then be unable. Thankfully, that never came to pass and Orion left making that 'great' plan of Troy's impossible as well as making room for Tremma to happen. Yep Noah had decided that for his next experiment he would try and get his teammates together. The only remaining problem was how.

Luckily or unlucky, fate intervened...

Hey guys I hoped you liked my first fanfic. I will try and write another chapter soon bit I don't know when that will be. Feel free to let me know your thoughts and comments as well as anything I got wrong and if you have any suggestions on what should happen next let me know.

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