Battle of heart and mind

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Noah's POV
This was bad my friends and teammates were love sick and the monster that did it to them was getting away. I had to stop him. The others de-morphed with Jake and Gia immediately kissing each other which I took to be a sign that they weren't going to be much help.

"Don't worry guys I'll stop this creep and get you back to normal. Preferably still in your relationships." I told them as I prepared to chase after Heartted. I doubt any of them were listening to me but it make me feel better to reassure them and myself.

It didn't take me long to catch up to Hearttred as he was still badly injured from the fight. He made his way over to the river bank obviously trying to get to the nearby bridge. As soon as I saw him I pulled out my blaster and fired three shots at him. With the river behind him and fewer people her I thought it was safe enough for me to fire my blaster. I landed all three directly at his chest area and he fell to one knee.

"You can't stop love ranger! Even if You aren't in love it will still conquer all!" He exclaimed clearly admitting defeat. I smirked under my helmet as the perfect comeback came it mind. I saved it until I was right by him and in position for my final attack. I was already planning to use my sword and I needed to be closer for that but now I could ensure that he heard my final words to him.

"Maybe you can't stop love. But you aren't love. Your hate." I quipped as I launched my final attack. It landed perfectly and he cried out in pain and defeat as he exploded into oblivion.

"Super mega rangers that a mega win." I said to no one as he finished exploding. I turned around to check that he was defeated and noticed that the couples were snapping out of their love trance concerned by a red shimmer over their faces. I took this as a sign that the spell had worn off and decided to find the others.

As I was jogging thought the park back in my usual attire, I noticed that most of the couples were deciding to continue their Valentine's dates despite the spell being worn off. I couldn't help but smile at how happy people still seemed to be. I then got a sign of how it could go wrong

"Don't touch me I don't like you!" A girl yelled at her date. He seemed defeated by her rejection but luckily didn't peruse her as she stormed off. I then realised that may happen to my friends. I didn't want the team to be torn apart by this. I sped up my pace.

When I reached the others I was pleasantly surprised to see that they all seemed happy. Jake and Gia were hugging and swaying back and forth slightly which was a good sign but Emma and Troy were no where in sight. I approached Jake and Gia slowly and calmly still hoping to spot Troy and Emma as I walked.

"Good to see you two are still together." I said as they broke apart.

"Yep. We remember everything but I don't think that monsters power worked completely on us." Gia said smiling. Jake was grinning like a Cheshire Cat.

"What do you mean?" Why would it affect them differently and how would they know?

"We've been thinking about it and we weren't instantly love struck like everyone else, we weren't stuck to each other like everyone else and we remember what happened. Several people have snapped out of it and have no idea where they are or what happened. They just know that their on a date." Gia explained.

"Plus when everyone else got hit they instantly felt the effects but we passed out of a minute and went to some weird shared dream beach." Jack added I didn't know about the beach and Gia seemed to turn red and elbowed him I'm the chest for reminding her.

"Wait you were on a beach? In your dreams?" I had no idea what they were going on about. Luckily Gia decided to fill me in.

"When we were hit by that monster a few days ago, we blacked out when no one else did. We then went to some sort of shared dream where we were on a beach together. It was lovely and really romantic and... it was like our emotions were turned up to 100. When we woke up we still had our emotions on 100 especially love. We both decided that we would stay together as we were ourselves the entire time. I think it was the helmets to protected us from being affected like everyone else."

That was a lot to process but I was glad that they decided to stay together. Gia's theory made sense and I was willing to accept it. Now my only question was "where's Troy and Emma?"

"We're not shore. They turned pink at realising they had just kissed and Troy just grabbed Emma's hand and dragged her off somewhere." Jake piped up.

We had a feeling they needed to work some stuff out so we decided to head off to eddies to get some food and Gia sent Emma a text saying that:

When your both ready, we're over at eddies. Join us if you want but you don't have to. We think that is four were affected differently to everyone else due to out helmets. We think it enhanced our emotions. Take you time and don't join us until your ready. See you soon 😘

Hopefully by the time they get here, if they get here, they will have talked and will be together.

Hey guys I was hoping to make this the last chapter but I just got caught up in the details. But the next chapter will definitely be the finally hope you guys enjoyed and I will get that last chapter done very soon.

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