The next day at school...

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Emma's POV

Monday again. Typically the most hated day of the week but I don't mind it. We decided to meet up a little earlier this morning due to the events of yesterday and Noah wanting to do copious amounts of tests on us. It was annoying mostly due to the fact that we all told him we felt fine which we did... mostly. Ok so there was one thing that was slightly off. I loved Troy. And I knew that he did too. Somehow.

I remember after we were hit with that blast from Hearttred that we fell asleep and the dream was slightly fuzzy. I remember being on a beach with Troy at sunset, the next bit is the fuzzy bit but the thing I remember very clearly? He Kissed Me!... He finally Kissed Me!! And it was in a Dream!! Oh I was both mad and overjoyed all at the same time. But the worst part was, I think he had the same dream. We woke up shortly after that and whilst Gia, Jake and Noah were around us we immediately made eye contact and blushed so hard I'm honestly surprised that the others didn't notice. But the worst part about it is I can't seem to decide if I want to talk to him about it and confess or just ignore it and prevented it didn't happen.

As I walked in I noticed Troy was on his own waiting. Just outside the school entrance. I was the last to arrive as I took an early morning bike ride to clear my head and got a little sidetracked. Troy immediately noticed my approach and stood up straight but not quite to a soldier's attention.

"Hey Emma. Your the last to get here. Thought I'd wait for you. Plus I don't want to be Noah's next mad science project." He smiled at his last comment to our genius teammate to which I couldn't help laughing slightly. We walked in whilst chatting and the atmosphere was surprisingly relaxed. Troy didn't seem so uptight and genuinely seemed to relax. It was refreshing and I really liked it. Looks like we won't have to be awkward about the whole kiss dream thing after all. We could just... chill.

Troy's POV

Gia, Jake and Noah were at school in the science labs whilst I was able to hang back a bit thanks to a slightly longer morning run which allowed me to get to arrive slightly later than the others. Surprisingly though, Emma wasn't here yet. I text the others that I was here but that I would wait for Emma to let her know we're they were. Mostly I wanted to talk to her about what happened in that dream state thing. It was weird bu I somehow knew that we were in the same dream but I'm not shore how I know that.

After a few minutes of waiting and deliberating what I would say, I saw Emma approaching and I stood up straight from where I was leaning against the low wall.

"Hey Emma. Your the last to get here. Thought I'd wait for you. Plus I don't want to be Noah's next mad science project." I couldn't help but smile at my mostly accurate depiction of our smartest friend. She laughed and my heart loosened. My shoulder relaxed, my eyelids lowered slightly and my smile grew. I led her in and by now a few people were starting to arrive. We chatted as we walked in and all of my fear of things being awkward between us melted away into hope and bliss. Emma too seemed to be very relaxed, not concerned in any way nor being her usual supper perky self. Still perky! But just relaxed like she wasn't putting 85% of her energy into being perky but instead only 50.

We slowly entered the science lab where the others would be and Noah immediately ordered Gia who was the closest to the door to close and lock it. This worried both me and Emma partly for what Noah could possibly be doing that no one else could see but also for how far he was taking this. It wasn't unusual for Noah to lock the door when he was doing ranger stuff but this felt a tad bit excessive even by his standards. The thing that worried us most though was the fact that right in front of us was Jake. On a stool. With seemingly hundreds of wires stuck to his head.

"What is going on in here?" I asked stepping swiftly into Ranger mode and attempting to take control of Noah mad science experiment. For all we knew, the computer that the wires were attached to could fry Jakes brain in 10 seconds flat.

"I'm studying there brain waves." Noah explained with a slight evil edge which freaked everyone out slightly as well as worried us to death. "I couldn't find anything physically wrong with them so that monster must have done something physical and I'm going to find out what!" He declared.

"Noah how much sleep did you get last night?" Emma questioned, concern filling her voice to the point where she didn't even try to hide it.

"None." Noah replied plainly as if it were nothing. We were all a lot more worried for our blue comrade. I noticed there were a few takeaway coffee cup in the bin which only fuelled my concern.

"And how much coffee have you had?" I wasn't bothering hinting the concern in my voice either. I gave him a stern look pleading with him to give the right answer. What that was I don't know as no matter how much or how little coffee he had it was still deeply concerning.

"Not shore. I lost count after eight." He said still typing away madly at his computer.

"That explains a lot." Was Jakes reply as we all processed Noah's information unanimously reaching a silent consensus that Noah needed to leave. Now!

"Ok buddy let's get you some fresh air and sleep." Jake said ripping the wires off of his head as Gia opened the door, Emma grabbed Noah against his will and I went to pack up his equipment. Noah obviously protested and squirmed as Emma tried to move him out of the door but Jake quickly stepped in and they made a joint effort of getting him out with Gia helping to shove him out of the small lab and into the hall way. I quickly followed suit and after a brisk walk we thankfully brought Noah back to us senses.

Little did we know that this wasn't even close to how weird this day would get...

Sorry for the cliffhanger but this chapter is far too long already. Hope you enjoy and please comment on any and all chapters. I hope you enjoyed and I'll post again soon. Bye

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