Surprise on all sides

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Emma's POV

A few minutes later, Troy and I spotted Jake giving Gia her Valentine's present so we decided to grab Max and start the ultimate Valentine's day surprise present of all time.

Troy and I began walking over to Jake and Gia; the plan was that we would get them to focus on us whilst Max would come up behind and make them jump a bit then take them to the near by football pitch a play a quick game with them which Troy would no doubt join in just because he could and I would take pictures of them as they had fun and after Troy and I had packed up both of our picnics.

However to my surprise as we began to walk over to our targets Troy graved my hand. I instantly turned pink as I looked down at my hand a back up to Troy who was slightly looking away. I simply smiled as I squeezed his hand a little to let him know that I was ok.

Time skip cuz lazy

Gia's POV
I have to admit, Emma is the queen of surprise gifts. The kick about with a famous footballer and the football were really perfect gifts for Jake and I have a feeling that she had hand in picking out this Amazing necklace that Jake got me. He's sweet but he's not quite that good I don't think. As we were walking home in the late afternoon I was on Jake's arm and Troy and Emma were holding hands. I have to admit I'm glad they are getting on so well. Then we got the call in form Noah...

Hearttred was back.

Noah's POV
I had been sent a few pics from Jake and Emma showing how they were having a kick about on the park football field with football legend Maxwell Johnstone and I had to go and join them. However, as I was making my way across the park I noticed Hearttred blasting people and what seemed to be eating their hearts. I instantly got into a battle position and yelled that "there's a monster everyone get out of here!" but everyone just stayed in their spots staining into their partners eyes, giggling and doing other couples stuff. I knew I needed backup and fast.

I whipped out my morphed and called the others. "Guys that monsters back get to the middle of the park Fast. He seems to be collecting and/or eating peoples hearts and love.

"Ok we're on our way" Troy replied in his strong leader tone. It was surprisingly reassuring that he was in leader mode and not love struck like everyone else so that's helpful. I decided to find a good place to morph discreetly; even if all these people are love sick I would rather not risk them finding out my secret ID.

When I got back a minute later I began to try and divert Hearttreds attention away from the civilians. I had already alerted the other rangers that they should come already morphed as the people refused to move out of harms way. I began a fight with the monster but was quickly forced to go to super mega mode as he was really strong and I was admittedly out of practice. I was using my sword against his sceptre thing and we were on equal skill levels. However, I was loosing ground due to the restraint needed to keep the fight away from people though this seemed to be slightly in vain as there were people everywhere I turned. Thank fully the others soon arrived all in their super mega modes.

"What did we miss?" Troy said a bit too loud probably to annoy the monster.

"There's too many people around I couldn't risk using my blaster and hiring someone but I couldn't get anyone to leave" I said also too loud but my excuse was that I wanted the others to hear.

"So we slice him and dice him" Jake said drawing his sword quickly followed by the others as we lined up ready to fight.

We all began. To run forward and all landed a slice on him and/or his weapon sending a few sparks to the ground from the metal on metal. The monster grunted in pain as he trued to step away and recover. It was so much easier to fight him as a full team combined with how well I had softened him up beforehand.

"Why don't you pay less attention to me and more to the loves of your lives!" He said as he slammed the end of his staff onto the ground relaxing a red shock wave the hit all five of us. We seemed to be fine until I noticed that Jake and Gia were dancing about whilst Troy and Emma were hugging and all four of them were giggling like school girls.

"Hay guys! Snap out of it we're in the middle of a fight!" I yelled but it was no use. Now what was I gonna do?

Hey guys I'm going to try to make this the penultimate chapter if not then the next one will be meaning that this book is nearly complete. I am at the point now where I just want to end this and move on. I've left it for ages when I lost interest in the series so I will aim to have this completed ASAP so you guys aren't left waiting. Hope you all enjoyed and I will see you very soon. Feel free to let me know what you think as I still haven't gotten a single response from any of the previous chapters and it was really disheartening and was part of the reason I lost interest. Ill update soon I promise. Bye

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