Chapter - 11

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Did you know that you actually can never forget a face? Every single face you’ve seen during your life gets stored in your memories and gets used up later. In dreams, your brain can't just make up a face. Every single face you see in your dreams, you’ve seen somewhere once in your life. And those strange nightmares you’ve had of those terrifying looking things? You’ve seen them around too. You just can't remember. You don't want to remember.


Ella's pov:

The man notices the mask on the floor and picks it up. He stops talking to the woman at the desk and gets out of the library.
I follow him. I make sure that he doesn't see me.
He's walking fast. Looking around now and then. After a while, he reaches the road that leads to the woods. Why is he going to the woods?
He finally reaches the woods but doesn't go in it. He looks like he's waiting for someone.
Just then another man comes out of the woods. I watch them hiding behind a tree
The man says something to the man I was following. The man I was following says something back.  Then they both start walking away from the woods.
After they're gone I go inside the woods. I need to see the temple.

reach the temple and look around there's no one there.
I want to see what's inside the temple. I start walking towards the door when suddenly I feel like I'm being watched. Why do I feel like this whenever I'm near the temple. I'm really scared. Maybe I should not do this. I turn around and start walking away.
A weird noise comes from inside the temple. I stop and turn around.
I hear it again. It sounds like a muffled whimper. Is it possible that there's someone trapped in there? I quickly go to the temple door and open it.
I freeze in my spot after seeing what's inside.
There's a man there. He's tied to a chair with metal chains. There’s duck tape over his face. His hair is dishevelled.  His eyes tell me he hasn’t slept for a long time. He's looking at me with a pleading look.
In front of the man, there's a weird big star symbol drawn on the floor with something red. It has a weird face drawn in it. There are candles lit around the symbol. Nearby there's an alter. There are weird symbols and pictures of demons drawn on the walls.
This place is used for demon worshipping.
The man is looking at me with a pleading look. I should help him.
I go to untie him.
Suddenly the man's eyes widen with fear and I feel something heavy hit my head.
Before fainting, I hear, " You shouldn’t have come here"

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