Chapter 7

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They spend most of the remaining day in bed, only getting up to heat up the leftovers from last night's dinner, and decided to go out to shop some groceries together the next day to stock up on a few things she liked.

Since their disguise had worked so good when out in the city, they sure would be fine at a grocery store, too.

After another extensive breakfast in bed, they put on their new going out uniform for another stroll through the city, this time deciding to go downtown, hopping onto Staten Island Ferry simply because they could, to enjoy the beautiful view of the NYC skyline.

On deck of the ferry, she stood at the railing, feeling the wind on her face, when he stood closely behind her to bury his face in the small of her neck, taking in her scent, considering possibilities to keep her with him, in this city, forever. Knowing very well it would remain a dream for now, but wanting to make the most of the 2 weeks she was going to stay this time.

After returning to Manhattan, they slowly walked back uptown, entering an organic food market that was at short walking distance from his house.

They picked up a basket each, taking their time, feeling safe from people's glances with the additional protection of their masks while being indoors.

They moved through various departments, picking up some wine, fruit, cheese and meat.

She got so caught up in the large selection of plant-based, curelty-free body and hair care products this place carried, always researching for her own line, that they decided to split up while he gathered the rest of the stuff they had on their shopping lists.

He was now in the bread aisle, trying to decide which of the various whole-grain breads on the display would find her approval.

He fliched slightly when he heard a female voice from behind, that clearly not belonged to HER.

He turned around to look into the excited eyes of a brunette woman, in her late 20s or early 30s from what he would estimate.

"Excuse me, I never thought that I would to something like this... and I hate it to bother you right now, but.... GOD, I'm just such a huge fan... I mean of course... I mean of course I love Friends... PIVOT, Haha...but I saw all of your other stuff too... and I just... I know I would just kick myself later If I didn't do this..." she was visibly a little shy and nervous and really just an average, but very nice and polite, fan.

He took a quick glance around, a little relieved that HER light pink hoodie was nowhere to be seen. He then realized how it had come to this: some time during picking out foods, he must have absent-mindedly slidden down the hood of his sweater, exposing his characteristic hair and most of his face.

"It's allright, it's always nice to meet people who still appreciate the show."

"Yes, I still watch it all the time, I can't even tell how often I watched the Reunion already... that was just heartwarming! Thank you all so much for doing this..."

She continued her funny and heartwarming rant while putting down her backpack, digging out a notebook and a pen along with her iPhone. He could not help but smile, while he hoped she would hurry because he really did not want this girl to see who he was there with.

She opened her notebook on an empty page, and handed him book and pen.

"What's your name?"

"Megan! Thank you so much!!!"

He scribbled a few nices words and his autograph over the page and handed her the book back, then took off his mask. She shoved the notebook back into her backpack, also taking off her mask, and moved next to him to take a selfie. He could see her hand was shaking too much to even find the button on the display, and just when he was about to ask if he should take the pic for her, he saw a light pink hoodie quickly moving towards them. Before SHE had realized what was going on, Megan had also seen someone else was there.

"Excuse me, could you please take a picture of us?" Megan asked her before she could react and retreat herself. Being the sweetheart she was, she replied:

"Yeah sure"

She took the phone from Megan, snapped a quick pic while he was trying to remain calm.

When she handed Megan the phone back, their gazes met, and Megan froze in her movement, clearly recognizing the blue eyes looking at her.

She looked from her to him, back to her, clearly connecting the dots with wide eyes, that the 3 of them would never just randomly run into each other in a supermarket in New York City.

"Oh my god!" The girl whispered.

"So it's true... Wow! You have no idea how happy this just makes me! I wish you all the best!"

"Thank you..." She replied.

He could tell that Megan's mind was working full speed, contemplating if the next question she she wanted to desperately ask was appropriate in this situation.

"You know, I know that this is a lot to ask, considering your situation, but... I PROMISE that this would be just for me, and I won't show it to anyone EVER, but..."

They gave each other a short glance. The girl was really sweet and seemed so genuinely happy, that they gave eachother a quick nod, before she qickly took off  her hood and mask, moving over to Megan's other side, who handed her phone to him for him to snap the pic. The happy girl put her mask back on, clutching her phone to her chest, looking at them while they both adjusted their disguise, still being unable to process what had just happened.

Megan shook her head in disbelief, thanking them again and wishing them well, before retreating herself.

She looked at him, teary eyes saying: "That was really sweet. She was so happy..."

"Yes. Really heartwarming".

They picked out some bread and moved to the next aisle, only to run into Megan again. He was still thinking about that pic and if it really would be that bad if it got out there.

When he looked at her, he realized that she had probably thought the same thing.

She pointed at him, making clear it was his call to make and that she would be fine with his decision whatever it would be.

He cleared his throat, causing Megan to turn around.

"Hey Megan, are you on any social media?"

"Yeah, I have a private Instagram page and a small Twitter channel that I mainly use to browse and like stuff..."

"It's okay if you wanna post that pic... but, under one condition: we really would like to stock up on some things to maybe stay at home for a couple of days. So when you do, could you please wait until tonight before you do it?" he said with a questioning look.

"What the F...!" the girl breathed out. "Sorry! Yes of course! Wow!!!! Oh my god!!! Wow! Yes, I will be back at my air bnb later tonight. I could do it then? Can I tag you?"

"Yes, that's fine! And thank you, too! It was lovely to meet you" she said from under her hoodie.

Megan moved over to give them both a quick hug, thanking them for the millionth time, then hurrying off to the other direction, not sure where she even was going and what she was looking for.

He looked at her.

"Allright, let's get our stuff and get out of here, because hell is going to break loose soon" he laughed.

She laughed back at him, already getting on the move.

They got everything they needed, packed it up in bags and quickly went back home.

They stored everything away, then he fixed them a nice, easy dinner while she set the table. They enjoyed their food and wine listening to some music, before both of their phones fell into a constant buzzing.

She smiled at him "I guess our friend Megan just posted the pic".

AN: THX to my friend and occasional co-author MeganPerk89 for helping me brainstorm on where to take this story!

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