Chapter 17

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For the first time in weeks, she woke up to the sound of an alarm, and for the first time since she got here, they actually got up immediately after waking up.

This was going to be the last morning they were going to spend together with the girl before her flight back to LA the next day, and since the kid had school that day, it had been quite early in the morning.

They had all gotten up and after breakfast, the father and daughter had gone to get ready while she had cleaned up the remains.

When they came back down, the girl had hugged her tightly.

"Have save trip! And say HI to the dogs! And promise me you will be back soon!!!!"

"Honey, I promise you, I will be back in a little more than a week and then we will celebrate your Daddy's birthday together, that will be so much fun. I love you and I will miss you! But we will see each other soon again"

"Allright! I love you, too! Goodbye!"

The girl waved back through the door with one arm, while the father was walking behind her to get her to get her moving, fearing she would be late for school otherwise. Before he closed the door, he turned around to her to blow her a kiss.

She looked around the hallway and felt a little lost, before she decided to go up and pack up the part of her stuff she planned to take back to LA. They didn't have anything planned except for spending time here at home together with whatever they felt like doing, so she decided that she could use the time now that he was not there anyway so that she didn't have to do this when he got back.

She would leave around noon the next day, and she wanted to make the most of the time they had left until then. When she was done, she took off her jeans and sweater and changed back into one of his t-shirts, before climbing back under the sheets and surfing the internet on her phone for a while.

After some time, she heard voices down at the door as he seemed to be talking to someone. She peeled herself out of bed because she was curious who it was.

When she looked down the staircase, she could see him closing the door while juggling a package he obviously had received. She headed down the stairs quickly to help him with it. When she took the package from him, he explained.

"Just ran into the courier outside. Totally forgot that the merch from the second drop was being sent out already, even tough they notified me the other day. The stuff will go online next week, so it makes sense..."

"Ohhh, let's have a look!!!" She said, putting the package on the kitchen counter while he grabbed a knife. She knew that her own package would wait for her at home, but she was really excited to see how things turned out.

They opened the box and first dug out two mugs, one saying "PIVOT" , the other one "UNAGI". She had to laugh at that, as somehow it was totally him to order PIVOT on a thing you would actually tilt when  you used it. And the plain UNAGI writing was just totally his style, too. Next were a black T-shirt saying "Don't know that we know they know we know" , a red one saying "MY eyes, my eyes", a black sweatshirt with "I Ross take thee Rachel" and, her favorite: a navy hoodie that said "Mrs Ross & Mr Rachel" combined with whiskers and a mustache. Another motive they had designed together.

He looked at her when she held the hoodie in her hands.

"You know, this might all be a little too big for you, but why don't we take the pics here together? Everybody is wearing oversized stuff these days and you run around in my t-shirts most of the time here anyway, so..."

"You mean,  take pics of each other?"

"Yeah that, but we could also do a few together?!? Just have some fun, see if something nice comes from it?"

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