Chapter 12

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AN: I hope this makes up for the last chapter 🥰

She was pacing around the kitchen, trying to keep herself busy there, as this was the room that was closest to the main entrance to the house. She was positive that he had come to his senses by now, but just in case that he had not she sure as hell was going to step in case he came down the stairs and headed for that door. She had looked out the window as soon as she came down, but the guys on the steps of that house were gone by then. She had no idea what happened on that rooftop, but those paps sure knew that someone would be REALLY pissed, so they took off immediately.

She still had called the police and explained to them what happened, just in case those guys came back, and people there had been really understanding of the situation at hand and had ensured that the nearest officer would be sent their way in case they called about that again. They could not do anything about the paps hanging out on the street, she knew that, as this was a public place, but filming or photographing people on their private terrace was way across the line.

She was still processing the fight they just had. Of course she knew the day would come, this had gone WAY too smooth ever since they came clean with each other, and of course she had known that this whole publicity thing was a touchy subject for him. And rightfully so. She understood that he was so upset about that drone thing, because it was deeply unsettling that people intruded a private home like that. And she, in a way, found it sweet that he was so worried about her virtue (even if noting had happened on that behalf) that he would be risking to get into a physical fight with a pap. Because she could see it in his eyes that that exactly would have happened. And she could not let him walk into that.

She knew that he only had the best intentions and that physically hurting another person was 100% not like him. But this just flipped a switch. And she kind of understood that. Because really... if that had happened the day before, she would be lying on the couch in a ball and cry her heart out. Not because of the possibility of nude pics of her popping up, she maybe could even handle that, but because of the intimacy of this beautiful day being taken away.  But it did not really help anybody to think about that right now.

She knew that he did not really mean what he said regarding her comments starting the rumors, she really did. He had said that when he was not able to think clearly and when he was not getting his way. Still, it had hurt to hear him say it.

She looked out of the window, and there was one guy with a cap and a camera next to him again - but no remote or any kind of case that could hold a drone. Just a regular pap they really could do nothing about.

When she had cleaned every surface and had moved around every piece of equipment on the kitchen counter, she sensed a movement behind her. When she turned around, she could see him leaning in the door frame, looking at her with a sad face, keeping his distance as he was trying to pick up her current state of mind.

She looked at him, not waiting for him to speak first, and just started to explain in a tone lacking any emotion:

"By the time I got down here they were all gone. I called the police and they told me to call again in case someone shows up with a drone again, the officer closest to here will come immediately and handle it for us. As long as they remain in a public space, there is nothing they can do, but you probably knew that!"

"Jen, I can't even begin to tell you how sorry I am. I don't know, I saw that thing and then all those intimate moments we shared up there yesterday came into my mind. And then it was like someone had flipped a switch. All I wanted to do was protect THIS, protect US."

"I know."

"And I can't even begin to tell you how sorry I am for saying all those things to you. None of it was true, I wasn't in my right mind. I want you to know that."

"I know."

"Thank you for flipping that switch back on, I probably would have gone out there and lord, who knows... depending on what kind of guy that was I either would be sitting here with cool pack right now or I would have some mug shots taken... or a combination of both..."

They both put on a weak grin at that because it just seemed so surreal.

"... so THANK you from saving me from myself."

"You're welcome" She said, still keeping her distance, but if she was being honest she had already forgiven him before he even came to apologize to her.

"So what happened on that terrace? You really scared those guys off?" She chuckled

"I might have stared that thing down and given him the finger..." he smirked.

"Oh wow, I can't wait for the memes on that one..." She laughed.

He chimed in, but then started to speak in a serious tone again.

"I called Ina to have her ask around if those pics have been offered to anyone yet. And I also asked her to talk to Stephen to set up some kind of statement that we can revise. I know we didn't want to do it at first but this was so WAY out of line that I can't just swallow that pill. And I figured you probably would like it to come from both of us."

"Yes, I totally agree."

He moved over to her extending his arm to her looking into her eyes. She took a step forward and took his hand, letting him pull her into his tight embrace, and he began to whisper into her ear in a sweet tone.

"I'm so sorry for treating you the way I did. That was totally out of line! I just want you to know that I did it because I love you so damn much and I although I am happy that the world is finally to know that we are together, I think certain things just belong to US. I am okay with people knowing I love you and I know that there will be people speculating about all kinds of stuff when it comes to what is happening behind closed doors, but I don't want do fuel that. Everybody can gladly know that you are the love of my life, I would shout it from every rooftop, but I want to enjoy this love in private. Because we fought for this for so long and this is the most precious thing to me. And I will protect that at all cost."

She felt tears well up in her eyes, and all she could say was: "I love you, too!"

He patted on her back, distancing enough to look at her, now smiling. He reached up and gently wiped a tear away that was rolling down her cheek. Then he looked at her with sparkling eyes.

"And now please stop crying, Honey! I would love for you to go up to that closet and pick something nice to wear tonight."

Now, that confused her. She gave him a questioning look.

"Well actually, there is something else we need to do first. Because I want you to pick out a nice picture of us together, and then we can come up with a caption. We will need to decimate the market value of the pics those guys will be getting." He said, pointing to the door.

She was even more confused by now. Then he explained:

"I have loved you for 27 years, we just had our first fight as a couple, and I never even took you out on a first date. I can't let THAT happen" he smiled.

"I have arranged everything. There is a lovely, secluded Italian place uptown, I already booked a table there, and they will ensure our privacy. And I arranged a limo to pick us up right outside that door at 7."

"Are you serious?"

"Yes. I wanna take you out on a real date."

Wow. That caught her by surprise.

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