Chapter 15

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The next morning, it was her to be woken up by the smell of coffee, when he brought a mug infront of her face, slightly blowing the smell into her face to gently wake her up. She smiled at him when she looked into his eyes, still unable to process that soon enough, she would go back to LA and back to missing him for a few weeks, until she would come back for a few days over his birthday. It maybe would have been smarter to simply stay a while longer, but she also had her dogs wating for her return, and she had to say she missed them, too.

Of course they had talked about what could be a long-term perspective for them. She understood very well that he would never leave his daughter behind in New York and just move back to LA for her as long as the kid needed her father, and she never even considered it. And she really enjoyed being her own woman for some time, especially now knowing that he would always be there, love her and support her even if they were not physically together all the time. And while her old apprehesiveness of moving to New York had magically disappeared the moment they decided to be together -she did not dare to question the reason for her past dread against the city being related to this one special inhabitant though because she did not want to take away from her time with her ex, who still was a dear friend- she was very aware that this was not the place she wanted to live with 3 dogs, and walk them on a sidewalk between cars every day. Plus, she spend all of her life in busy cities, so that she was craving something more quiet, secluded and private by now.

She knew it had already been seeping through to the public, but all of this was the reason for her to buy property on the outskirts of the Canadian island of Cape Breton. The scenery there was breathtaking, there were hardly any people there,and you could quickly get down to New York if you wanted or needed to. This would be their save haven as soon as the place was ready to move into. It would be no problem to get the girl up there for the weekends he had her regularly, and to get down to NYC in case something occurred out of order. Her furry buddies would have all the space they needed and could live a happy life. She still would be going back to LA whenever she had work to do or whenever she missed the climate in Cali or her friends, but somehow, in the past months, her priorities had begun to shift. She was really looking forward to this new chapter in her life.

"What a view to wake up to!" She said absent-mindedly when she was once again lost in the puddles of chocolate. She seriously asked herself if she would ever get used to it.

With a gentle kiss, he handed her the mug, and while she made herself comfortable by propping up her pillow he moved their usual breakfast tray over to the bed and plopped down beside her.

On the tray was a single red rose and again, the lovely croissants she had brought back from her run yesterday.

"Oh, so you have been up for a while" She noted.

"Yeah, I thought I would return the favor when you still looked so cute in your sleep this morning, plus those things were delicious..."

"If it wasn't for all the "workout" I got I would hardly fit into any of my clothes by the end of this trip" she noted eyeing the buttery piece of pastry...

"Then so be it. Then at least you could never run away from me again" he laughed. "You still have 3 more months before you start shooting the movie, if there is any time for you to splurge it is right now..." he said.

"Oh, I am all up for it! I kind of meant that as an invitation for some more... maybe after this... because I kind of need to charge up my batteries..." She winked.

"Yeah, that sounds very tempting indeed..." he said, leaning over for a tender kiss that tasted like coffee, before he continued to speak.

"BUT, I just chatted with Cleo earlier this morning, she really would love to see you again before you head back over to LA, so I promised that we would pick her up from school today, spend the afternoon and the night with her, and then I bring her to school tomorrow morning. Zoe is fine with that, too. I know I should have talked to you first, but she really, really insisted..."

"I would love that! Sounds like a fun day! Maybe we could go to Central Park Zoo with her? I would have suggested Coney Island, but this would be quite a hassle for just one afternoon?"

"Sounds lovely. She will be all up for that! We can tell her about that Nova Scotia thing then over dinner, she will be so ecstatic!"

"Yeah, I am, too. Can't wait to have more time with the two of you! But it will take a few more months..."

"I can't wait either. I still can't believe you are doing this..."

"I need to take a step back. Have a little peace. And this is the perfect time and place."

When they were done eating, he collected everything to bring it down to the kitchen and put the dishes in the washer. At the same time, she went to the bathroom to freshen herself up and take a shower. When she stepped out, still naked, she could not be happier to see he had made himself comfortable in bed again, taking off at least his t-shirt, obviously waiting for her return.

She walked over to his side of the bed, sitting down beside him, pushing her still wet hair, that was falling in her face, over to her back. They entwined the fingers of both hands, leaning in to kiss opening their mouths to let their tounges explore each other. After some time, she pulled away, looking into his eyes, his pupils dilated with desire making them seem of an even darker brown, when he removed his hands from hers, scooting over and lift the sheets he was under to invite her in.

She found he had not only taken off his shirt, but all of his clothes in order to save her the hassle of doing so, and when she opened her mouth for another deep kiss, pulling his face closer to hers while he pressed on her butt closer to him, she felt the result of his desire already very prominent against her belly. She wrapped her leg around his hips and began to move her hips matching the rhythm of their kiss, until after a few minutes she rolled on her back to pull him ontop of her, wrapping her legs around him soon after they became one.

He looked down at her with a love reflecting in his eyes that still shook her to her core, and she was very well aware of the fact that this feeling would never pass between them. If anything, it intensified with every single day.

After they both reached their high, they remained in their position for a while, drowning in each other's eyes, rubbing noses and whispering sweet words at each other.

They stayed in  bed for another hour, making plans for the day and talking about the future ahead of them, until the alarm he had sat went off indicating that they should get up now when they wanted to get ready and pick up the girl from school like they had promised to do.

AN: in case maybe not all of you catched it already... The Nova Scotia thing is actually something that is a rumor around the Region, that she might have bought a house in Inverness. I thought it would be nice to weave this in here because it simply was fitting. Google it if you like, I found it very intriguing...

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