𝒇𝒐𝒓 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒔𝒊𝒍𝒆𝒏𝒄𝒆 𝒊 𝒃𝒖𝒓𝒚 𝒎𝒚𝒔𝒆𝒍𝒇 𝒊𝒏

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there's a rhythm to it,

a dance of words.

spin me into a twirl,

and i'll taste fresh tangerine,

bursts of bright citrus and dark leaves

with emerald gleam

as you speak of faded summer mornings,

fruit hanging low on trees,

ripe and bending the smooth branches

you have carved delicate prose into

with the curved knife

that came with your heart,

made to replace a rib.

spin me into a twirl,

but don't throw me into a leap—

i crumple on impact,

the stage cold, unforgiving.

i'm not made for the ballet.

i'm swept up in this dance of words,

pulled into its whitewater current.

drowning is blissful, relieving,

and i sink to the bottom,

the bones of the dance

clutched in my fists.

i can't swim disoriented,

the sun-warped surface 

out of sight.

conversation is an ocean,

as unpredictable

as the next wave.

but you fall with grace

into its fluidity,

and from your mouth flows

an effortless stream of insignificance,

honey sliding from the tongue

to fill the hollows of silence

some can't bear.

but i welcome it, darling,

drinking in the stillness

that sparkles down the throat

like champagne.

silence allows you to soak in

another's presence,

notice how their thoughts wander

like wispy clouds

traveling great expanses of deep violet sky

that'll soon turn dark and bloodred.

catch their ideas when they bubble up to the surface,

open up the blanketing quiet for a minute,

breathe in their voice,

store it away in your lungs

before exhaling a cherry blossom breath,

letting the petals fall gently to the ground,

because a voice isn't meant to fill,

but to warp and curve

around what's already there.

to softly press against a cheek

like a kiss

as light as a dove's feather.

was it there? that wavering touch of white flame?

to travel down to the toes

after taking a tour

through the heart,

after wanting to see where

the veins led,

where the passions cultivated.

this quiet is like a wordless song

that melts into the bloodstream,

turning it to a melodic gold.

silence is what i bury myself in,

because when i emerge,

words hold more worth

than sweet filling.



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