𝒂𝒖𝒕𝒖𝒎𝒏 𝒏𝒊𝒈𝒉𝒕𝒔

67 23 30

prompt: "stars have settled upon my lips"

another autumn/halloween-ish poem lmao <33 sorry but my favorite season is autumn so i write about it 24/7



autumn nights—

dried cinnamon


in the raw wind

that weaves through

our love-soft sweaters

like a slender knitting needle.

muted bursts of sun

stored in the leaves

of honey yellow

and crumpled-rose red.

(we are never without the sun

in this third season, my darling,

even when the moon seizes the sky,


like a polished harvest apple

dusted with silver.)

autumn nights—

stars settled upon my lips,

revealing all their secrets

that now sit heavily

on my cupid's bow.

they know i won't say a word,

even when the witches croon

a simple, stardusted spell

that has the air of rusted pennies

and burnt rosemary;

or when the ghosts peel themselves

from my walls,

curious, ever so curious,

of what the constellations hold

in their glinting spirals of light.

after all,

ghosts are akin

to these sparkling wonders—

they're both unreachable

from this limiting, earthly world,

yet you can feel their presence

with a chilling certainty

that claws up the back of your neck

like a creature

with cold breath and teeth.

autumn nights—

my raven-black hair

melting into the shadowed woods

as i'm lured into its hungry depths,

not intending

to ever emerge




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