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hiii everyone. it's 3am for me and i know it's very unhealthy to be up this late (early?) but um *racks mind for excuses* ... 

well. i wrote a poem lmao that's clearly what you're here for, so i'll stop talking about my sleep schedule or lack thereof :)))


take me down

to the rippling abyss

of the lake

when the sun falls

like a shot-down dove

into its depths

and the crickets

start to hum,

breaking the quiet

hovering like glass

over the water,

awakening the lilies

luminous in the shallows—

their stems

gently bowing with the weight

of pearly light and

faint echoes of lullabies

that refuse to fade away

after slowing young heartbeats

and kissing eyelids closed.

take me up

to the skies

when lightning

splits the blue

and smoked gray

takes over,

the clouds

strangling the sun

with thunderous hands

and drowning tears

that taste of sorrow

demanding to be heard

and felt—

let the cries

wash over your skin,

the salt

burrowing into scars

that won't close

no matter how many times

those with soft hands

and dazzling eyes

have stitched them up

with promises of love.


don't rush for the


when the storm

hasn't yet finished

its slashing song.

take me

to the edges of the earth

where the answers

can be breathed in

to dissipate

every question

caught in my lungs.

take me

to the lush garden of your soul

where i can stop

to smell every sweet rose

you've kept hidden,

grazing calloused fingertips

over dried-crimson thorns

to show you

that not everyone

who draws close

has to bleed.

take me anywhere and everywhere—

just don't leave me


when you realize

i have steel walls

around every thought,

iron bars

bended around

my dying heart,

and that i simply cannot

be explored—

i cannot be a




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