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A/N, just realised that I should be saying you, not I, so I will fix that in this chapter.
A/N hello, it's future me, I've come back and fixed the chapters before this, so you can disregard the above comment

*Second year*
"Psst, Marauders, dormitory, now" you whispered across the common room, a stack of books in your arms.
The boys raced up to their dormitory, you followed, carrying  the books, Lupa was helping by sitting on top of the books.
You entered the dormitory and dropped the books on the floor, and sprawled on the floor.
Remus had mysteriously disappeared once again.
"So why are we here, did you just wanna lie on the floor, cause if so, go to your own room" said James. You swatted him.
"No, this is ser- important" you said, if you said Serious they'd laugh.
"I think I know why Remus keeps disappearing" you said.
"Trust you to figure it out" said James
"You're such a nerd" said Sirius
"Oi, shove off" you said, "now would you like me to explain or not" you asked
"Yes please" said Peter
"Remus is a werewolf" you said
"What" asked James
"Werewolves will have scars that are tinted silver and never fade, check, they will disappear once a month and their disappearances will line up with the full moon, check, they will have a comfort food..." you trailed off
"Chocolate" said the boys together.
"Holy moley" said Sirius
"We confront him tonight" you said.
"Guess you're having another sleep over" said James
"You should just permanently move in" said Sirius
*Remus' POV*
I walked into the dormitory and the first thing I noticed was yn. She was here again, that didn't surprise me, she was practically always in our dormitory, I wondered if she'd even spent what added up to a week in her dormitory.
The second thing I noticed was Lupa, she sat at my feet, with chocolate strapped to her back, labelled Remus. I looked up to see yn infront of me.
"Are you ok" she asked
"I'm fine" I said
"You're bleeding, and you're nose is broken" she said
"I'll go to Madam Pomfrey then" I said quickly
"Episkey" said yn, mending my nose.
"Thanks" I mumbled, that spell was supposed to be crazy hard, but this was yn.
"Remus, we know" she whispered.
I bolted.
I locked myself into the bathroom and cried, how could I lose my friends so quickly. Why did yn have to be so smart.
"Alohomora". The door flung open and yn hugged me tightly.
I was shocked.
"How can you touch me, I'm disgusting, I'm a disgrace, a monster" I said, shoving her off.
"No you're not, you're Remus John Lupin, smart, funny, slightly dorky, and my best friend" yn whispered, slipping a chocolate frog into my hand.
James, Peter and Sirius came in.
"Yeah mate, you're Remus, a Marauder, not a monster" said Sirius
"Our friend Remus" said James
"And we'll always be here" squeaked Peter.
They all hugged me for what felt like hours.
Then James, Peter and Sirius went to bed.
"If you ever say you're a monster again I will make you regret it" said yn.
"I promise I won't" I said.
Sirius ran back in and dragged us out of the bathroom.
"Sleep over" shouted James.

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