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Trigger Warning, mentions of Misty and Cecilia's past.
*Misty's POV*
I flicked my braid over my shoulder, then frowned.
"This doesn't add up. We don't know Cecilia's motive! How can we prove it was her if she doesn't have a motive!" I huffed.
"Well, I mean, she hates us all!" Offered Myrtle.
"Yes. But she never really annoyed yn before all of this..." Sunny said slowly.
"Maybe she was jealous!" Cried a scratchy high pitched voice called.
I turned around and saw a very familiar face.
"What do you want Riverview?" Asked Sybil gruffly.
"Something to go right in my whole God damned life! Everyone hates me! I hate me!" Cried the girl.
"Why does everyone hate you?" I asked slowly. I don't know why I was listening to her sob story. This is the girl who bullied me so badly that I didn't want to live any more.
"Because look at me! Everyone expects me to be top b**** just because my sister was!" Cried Cecilia.
I knew of Cecilia's sister, she'd been in seventh year in my first year.
Michellie Charlotte Riverview had looked exactly the way Cecilia usually does. Platinum blonde hair, pale blue eyes and a flawless smile.
I thought back and remembered that Michellie, or Shell as everyone called her, had been in Slytherin, my own house, and had always had a pack of girls following her around. Cecilia was one of them.
Shell had always dragged Cecilia around, showing her what to do. Telling her who was worthy of living.
That's when I figured it out. Shell had been the one who found out about me being genderfluid. Shell had been the one who told Cecilia that I wasn't worthy of being here. Shell had been the real bully.
"I didn't know you had a sister..." yn said slowly.
"Of course you didn't! You only pay attention to Gryffindors." Cecilia huffed.
"Cecilia has a sister, Michellie, she was in seventh year when most of us started Hogwarts." I explained.
"She was so perfect my parents were so proud of her. She was a Slytherin, she had followers, she's a death eater, she married some pureblood, who was probably like our cousin or something. She was beautiful and she got good grades. And then here I am, failure of the family. A Hufflepuff who has tinned spaghetti for brains and looks like a train wreck!" Cecilia explained, tears welling up in her eyes.
"Everyone loves your sister, so you tried your best to be like her?" Asked Sunny.
"Yeah. I don't even know who I am." Cecilia sank to the floor.
"Ok, but why did you steal Yn's boyfriend and try to replace her?" Asked Amelia, her hands on her hips.
"Because she's got everything I want! She's smart, but also strange. Popular but her friends are loyal. Pretty but powerful. And she has Remus, I always had a crush on him." Cecilia sighed.
"So if I'm correct, Cecilia, you just want some decent friends and to impress your family?" Asked Alice.
"Yeah. But I'll never get that. I've been far too mean." Cecilia sniffed.
"You know the solution don't you?" Lily asked.
"No? What is it?"
"Apologise. Decent people will understand. But don't expect them to start hugging you every time they see you. You've done serious damage to some people, but apologising is a step in the right direction." Lily explained.
"Ok. Thanks Lily. But can you guys please not tell Dumbledore about all this. If I get expelled my parents will kick me out!" Cecilia asked nervously.
"I- you have one chance Cecilia." Said Remus flatly.
"I'll try my best to be better! Starting with apologising to all of you." Cecilia got up quickly, and wiped her eyes.
"Everyone I'm really sorry for doing all of this, bullying you all, starting rumors and causing trouble. Thankyou for giving me a second chance." She said sincerely.
Then she left.
"Well, who believes that cock-and-bull story?" Asked Myrtle.
"Not me!" Cried Remus.
"I did!" Sunny huffed.
"Guys, calm down! I can't guarantee that she's being genuine, but surely we should give her the benefit of the doubt." I asked unsurely.
"I dunno Misty, she seems like a b**** to me..." Sybil muttered.
A/N Guys, what do you reckon of Cecilia's story. Is she redeemable or too far down the track?

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