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I dare you to tell them what your gold necklace is" yn said.
"Ok, everyone, this -she pulled the necklace out of her collar- is a time-turner" Lily explained.
"Woah" Spike gasped.
"I have one too" Sunny said, pulling out a time-turner of her own.
"Why do you have a time-turner" yn asked, looking at her sister
"I still have to take certain first year clas-" Sunny was cut off by a whirring noise.
Both time-turners started spinning, a purple swirling light surrounded the group, except Marlene and Dorcas, who were the farthest away.
"What the bloody hell" asked Spike.
Suddenly you found yourselves in the same dormitory, but it looked way different.
The memory then went clouded, and the sound couldn't be heard.
Suddenly the memory cleared and the scene contained a girl.
She had raven hair, the classic Black smirk yet her eyes were e/c.
"I'm Celeste" she whispered.
"She looks like a Black but with  L/N eyes" whispered Spike. Remus nodded.
"Oh you'd know all about L/N eyes wouldn't you Moony, you could write an entire poem about Yn's eyes they sparkle in the sun and Caputure my heart" sung James. Remus blushed.
"Shut up James, there's a new memory" hissed Peter.
The memory changed to the other night when you were talking with Sybil.
"You also want a good jasper, good with one's spirit you kn--" Trelawney stopped speaking, her eyes rolled backwards and she stood rigid. Then she spoke in a deep, scratchy, ominous voice.
"Is she, making a prediction" asked Remus.
"In four years time She who shall become the most powerful witch ever to live, shall be born as the 10th month dies! She shall be born to death eater parents who never live to see her grow! Once she is born her mother shall loose the ancient magic binding her to this world! And the girl shall grow to be the key to defeating the Dark lord"
Sybil coughed several times then returned to her normal state.
"Sunny won't be pleased to have her title stolen" remarked Sirius.
The scene changed.
A small bang sounded as you landed in a purple living room.
On the coffee table was a photo of you, Lily, James, Remus, Sirius, Peter and Spike. You all looked older though. And for some reason, you and Lily wore the boy's uniform, whilst the boys wore the girl's uniform. All of you had ties around your heads, and Spike was dripping wet.
"Is that... us" asked Peter.
The entire room was strewn with books. A guitar lay on the blue rug, surrounded by lyric drafts. On the wall was a photo of you and Remus, holding hands.
"If you and Remus were a house, this is what it'd look like" said James.
"I think it is our house" whispered Remus, looking around.
The blue clock on the wall indicated it was midnight.
A soaked teenage girl entered quietly, she sat a bundle on the lounge, and called softly to it
"Mummy loves you lestie, but to protect you, it has to be this way".
"Lestie" asked Sirius.
The girl wiped a tear from her eye, then placed a letter on top of the baby. The letter was written in emerald ink.
"Hold up, emerald ink" asked Spike, looking closely.
The girl turned, her long h/c hair trailed behind her.
"The length of her hair! Sunny said when she was tiny that she'd never cut her hair again" gasped Spike.
Everyone emerged from the pensive.
"Exactly Spike! Her hair reaches nearly reaches her ankles now" you pointed out.
"S***" said Sirius.
*Sirius' POV*
Ok now I definitely had to start investigating Sunny's powers, I noticed a sort of guilty look on Spike's face. I guessed he knew about the relationship, perhaps he'd help me...

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