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*day before your birthday*
Lily, Marlene, Dorcas, Alice, James, Sirius and Peter all sat with you and Remus in your basement.
"What are we gonna do" asked Sunny as she burst in.
"You're gonna buzz off" you informed her
"Nah" said Sunny
"Suuuunnnyy, puh-lease" you begged
"Fine then" huffed your sister as she left the house and went next door.
"Now she's gone, do you guys wanna go play Quidditch in the woods" you asked
"Hell yeah" said James as he and Sirius jumped up and raced upstairs.
You grabbed your comet two twenty-seven and gestured for everyone to follow you.
James had brought plenty of spare broomsticks, as not everyone in the group owned one.
Remus and Marlene both owned a comet two twenty-five.
James and Sirius both had Nimbus 1967s, as both were on the Quidditch team.
James lent Dorcas, Alice and Peter each a cleansweep seven.
He tried to lend one to Lily but she wouldn't accept it. Instead, Sirius lent her Regulus' old Nimbus 1964.
Once everyone had a broomstick, you had to decide who would play what position.
James (chaser), Sirius (beater), Remus (keeper) and Peter (seeker) versus Dorcas (chaser), Marlene (beater), you (keeper) and Alice (seeker). Lily was refereeing and commentating.
Lyall had bewitched a gold painted golf ball to fly, so you didn't accidentally lose James' (stolen) snitch. You had one practice bludger and a rather worn out Quaffle. You also had three hula hoops tied to branches on each end of the large clearing you had found.
James was, of course, a very good chaser. That was until Marlene knocked him off his Nimbus with the bludger.
"Sirius, watch that bludger would ya" James yelled.
Sirius threw the bat at him.
As it turned out, Dorcas was a brilliant chaser too, for she scored six goals in the first half an hour.
James was very pissed as he'd scored three in that time.
What could you say, you were a keeper.
Because James was so annoyed, he threw the Quaffle at your head.
"Penalty to the girls" yelled Lily.
Dorcas easily got the penalty, it might've been because Remus was watching you, but who cares, a goal's a goal.
After the score was 90-70, to the girls, Alice spotted the 'snitch'. Peter realised she'd seen it and raced after her, but Alice was quicker. She chased it over the river, above the trees and through the hoops before she caught it.
The girls won, 140-80.
James and Sirius were very annoyed but impressed by Marlene's beater skills.

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