Sybil Trelawney

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It was the fourth week of term, and that meant it was your turn to do prefect duties with the Ravenclaw prefects. Today you were with the fifth years.
As it turned out, the male prefect, (someone by the name of... Chang?) was ill, so it was just you and Sybil Trelawney.
Sybil was an alright girl, a bit odd, though you couldn't complain about that. Sybil wore glasses which magnified her eyes so they appeared huge, a blue beaded shawl beneath her robes and far too many necklaces, even for your liking.
Patrol was rather boring that night. All you found were some lost first year Ravenclaws, two kissing Hufflepuff, and some suspicious looking Slytherins.
As you started walking across the third floor, Sybil brought up the subject of classes.
"So, what's your favourite class" asked Sybil.
"Oh, I'm not sure, I quite like Defense Against the Dark Arts" you considered.
"I like Divination a lot" said Sybil wistfully.
"Oh yeah, you're related to Cassandra Trelawney aren't you, the famous seer" you remembered.
"Oh yes! And we don't just share a name, I'm a seer too" said Sybil.
"Really? I'm not much good at Divination myself, could never see through my crystal ball properly" you sighed.
"It's probably the crystals you wear, they have to be the right ones, else they might interfere with one's inner eye" explained Sybil.
"What kind of crystals are ok" you asked eagerly.
"Well, your birthstone always brings out your strengths, so ruby is fine for you. You also want a good jasper, good with one's spirit you kn--" Trelawney stopped speaking, her eyes rolled backwards and she stood rigid. Then she spoke in a deep, scratchy, ominous voice.
"In four years time She who shall become the most powerful witch ever to live, shall be born as the 10th month dies! She shall be born to death eater parents who never live to see her grow! Once she is born her mother shall loose the ancient magic binding her to this world! And the girl shall grow to be the key to defeating the Dark lord"
Sybil coughed several times then returned to her normal state.
"Well, it's getting late," sighed Sybil "we'd best get back to our dormitories".
She seemed to have no recollection of what had just happened, as she wandered over towards the Ravenclaw tower. You were shaken though, that must've been a real prediction, someone one day would be born, someone who would grow to be the most powerful witch ever to live. You wondered how Sunny would feel to know her title would be stolen.

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