9 | Temptation

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DAY 22

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DAY 22

Honey weaseled her way out of meeting Steve at the address he left for her. 

It wasn't as if she didn't want to meet up with him to talk, it was more so that every time she circled around in front of the apartment complex the address lead her to, her heartbeat would speed up and feel like it was practically bursting through her chest. The nerves pulsated through her veins so eminently that she ended up deciding to race home, instead. 

The thought of what could have possibly happened if she had went and knocked on his apartment door kept Honey up for most of the night. People didn't just propose to meet up at their own apartment to just talk, did they? They could have had a conversation anywhere - outside of the cafe, a park, or even a restaurant. 

And that would cause Honey to mentally kick herself for assuming that Steve even had those intentions at all, especially with her

But she had come to the conclusion that the reason why she couldn't get the entire ordeal or Steve out of her head was because she wanted to know what his intentions were. Honey was seemingly curious if he truly wanted to talk, or he had hopes of more than talking. When her mind wandered towards the latter, the adrenaline would coarse through her veins again, the same feeling that kicked in each time she had an encounter with him. 

Honey didn't think her sweet soul would be able to form coherent thoughts or words if it came down to Steve wanting more than talking. 

Her heart threatened to halt anytime she even pictured it. 

Therefore, when she had woken up this morning, staring up at the ceiling with her dark waves sprawled out across her pillows - Honey had confidently made the decision to go see Rogers. After half-sleeping on it, and just maybe dreaming about it, she threw on a petite, white dress with her favorite, yellow cardigan and bolted out of her apartment.

By the time she had arrived at the complex she had rode around nervously in front of last night for an entire ten minutes, her long hair was fluffed out from the wind and her cheeks were a bright, rosy color from the colder temperature in the air today. 

This would have to suffice.

Her wobbly legs only grew even more shaky the closer she arrived to the fourth floor, pacing back and forth in the elevator on the way up in an attempt to soothe her unbalanced limbs. It wasn't until she laid her brown eyes on the apartment door with the number nineteen that the rest of her body quivered nervously. 

For a moment, Honey contemplated turning back around and heading home once more. But in a fleeting second of courage, she lifted her tiny hand to knock lightly on the door, her chest heaving anxiously as her knuckles rapped on the wood. As quickly as her conviction grew, it soon again faded, making her twirl on her heel to speed-walk back down the hallway towards the elevator.

She felt like she could hardly breathe would she heard the door open.


The sound of her name leaving his lips sounded like heaven to her ears, making her insecurely fiddle with the ends of her cardigan sleeves as she slowly turned back around. Her eyebrows were construed together tentatively as she studied the expression on his face, which appeared to be one of surprise. 

"Hi," she murmured softly, flicking her hand up in a small wave before letting it fall again. "I know I didn't show last night. I, uh, my shift lasted a lot longer than I had expected and it was late. So, I thought I would just come today instead-"


"But I shouldn't have just showed up, I don't know if you were busy," she continued, the words leaving her mouth like word vomit as her eyes looked at the ground uncomfortably. "But I also don't know how else to contact you, so I couldn't call to see if you were busy-"


"And I totally understand if I've intruded, I'm really sorry-"

And then Steve was frustratedly taking three long strides towards her, his large hands encasing her shoulders as he shoved Honey firmly against the wall - a slight whimper escaping her curvaceous lips that was immediately muffled by Steve crashing his lips against hers. Her body felt as though it had went completely limp under his touch, her hands resting feebly against his chest as he trailed his hands up her neck until they were grasping both sides of her face. She could feel the warmth of his toned abdomen as he pressed it against her, pinning her to the wall as his mouth moved with fervor over hers. 

His lips were much softer than she had imagined them to be, sweeter. His fingers tangled into her messy waves, pulling her deeper into himself, even though the space between them had completely diminished. When Honey could finally regain herself, just a smidge, her mouth parted in awe, inviting his tongue inside which he gladly accepted with a low groan erupting from the back of his throat. 

Hearing the ravishing sound emanate from him made a burst of bravery coarse through her, her weak hands reaching up to wrap around his neck, pulling him down harder against her lips. Arching her back involuntarily, their bodies pressed together desperately, fighting to be even closer to each other even though it was thoroughly impossible. 

Without warning, Steve broke the kiss - staring down at her with such intensity before lifting his head to focus on the wall above her short height, both of their chests heaving as they struggled to catch their breath. His hands were still raked through her hair, cradling her face in his palms as he swallowed loudly.

"You should go." 

Honey peered up at him through her lashes, her lips swollen and puffy from the way his had just devoured them moments ago, her heart thrashing against her chest. 

"Oh," was all she could manage to say. 

"If you don't go, I'll want to kiss you again," he admitted in a softer tone, afraid that he had given her the wrong impression before, as his blue eyes looked down from the spot on the wall to meet her brown ones. "And if I kiss you again, I don't know if I'll be able to stop." 

His hands released her now, gently allowing her to fall against the wall as she shakily inhaled a sharp breath. Unsteadily adjusting her disheveled yellow cardigan, Honey nodded timidly as she continued to peek up at him. "Okay," she squeaked. 

"Okay," he repeated her words, his eyes never leaving hers.

Honey bit down on her sensitive bottom lip, inching away from the intoxicating bubble they were currently in, sliding against the wall until she was out of arms reach - hurriedly spinning around on her heel and darting towards the elevator without glancing behind her. Once inside the confinement of the elevator, she stumbled back against the wall, reaching up to feel where his mouth has once been. Savoring the memory, the taste. 

And oh - did Steve Rogers taste so good. 

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