22 | College Party Surprise: Part One

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DAY 72

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DAY 72

Part One

"Didn't I tell you that this party would be obnoxious?"

Honey shot Parker Jensen a knowing look before training her brown eyes back on the scenery before her. It was hard to focus on all of the things that were happening simultaneously, whether it was the group of frat boys playing loud beer pong or the people that had formed a circle around the keg of beer while they chanted as another one of their own was being held upside down as he chugged.

Oh - and she couldn't forget the already hammered guys that were having a "bashing beer bottles over their head" contest.

"Is it too late to turn around and leave?" she teased softly, her eyebrows raising continuously as she watched the madness before her.

Parker chuckled under his breath as he swung his arm across the top of her shoulders, guiding her towards the entrance of the frat house. "Let's at least make an appearance, first."

Honey didn't necessarily mind the small gestures that Parker would make here and there to brush against her hand or her arm, or put his arm around her this way, but her brain always wondered back to the annoying thoughts of Steve Rogers - and what it would feel like for him to make small gestures towards her. The daily battle inside of her head was enough to leave her with a constant migraine these days.

If she thought that the actions going on in the front yard were insufferable, there wasn't a word good enough to describe the view inside the house.

There were more hormonal young people sucking each other's faces off than she could count on her hands and her feet, she was surprised the entire house didn't reek of saliva. Or sweat, for that matter, considering the amount of people that were grinding heavily on each other to the thumping of the music she didn't recognize.

"Is this how they usually celebrate the end of the year?" Honey asked facetiously, picking at her bottom lip in an attempt to hide her smile that kept tugging on the corners of her mouth - she tended to want to laugh at things that made her uncomfortable. "By throwing a make-out party?"

"Oh, yeah, it's the annual sucking face fest."

A giggle slipped through Honey's full lips as he continued to guide them through the house, stopping when they entered the kitchen where it was slightly more normal. The few lingering bodies that were around the island in the middle mostly sipped at their red solo cups and talked to others, making Honey want to hide in here for the remainder of the evening.

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